Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04731
Name : Dr. A. RAJA
Qualification : B.E.,M.E., Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 07-05-1971
Date of Joining : 18-08-2000
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
No.62,Mannarkudi St.,
Chidambaram-608 001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 45
Ph.D. 00

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 1-5-5
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
24 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
1 9 - 1 - -

List of Publications - National
A.Raja, "Fumigation of Methanol in Diesel Engine through Recovering Waste Heat from Exhaust Gas with Fuel Additives.", IE(I) Journal.MC, Volume 83, Number 1, Jan 2003, pp. 153-157. 2003.
List of Publications - International
M.Arangarajan,A.Raja and W.Christ Raj, "The Study of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Mechanical Engineering:A Comprehensive Overview. .", Journal of Xidian University , Volume 18, Number 4, Apr 2024, pp. 1324-1329. 2024.
M.Arangarajan,A.Raja and W.Christ Raj, ".Analysis DI Diesel engine powered by Algae Methyl ester Performance, Emission and Combustion. .", Journal of Xidian University , Volume 16, Number 8, Aug 2022, pp. 210-221. 2022.
M.Arangarajan, Dr A.Raja, Dr M.Athimoolam, "Reneuvable Bio-fuel Emission Characteristics and Performance of a Diesel Engine.", Tierarztliche Praxis, Volume 41, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 620-631. 2021.
Arangarajan M, Raja A , and Syed Aalam C, "Performance enhancement of CRDI Diesel Engine by chlorella migroalgae - derived methyl ester with high pressure fuel injection.", Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, Volume 24, Number 1, Jun 2020, pp. 93-101. 2020.
M.Arangarajan, A.Raja, W.Christraj, "CHARACTERIZATION OF JATROPHA AND CHLORELLA VULGAGARIS METHYL ESTER IN CRDI DIESEL ENGINE.", High Technology Letters, Volume 26, Number 11, Nov 2020, pp. 284-303. 2020.
M.Arangarajan, A.Raja, W.Christ Raj, "Analysis the performance ,Emission and Combustion of DI Diesel Engine Powered By Algae Methyl Ester.", PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, Volume 17, Number 9, Sep 2020, pp. 1768-1777. 2020.
K.Adityan , R.Soundararajan , P.AshokVarthanan , A.Raja and B.Prem Anand, "Experimental investigation on a diesel engine fuelled by algae methyl ester with additives .", International journal of Ambient Energy , Volume 39, Number 4, Mar 2019, pp. 1-11. 10.1080/01430750.2019.1594368.
Raja.A, "Exhaust System Retrofit for Improving the Thermal Performance and Lower Emission Levels in A C. I Engine.", Applied Engineering Research, Volume 7, Number 6, Jun 2012, pp. 591-598. 2012.
Raja.A, "ON THE EVALUATION OF DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM RETROFIT FOR IMPROVED THERMAL PERFORMANCE AND REDUCED EMISSIONS.", Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Volume 1, Number 3, Oct 2012, pp. 421-429. 2012.
List of Conferences - International
C.G. Saravanan, B. Saravanan, J. Sitharthaseelan, Sudhakar, A. Raja and AR. Sharavanan, Fumigation of methanol and fuel additives in a diesel engine testing the performance and emission characteristics, SAE technical paper series, Oct 21-24, 2002, San Diego, California USA, pp. 2722-2727. USA, SAE Inthernational.