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Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture(CNFSA)

      Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture (CNFSA), Annamalai University was established in February 2022 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University.

      The centre is located in Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai Nagar at latitude of 11°. 24́ ́N, longitude of 79˚.4 ́E and altitude of + 5.79 m.

          The Green Revolution witnessed the widespread use of inorganic fertilizers and chemicals which is thought to have helped many industrialized and developing countries in maintaining food security. On the other hand, it has brought with it an excessive use of fertilizers resulting in soil health imbalance by eradicating beneficial soil microorganisms. Toxicity and residues of the agro-chemicals in farm production are the main problems faced by mankind today. Application of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and the synthetic substances over a long period resulted in poor soil fertility, human and animal health hazards, disturbed eco-system all leading to decrease in productivity and reduced fertility. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has given a dire warning that up to 40% of the planets land is already degraded, directly affecting half of the humanity. It predicts more disastrous consequences by 2050 if appropriate action is not taken. A peoples’ movement is needed for reversing the soil degradation that is fast expanding across the planet. Going forward, we need a sustainable management of soil which improves its productivity without harming “Mother Earth”. It is at this context, Natural Farming, a type of sustainable agriculture that uses inputs from natural sources, follows the laws of nature, and respects the rights of crops and livestock gains momentum. This strategy works in tandem which each farmed area's natural biodiversity, allowing the complexity of living species, both plants and animals that shape each ecosystem to survive alongside food plants. Natural farming has been followed in India for centuries but that was by default not by design. Covid has brought us the realization of how important it is to eat healthy food and build immunity. Our effort is to revive this way of agriculture which is both, eco-friendly and health-friendly.

Our vision is to:
  • Become an efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable model of natural farming that can be adopted by the local farming co.mmunity.
  • Conserve the Mother Soil, Water and to double the farmers income through research and technological innovations in natural farming.

Our Mission is to:
  • Handhold the farmers by providing periodical training with practical demonstration.
  • Prepare a clear cut implementable road map for Natural Farming.
  • Enhance organic activities in agriculture, allied sectors like Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.
  • Provide on-farm and off-farm advisory services on natural and organic farming.

  • To enhance the knowledge of farmers on improvements of soil health management, land productivity and production of quality crops.
  • To support the farmers on all stages of production to certification and marketing
  • To create awareness through print and electronic media.
  • To impart training on natural farming with value addition in both online and offline modes.
  • To facilitate the farmers visit the center to induce on-spot learning as the quote says “Seeing is believing”.
  • To develop new inputs in accordance with natural farming.

                    Professor of Agronomy




    Staff Name




    Dr. K. Arivukkarasu

    Assistant Professor


    Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

    Dr. S. Srinivasan

    Associate Professor


    Genetics and Plant Breeding

    Dr. S. Vennila

    Assistant Professor


    Agricultural Microbiology

    Dr. P. Sivasakthivelan

    Assistant Professor


    Plant Pathology

    Dr. K. Rajamohan

    Assistant Professor


    Agricultural Entomology

    Dr. N. Muthukumaran

    Assistant Professor


    Agricultural Economics

    Dr. D. Velmuragan

    Associate Professor



    Dr. D. Dhanasekaran

    Assistant Professor


    Agricultural Extension

    Dr. P. Ramesh

    Assistant Professor


    Animal Husbandry

    Dr. S. Kothandaraman

    Assistant Professor


  • SCSP Demonstration Programme in 3 Districts of Tamil Nadu sponsored by ICAR – IIRR Hyderabad
  •     Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture organized the ICAR-IIRR sponsored demonstration and training programme for rice farmers in Cuddalore, Thiruvarur, Thanjavur famers under SCSP scheme on 12th March, 2024. Under the SCSP, inputs like sprayer, tarpaulin and bio stimulants were distributed to the 154 beneficiaries. In this programme, Dr. M. Prakash, Controller of Examination given the special address. Dr. A. Angayarkanni, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture given the presidential address.Dr. R. Raman, Director, CNFSA given the welcome address.

  • One day mega programme for the farmers in the name of “JaivikEvmPrakritikKisanSammelan” (Mega Event)
  •     Regional Center for Organic and Natural Farming (RCONF), Bangalore and Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University jointly organized one day programme for the farmers in the name of “JaivikEvmPrakritikKisanSammelan” (Mega Event) on 1st February 2024. Prof. RM. Kathiresan, Vice-Chancellor, Annamalai University has delivered the Inaugural address. Special address was given by MrsShobana Kumar. Regional Head, APEDA, Chennai. More than 500 farmers were participated in the programme. Dr. A. Angayarkanni, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture given the presidential address Dr. R. Raman, Director, CNFSA given the welcome address.

  • CNFSA and MANAGE collaborative online training program on “Agri Export”
  •     Online Training Program for the Assistant Professor/Scientist/ KVK SMS / Agri Entrepreneurs / District level officers / Students / NGOs/FPOs/Others on “Agri Export” Organized byCentre For Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, (CNFSA), AnnamalaiUniversity in Collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad and Ministry of Agriculture andFarmers Welfare, Government of India from 12th – 14th December, 2023. More than 220 participants participated in the online training programme from the various part of India. Dr. A. Angayarkanni, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture given the Inaugural address. Dr.Shalendra, Director (Agricultural Marketing)ICAR - MANAGE, Hyderabad given the presidential address. . Dr. R. Raman, Director, CNFSA given the welcome address.

  • Five One day farmers training and demonstration on organic and natural farming
  •     Regional Center for Organic and Natural Farming (RCONF), Bangalore and Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University jointly organized five one day training cum demonstration programme for the farmers of Cuddalore, Mayiladuthurai, Kallakurichi Districts from 4th to 8th December, 2023. Totally 250 farmers were participated in this programme and for all the farmers, Jeevamirtham preparation kits were distributed at free of cost.

























  • CNFSA and MANAGE collaborative online training program on “Natural Farming”
  •     Online Training Program for the Agricultural Officers, Deputy Directors, Joint Directors,Additional Directors from Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Technicalstaff of allied departments (Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forest and RuralDevelopment), Subject Matter Specialist and Ph.D. Scholars and PG of SAU/ KVKs/ICAR/ Other recognized Agricultural institution on “Natural Farming” Organized byCentre For Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, (CNFSA), AnnamalaiUniversity in Collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad and Ministry of Agriculture andFarmers Welfare, Government of India from 10th – 12th August, 2023.

  • Capacity Building Adaptation Technology (CAT) Program for 3 districts farmers of Tamil Nadu sponsored by NABARD
  •     Capacity Building Adaptation Technology (CAT) Program Organized by Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture (CNFSA), Annamalai University Supported by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development for 3 districts farmers of Tamil Nadu.

  • International conference on “Biodiversity, Climate change and Sustainable Agriculture towards Food Security”
  •     Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University organizedan International Conference on “Biodiversity, Climate change and SustainableAgriculture towards Food Security” with the partial financial supported by RUSA 2.0 on 9th and 10th March,2023.Prof.RM. Kathiresan, Vice Chancellor of Annamalai University has delivered the Inaugural Address and Mr.A.S.Marimuthu, IFS, Conservator of Forest has delivered a special address at the inaugural function. Dr. M. Senthilkumar, Director of Research, Central Coffee Research Institute and Prof. S. Thirumeni, PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal delivered Keynote address. Around 200 delegates participated from Puducherry, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Orissa, West Bengal and Goa as Nationaldelegates and seven scientists participated from Vietnam, Thailand and USA asInternational delegates through online mode. Best poster and oral paper presentation awards were distributed at valedictory function. Dr. N Chandragiri Cheralu delivered the valedictory address. Dr. A. Angayarkanni, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture preside over the function andDr. R. Raman convenor of the conference proposed the vote of thanks.

    • Friends of coconut training for youth and unemployed peoples
    •     Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University andCoconut Development Board, Chennai jointly organized one week Friends of CoconutTraining (FOCT) programme for 20 Youth and Unemployed peoples from 20th February 2023 to 25th February, 2023. Every day, the trainees attended the theory and practical classes delivered by subject matter experts. The trainees received practical instruction from the official trainers regarding tree climbing alongside climber. On the last day of the programme, coconut climbers with 5lakh insurance were distributed to all the trainees. Dr. M. Prakash, Controller of Examination participated as chief guest on the valedictory function.

    • ICAR – Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Ooty and Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University jointly organized2 DaysNational workshop cum stakeholders meets on Climate Resilient Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture (Hybrid mode)
    • National workshop cum Stakeholders meet on Climate Resilient Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture – Organized by ICAR-IISWC, Research Centre, Ooty and Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University Inaugural Function of National workshop cum Stakeholders meet on Climate Resilient Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture Chief Guest of the National Workshop Cum Stakeholders meet – Dr. R. M. Kathiresan, Vice – Chancellor, Annamalai University through hybrid mode Team of National Workshop Cum Stakeholders Meet on Climate Resilient Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture
  • CNFSA Foundation Stone Laid Programe
    CNFSA foundation stone laid by our Honourable Vice-Chancellor of Annamalai University Prof. Rm. Kathiresan, Ph.D., D.Sc., andDr.V. Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 13-06-2022.
  • Gram Pradhas Awareness Training were conducted for Four Districts of Tamil Nadu
    Gram Pradhas Awareness Training were conducted for four Districts of Tamil Nadu in collaboration with MANAGE. Hyderabad and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India was organized by the centre.
  • Cuddalore District program was held on 27thMay,2022
    This program was conducted on virtual mode and Cuddalore District program was organized on 27th, May 2022. Our honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. RM. Kathiresan was the Chief Guest and delivered the inaugural address. Mr. S. Ravichandran B.Sc.(Ag.) Joint Director of Agriculture, Cuddalore District offered the felicitation. 250 Village Presidents participated through online from their respective blocks.
  • Mayiladuthurai District program was held on 28thMay, 2022
    Mr. S. Rajakumar, Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), Mayiladuthurai constituency was the guest of honour and delivered the inaugural address. Mr. J. Sekar M.Sc.,(Ag.), JDA Mayiladuthurai andProf. Dr.K.Kanagasabapathi offered their felicitations. 220 Village presidents participated in this awareness program.
  • Thiruvarur District Program was organized on 30thMay 2022
    Mr. A. Ravindran JDA was the chief guest and delivered the inaugural address Dr.V. Radhakrishnan, Project – Director, ICAR – KVK Needamangalam and Dr. A.Sundari, Professor of Agronomy offered their felicitation. 220 Village Presidents participated through online.
  • Thanjavur Districts program was organized on31stMay 2022
    Dr. K.R. Sundaravaradharajan, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture was the chief guest and delivered inaugural address. Dr. K. Subramanian, Director Tamil Nadu, Rice Research Institute and Dr. V. Imayavaramban, Professorand Head offered their felicitation. 325 Village Presidents were participated through online mode.

  • 84th Birthday of Iyarkai Velan Vingyani Thiru G. Nammalvar Celebration.
         84th Birthday of Iyarkai Velan Vingyani Thiru G. Nammalvar celebrated on 06.04.2022 at the Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Dr. K.R.Sundaravaradharajan, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Participated as the Chief Guest. All the Heads of the Departments, Staff Members, PG and Ph.D. students participated and tree saplings were distributed to the students to plant in the Campus.The program was organized byDr. R. Raman, Director, CNFSA.

  • Celebration of the 84th Birth Anniversary of IyarkaiVelanVingyaniThiruG. Nammalvar – Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Annamalai University Special Address was given by Dr. K.R. Sundaravaradarajan, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University


    Dr.R. RAMAN

    PROFESSOR of AGRONOMY & DIRECTOR in Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture
    Department of AGRONOMY
    E-Mail : ramanagron@gmail.com