Prof. R. SINGARAVEL, B.Sc.(Ag.)., M.Sc.(Ag.)., Ph.D. (Ag.).,
Registrar i/c
Dr. R. SINGARAVEL is a Professor of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University. Graduated in 1988 and received M.Sc.(Ag.) Postgraduate degree in 1990 from Annamalai University. He holds a Ph.D. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and a Post Doc in 2010 from Murdoch University, Australia, through award of Endeavour Research Fellowship by Govt. of Australia. The Indian Society of Soil Science , ICAR awarded him the Best Ph.D. thesis in 1999. He has implemented multiple research projects that have been supported by various financial agencies like the Department of Science and Technology, National Medicinal Plants Board, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, University Grants Commission and other agencies.
Travelled to many nations, including United States, Australia, China, Paris, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Dubai, to deliver research papers at international Conferences. In addition to presenting 115 research papers at national and international conferences, he has around 97 research papers published in national and international journals. He has guided more than 13 Postgraduates and Ph.D. students.
He has written five research manuals and six books. Served as conference chair and keynote speaker in addition to giving a number of invited lectures. He has been a Executive council member of the Indian Society Coastal Agricultural Research and other professional bodies.
He has been examiner for evaluating PG and Ph.D. thesis from other Universities. He has organised national and International Conferences. He was also a NSS Programme Officer and RRC coordinator in Annamalai University. He served as Joint Controller of Examinations and Director of Distance Education at Annamalai University.