

Periodical Section has both Indian and foreign journals (printed Version) subscribed. Newspapers and popular magazines are also available for reading. At present, 20-plus print journals, 13- Magazines, 9- News Papers are subscribed. The Journal, on completion of its volume will be processed for binding. After the binding is over, the volume will be accessioned and added to the prescribed area. Necessary reading tables and chairs are provided for reading and reference.

Journals - 20
1. University News
2. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education research
3. Journal of Sugarcane Research
4. Yojana
5. Pestology
6. Kurukshetra
7. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
8. Economic Political Weekly
9. The Asian Journal of Horticulture
10. Main Stream
11. Annals of Agricultural Research
12. Spice India
13. New Studies in Athletics
14. Indian Management
15. The Management Accountant
16. Yoga Life
17. Legume Research
18. The Indian Veterinary Journal
19. Journal of Pharmaceutical research
20. Pharma Bio World
Magazines - 13
1. Business Today
2. Kaleidoscope
3. News Letter
4. DRDO News Letter
5. PharmaTimes
6. Third concept
7. India Today
8. Sky Telescope
9. National Geographic Kids
10. Electronics for You
11. Banking Services Chronicle
12. Money Today
13. Business India
News Paper - 9
1. Dinamani
2. Dinathanthi
3. Dinakaran
4. The Hindu
5.The New Indian Express
6. Dinamalar
7. Deccan Chronicle
8. Times of India
9. The Hindu Tamil