Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 01337
Designation : PROFESSOR of Civil Engineeiring & Direc.ED&ADMN/Advisor, DSDE
Qualification : B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Water and Wastewater Engineering; Study on Micro and Macro organisms in water, wastewater and Solid waste treatment
Date of Birth : 13-07-1964
Date of Joining : 01-07-1987
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Professor of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Annamalai Universtiy,
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 2020
Ph.D. 1010

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 912---
Conducted --4-2

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 3-43,09,000
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
37 Years6 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
10 25 - - 1 -

List of Publications - National
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Campus Monitoring system for Annamalai University by open source software and modern surveying application.", International Journal of Engg. Science and Tech., Volume 8, Number 6, 2016, pp. 89-96. 2016.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Effect of temperature on biodegradation of textile dyeing effluent using pilot scale UASB Reactor.", International Journal of Envioronmental and Agricultural Research, Volume 3, Number 7, Jul 2016, pp. 1-6. 2016.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Evaluation of Radioactivity in soils of Chidambaram Taluk of Cuddalore District (Tamilnadu, India).", IJAR, Volume 1, Number 9, 2015, pp. 758-765. 2015.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "A Correlation study on Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Dairy Wastewater.", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 7, Number 2, 2015, pp. 89-91. 2015.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Kinetics model for growth of Bacillus subtilis during naphathalene and anthracene biodegradation.", Asian Journal of Microbilogy, Biotechnology and Environmental Science, Volume 16, Number 4, 2014, pp. 1207-1213. 2014.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Startup regime of a two phase up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.", J. Ind. Pollut. Control , Volume 26, Number 2, 2010, pp. 225-230. 2010.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Effect of enhancement techniques on the biological stabilization of municipal solid waste using In-vessel composting system.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, Volume 25, Number 2, 2009, pp. 161-166. 2009.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Use of Biomass as an alternative fuel in S.I. Engine- Emission and Comparative studies with conventional fuels.", Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Volume 13, Number 5, 2007, pp. 1-6. 2007.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Removal of hexavalent Chromium by biosorption.", Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Volume 13, Number 3, 2007, pp. 611-614. 2007.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Removal of Hexavalent Chromium by using Biowaste material as Adsorbent.", Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Volume 13, Number 3, 2007, pp. 312-316. 2007.
List of Publications - International
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Alleviation of toxic hexavalent chromium using indigenous aerobic bacteria isolated from contaminated sites of tannery industry.", Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 16, Number 6, 2015, pp. 14-16. 2015.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Isolation and identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from crude oil exploration bore well sludge.", Bioremediation Journal., Volume 16, Number 3, 2012, pp. 141-146. 2012.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Estimation of horizontal diffusivity on East coast of peninsular India.", International J of Eng. and Tech., Volume 3, Number 5, 2011, pp. 327-333. 2011.
Arutchelvan V. et al., "Biodegradation of 2-cholorphenol in an anaerobic batch reactor using starch as co-substrate.", Pollution Research , Volume 30, Number 4, 2011, pp. 153-157. 2011.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Influence of hydraulic retention time in two-phase Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating textile dye effluent using sago effluent as the co-substrate.", Environmental Science and Pollution Research , Volume 18, Number 4, 2011, pp. 649-654. 2011.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Treatment of textile dyeing wastewater using two-phase pilot plant UASB reactor with sago wastewater as co-substrate.", Chemical Engineering Journal , Volume 166, Number 1, 2011, pp. 10-14. 2011.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Biokinetic analysis on treatment of textile dye wastewater using anaerobic batch reactor.", Bioresource Technology , Volume 102, Number 2, 2011, pp. 627-632. 2011.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Startup characteristics of HUASB and UASBreactors for treating tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream : A comparision.", Pollution Research, Volume 29, Number 1, 2010, pp. 99-104. 2010.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Recycle in Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor on treatment of real textile dye effluent.", World J Microbiol. Biotechnol., Volume 26, Number 6, 2010, pp. 1093-1098. 2010.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Biomineralization of textile dyeing effluent in two phase hybrid UASB reactor using tapioca starch effluent as a co-substrate.", International Journal of Environmental and Waste Management, Volume 3, Number 3/4, 2009, pp. 354-365. 2009.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Kinetics of high strength phenol degradation using Bacillus brevis.", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 129, Number 1-3, 2006, pp. 216-222. 2006.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Biodegradation of high strength phenol using a salt tolerant Serratia marcescens.", Annamalai University Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume -, Number -, 2005, pp. 30-33. 2005.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Biodegradation of Cyanide using Bacillus megaterium.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control. , Volume 21, Number 2, 2005, pp. 247-254. 2005.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Removal of natural tannin from tannery wastewater using Sequencing Batch Reactor, SBR,.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control. , Volume 21, Number 2, 2005, pp. 424-429. 2005.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Isolation and identification of novel high strength phenol degrading bacterial strains from phenol-formaldehyde resin manufacturing industrial wastewater.", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 127, Number 1-3, 2005, pp. 238-243. 2005.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Physico-chemical characteristics of wastewater from Bakelite manufacturing industry.", Indian Journal of Environ. and Ecoplanning., Volume 8, Number 3, 2004, pp. 757-760. 2004.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Noise pollution in Chidambaram Town- Its impact on Human Environment.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control. , Volume 20, Number 2, 2004, pp. 205-210. 2004.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Determination of Biokinetic Coefficients for Dairy Wastewater.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control. , Volume 20, Number 1, 2004, pp. 15-23. 2004.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Groundwater quality and soil characterization of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills of Chidambaram Town.", Journal of Pollution Research. , Volume 23, Number 2, 2004, pp. 379-382. 2004.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Power generation with biogas: An effective & economic way for sustainable agriculture and pollution free environment.", Ecology, Environment and Conservation. , Volume 8, Number 1, 2004, pp. 7-9. 2004.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Decolourization of Textile Mill effluent by Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus.", Asian Journal of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Science. , Volume 5, Number 4, 2003, pp. 615-617. 2003.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Biodegradation of Lignin by Aspergillus niger.", Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Science., Volume 5, Number 4, 2003, pp. 611-614. 2003.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Degradation of Lignin from pulp and paper industry effluents by Sporotrichum pulverulentum.", Journal Current Science, Volume 3, Number 1, 2003, pp. 99-104. 2003.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Decolourization of Textile Mill effluent by Sporotrichum pulverulentum.", Indian Journal Environ. and Ecoplanning, Volume 7, Number 1, 2003, pp. 59-62. 2003.
Arutchelvan V. et al. , "Noise Pollution in Textile Mill-A case study.", Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, Volume 18, Number 1, 2002, pp. 69-76. 2002.
List of Book Published
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Fellow of National Environmental Science Academy - FNESA LM 2082
Institution of Engineers (India Chapter) - F-1226165
Member, Indian Society for Technical Education - LM 1250
List of Awards
FELLOWSHIP OF THE YEAR AWARD-2019 - NESA Award committee - 2019