Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04735
Qualification : M.Sc.(Ag.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Biological Control of Plant Pathogen
Date of Birth : 04-05-1968
Date of Joining : 21-08-2000
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Faculty of Agriculture
Annamalai University,
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 82
Ph.D. 42

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 34532
Conducted --1--

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 1165120800
Ongoing 2149452400
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
24 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
27 43 3 2 2 -

List of Publications - National
T Sivakumar, A. Muthukumar, K.Sanjeevkumar, P. Balabaskar and S.Sudhasha, "Study of bioefficacy and phytotoxicity of azoxystrobin120+ tubuconazole 240 SC against sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) diseases in rice..", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry., Volume 8, Number 3, 2019, pp. 1882-1886. 2019.
K.Sanjeevkumar, A.Muthukumar, T.Sivakumar, S. Kumar and P.Balabaskar, "Efficacy of application of S. marcescens, FYM and micronutrient mixture on the incidence of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense) of main and ratoon crop of banana .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 3, Jan 2019, pp. 731-741. 2019.
S.Sudhasha, P.Balabaskar, K.Sanjeevkumar and L.Vengadeshkumar, "Eco-friendly management of basal rot of onion incited by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cepae.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 431-437. 2019.
M.Subharathinam, K.Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and S.Kumar, "Bio –efficacy of culture filtrate of Serratia marcescens and oil cakes against on the growth of Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz. causing damping-off of brinjal .", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry., Volume 8, Number 3, 2019, pp. 3113-3116. 2019.
K.V.Neha, P.Balabaskar and R.Naveenkumar, "Survey and occurance of Rhizocatnia solani (Kuhn) causing Sheath blight of rice and in vitro efficacy of bacterial antagonists against Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn).", Journal of Environmental Biology, Volume 37, Number spl issue, May 2016, pp. 1421-1427. 2016.
T.sivakumar, K.Sanjeevkumar and P.Balabaskar, "Variability in Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. Causing Stem rot of Groundnut.", Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Volume 6, Number spl- II, May 2016, pp. 92-99. 2016.
K.Sanjeevkumar, T.Sivakumar and P.Balabaskar, "Efficacy of combination of delivery systems with Bacillus substilis on the incidence of Damping off caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz. And Growth and yield of tomato.", Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Volume 6, Number spl- II, Jun 2016, pp. 100-105. 2016.
P.Balabaskar, T.Sivakumar and K.Sanjeevkumar, "Mycoparasitic effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens on Bipolaris oryzae the incitant of Brown spot of Rice (Oryza sativa) .", Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Volume 6, Number spl- II, Feb 2016, pp. 88-91. 2016.
K.V.Neha, P.Balabaskar and R.Naveenkumar, "Survey and occurance of Rhizocatnia solani (Kuhn) causing Sheath blight of rice and in vitro efficacy of bacterial antagonists against Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn).", Journal of Environmental Biology, Volume 37, Number spl, Oct 2015, pp. 1421-1427. 2015.
P.Renganathan, T.Sivakumar and P.Balabaskar, "Efficacy of plant extracts and oil cake extracts on the mycelial growth of Pythium aphanidermatum in chilli.", Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 17, Number spl, Sep 2015, pp. 403-407. 2015.
P.Balabaskar, P.Renganathan and T.Sivakumar, "In vitro Inhibition of Sesame Root rot Pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina by Native Antagonists.", Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 17, Number spl, Mar 2015, pp. 426-431. 2015.
T.Sivakumar, P.Balabaskar and P.Renganathan, "Interaction effect of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici and Meloidogyne incognita on the pathogen population, wilt incidence and growth Parameters of tomato.", Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 17, Number spl, May 2015, pp. 422-425. 2015.
K.Sanjeevkumar, T.Sivakumar and P.Balabaskar, "Screening various carrier materials for commercial formulation and Effect of soil application with Trichoderma harzianum on the incidence of Macrophomina phaseolina (TASSI) GOID. Causing Groundnut root rot.", Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 17, Number spl, May 2015, pp. 418-421. 2015.
S.Sundaramoorthy and P.Balabaskar, "Evaluation of combined Efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis in managing Tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol).", Plant Pathology journal , Volume 12, Number 4, 2013, pp. 154-161. 2013.
S.Sundaramoorthy and P.Balabaskar, "Bio control efficacy of Trichoderma spp. against wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici..", Journal of applied biology & biotechnology, Volume 1, Number (03), Oct 2013, pp. 36-340. 2013.
T.Meera, P.Balabaskar and L. Vengadesh Kumar , "Potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Eucalyptus globules extract on inducing defense molecules against Rice Sheath rot disease.", Annual of Plant Protection and Science. , Volume 21, Number 2, Jul 2013, pp. 315-321. 2013.
L.Vengadesh Kumar and P.Balabaskar, "Survey, isolation, characterization and pathogenicity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing bacterial leaf blight disease in Rice.", Annual of Plant Protection and Science. , Volume 21, Number 1, Mar 2013, pp. 131-135. 2013.
Raja Mohan, K and P.Balabaskar., "Survey on the incidence of Groundnut Root rot disease in Cuddalore District of Tamil nadu and assessing the cultural characters and pathogenicity of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid..", Asian Journal of Science and Technology , Volume 3, Number 4, Mar 2012, pp. 90-94. 2012.
S.Sundaramoorthy and P.Balabaskar, "Consortial effect of endophytic and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for the management of Early blight of tomato incited by Alternaria solani..", Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology , Volume 3, Number 7, Nov 2012, pp. 142-145. 2012.
K. Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and A.Muthukumar., "Occurance of wilt of banana and variability in pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense) in cuddalore district of tamilnadu, India..", J. mycol pl pathol, Volume 40, Number 3, Aug 2010, pp. 473-475. 2010.
P. Renganathan,A.Eswaran and P.Balabaskar., "Evaluation of various substrates for the spawn and bed preparation of Pleurotus eous..", Advance in Plant science, Volume 23, Number 1, Jun 2010, pp. 61-63. 2010.
M.Thamarai selvi, P.Balabaskar and V.Kurucheve., "Field evaluation of certain animal excreta against brown leaf spot of rice (Helminthosporium oryzae (Breda de haan) Subram. And Jain).", Advances in plant sciences , Volume 21, Number 1, Jul 2008, pp. 51-53. 2008.
A.Muthukumar, A.Eswaran, K.Sanjeevkumar and P.Balabaskar, "Antifungal activity of some medicinal plants and weeds on leaf spot of Tuberose caused by Alternaria polyanthi.", agriculture journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Aug 2008, pp. 259-262. 2008.
T.Sivakumar, A. Eswaran and P.Balabaskar, "Evaluation of Biocontrol agents for the management of Fusarium wilt and Root –knot nematode disease complex of tomato under field condition.", agriculture journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Aug 2008, pp. 249-258. 2008.
D. Senthilnambi, P. Balabaskar and A. Eswaran, "Effect of Different Casing material on the Yield of Calocybe indica.", agriculture journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Jul 2008, pp. 235-238. 2008.
.Balabaskar, D.Senthilnambi and V. Kurucheve), "Effect of Organic Amendments on the Survivability of Bio control agents in Sesame Rhizosphere.", agriculture journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Mar 2008, pp. 245-248. 2008.
P. Renganathan,A.Eswaran and P.Balabaskar., "Effect of various additives to the bed substrate on the sporophore production by Pleurotus flabellatus(Berk. And Br.) Sacc..", Mysore journal of agricultural science , Volume 42, Number 1, May 2008, pp. 132-134. 2008.
List of Publications - International
R. Yuvarani, K. Raja Mohan, P. Balabaskar and K. Sanjeevkumar, "Induction of defence- related enzymes in onion by using combined application of fungal and bacterial biocontrol agents with AM fungai against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 21-24. 2020.
M.Subharathinam, K.Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and S.Kumar, "Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Pythium species from brinjal growing tracts of Erode and Cuddalore district.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 3411-3416. 2020.
K. Sanjeevkumar, T. Sivakumar, K.R.Saravanan P. Balabaskar, and S. Sudhasha , "Efficacy of seed plus soil application of Bacillus cereus on the root rot (Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid. ) incidence and plant growth of groundnut.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 1217-1221. 2020.
K. Sanjeevkumar, P. Balabaskar, T. Sivakumar, R. Kannan and K.R.Saravanan, "Bio –efficacy of culture filtrate of Bacillus cereus against on the growth of Macrophomina phaseolina causing root rot of groundnut and different organic amendments on the survivability of Bacillus cereus.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 1547-1550. 2020.
K. Papitha, K. Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and S.Kumar, "Bioefficacy evaluation of Serratia marcescens against anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magnus) Briosi & Cavara) disease in Dolichos bean.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 493-496. 2020.
K. Papitha, K. Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and S.Kumar, "Mycoparasitic effect of Serretia marcescens and Allium sativum on the anthracnose incidence, plant growth and induced systemic resistance of dolichos bean. .", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 2249-2255. 2020.
M.Subharathinam, K.Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and S.Kumar, "Effect of seed and soil application with different doses of Serratia marcescens on plant growth and incidence of damping-off (Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz.) of brinjal under pot culture .", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number Supplement (1), 2020, pp. 1889-1894. 2020.
K. Sanjeevkumar, P. Balabaskar, T. Sivakumar and P. Renganathan, "Effect of bacterial antagonists against root rot of cowpea caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number Supplement (2), 2019, pp. 2430-2435. 2019.
K. Sanjeev Kumar, P. Balabaskar, A. Muthu Kumar, T. Siva Kumar and S. Kumar, "Efficacy of different spawn and bed substrates on the production of oyster mushroom Pleurotus sapidus (schulz.) sacc.).", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 3377-3380. 2019.
K.SanjeevKumar, P.Balabaskar, S.Kumar, T. SivaKumar and A. Muthukumar, "Studies on the cultural and pathogenic variability among isolates of Colletotrichum capsici (syd.) butler and bisby causing anthracnose fruit rot incidence of chilli.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 3295-3299. 2019.
T.Sivakumar, P.Balabaskar and K.Sanjeevkumar, "Variability in Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici causing wilt of Tomato.", International Journal of Chemical studies , Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 3655-3659. 2018.
K.Sanjeev kumar, P.Balabaskar and T.Sivakumar, "Effect of Serratia marcescens, organic amendments and micronutrient mixture on the incidence of panama wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense) of banana.", International Journal of Chemical studies , Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 3527-3530. 2018.
(K.Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and T.Sivakumar, "Studies of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense – nematode interaction in banana cv. `Monthan’.", International Journal of Chemical studies , Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 3708-3710. 2.
M.Sathyasivananthamoorthy, K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Survey on the Dry root rot Macrophomina phaseolina(Tassi.)Goid of blackgram assessing the diseases incidence, cultural characters and pathogenicity in Thiruvannamalai District of Tamil nadu..", International Journal of Current Research , Volume 10, Number 03, Mar 2018, pp. 67449-678453. 2018.
Karamsi Sailaja Bai and P.Balabaskar, "Antagonistic Potential of Native Isolates of Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Pseudomonas fluorescens against Alternaria porri (Ellis) Cif..", International Journal of Chemical studies , Volume 6, Number 2, May 2018, pp. 2672-2677. 2018.
M.Sathyasivananthamoorthy, K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Effect of Seed treatment and soil application with Antagonist on Plant growth promotion and dry root rot incidence of Blackgram under in vitro condition.", International Journal of Current Research , Volume 9, Number 02, Feb 2017, pp. 46470-46475. 2017.
M.Sathyasivananthamoorthy, K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Effect of combined application of Biocontrol agent and AM fungi on Dry root rot incidence of Blackgram under in vitro conditions.", International Journal of Current Research , Volume 9, Number 8, Aug 2017, pp. 55398-55404. 2017.
R.Mohanapriya, R.Naveenkumar and P.Balabaskar, "Survey,Virulence and Pathogenicity of Root Rot Incidence of Cowpea in Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid.", International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied Science , Volume 6, Number 3, Mar 2017, pp. 694-705. 2017.
Raja Mohan, K and P.Balabaskar., "In vivo evaluation of AM fungi on dry root rot disease incidence and biometrics of groundnut..", International journal of development research. , Volume 6, Number (08), Aug 2016, pp. 9074-9081. 2016.
T.Sivakumar, P.Balabaskar and P.Renganathan, "Antimicrobial activity of certain medicinal plants against Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp lycopersici (SACC.) (Snyder and Hansen) of tomato.", Progressive research- an international journal , Volume 11, Number spl-IX, Aug 2016, pp. 6382-6390. 2016.
G.Arul Prakash, K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Bio efficacy of Native antagonists against dry root rot of groundnut caused by Macrophomina phaseolina.", International Journal of Development Research , Volume 6, Number 08, Aug 2016, pp. 9074-9078. 2016.
K.Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar, P.Renganathan, "Effect of Organic amendments on the survivability of Serratia marcescens and delivery systems of S.marcescens for the management of F.oxysporum f.sp cubense cv monthan.", Progressive research- an international journal , Volume 11, Number spl-IX, Apr 2016, pp. 6397-6400. 2016.
P.Balabaskar, T.Sivakumar and K.Sanjeevkumar, "Effect of Combination of P.fluorescens and CMFF 136 WP (Propineb 54.2% + Tricyclazole 15.0%) on the incidence of Bipolaris oryzae causing Brown leaf spot of Rice..", Progressive research- an international journal , Volume 11, Number spl-IX, Jun 2016, pp. 6391-6396. 2016.
G.Arul Prakash, K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Bio efficacy of Native antagonists against dry root rot of groundnut caused by Macrophomina phaseolina.", International Journal of Development Research , Volume 6, Number 8, Aug 2016, pp. 9047-9078. 2016.
Raja Mohan, K and P.Balabaskar., "Effect of Glomus mosse on plant growth promotion and dry root rot incidence of groundnut..", International journal of current research, Volume 7, Number 12, Dec 2015, pp. 23571-23574. 2015.
P.Renganathan, P.Balabaskar and K.Sanjeevkumar, "Effect of combination of P.fluorescens and ICF310 for the incidence of Bipolaris oryzae and on the Biometrics of Rice var. BPT 5204 causing Brown leaf spot of Rice(Pot culture).", Progressive research- an international journal , Volume 10, Number spl- VII, Jun 2015, pp. 4093-4096. 2015.
P.Balabaskar, P. Renganathan and K.Sanjeevkumar., "Occurance of sesame root rot diseases in cuddalore district of tamil nadu and analysis of the variability in cultural charactreristics and pathogenecity among isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid..", European journal of biotechnology and bioscience., Volume 3, Number 8, Aug 2015, pp. 55-59. 2015.
T.Sivakumar, K.Sanjeevkumar and P.Balabaskar, "Induction of systemic resistance by certain biocontrol agents against fusarium wilt complex disease of tomato..", European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience , Volume 3, Number 9, Sep 2015, pp. 56-65. 2015.
P.Balabaskar, P. Renganathan and K.Sanjeevkumar., "Occurance of sesame root rot diseases in cuddalore district of tamil nadu and analysis of the variability in cultural charactreristics and pathogenecity among isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid...", European journal of biotechnology and bioscience, Volume 3, Number 8, Aug 2015, pp. 55-59. 2015.
T.Meera, P.Balabaskar and L.Vengadesh kumar, "Identification of Bioactive antifungal compounds from Eucalyptus globules against Sarocladium oryzae causing rice sheath rot disease..", Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, , Volume 44, Number 1, Aug 2014, pp. 83-87. 2014.
P.Renganathan, P.Balabaskar and K.Sanjeevkumar, "Effect of fungicide (ICF310) against on the mycelial growth (invitro)and on the incidence of Bipolaris oryzae causing Brown leaf spot of Rice.", Progressive research- an international journal , Volume 8, Number (spl.), May 2014, pp. 851-854. 2014.
P.Renganathan, T.Sivakumar, P.Balabaskar, "Effect of seed treatment with plant products on damping off incidence and on the population dyanamics in chilli under pot study.", European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, Volume 1, Number 5, Feb 2014, pp. 33-35. 2014.
L. Vengadesh kumar and P.Balabaskar, "In vitro antibacterial activity of plant extracts against Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae causing bacterial leaf blight in rice.", International Journal of Plant Protection , Volume 6, Number 1, Apr 2013, pp. 111-117. 2013.
Raja Mohan, K and P.Balabaskar., "Evaluation of fungal and bacterial antagonists from Groundnut rhizosphere for biological control of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Causing Dry root rot of Groundnut.", International Journal of Current Research , Volume 4, Number 3, Mar 2012, pp. 281-287. 2012.
T.Meera and P.Balabaskar, "Isolation and Characterization of Pseudomonas fluorescens from Rice Fields.", International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Science , Volume 23, Number 1, Apr 2012, pp. 113-120. 2012.
K.Rajamohan and P.Balabaskar, "Survey on the incidence of Groundnut Root rot disease in Cuddalore District of Tamil nadu and assessing the cultural characters and pathogenicity of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid..".", International Journal of Current Research , Volume 4, Number 3, 2012, pp. 90-94. 2012.
T.Meera and P.Balabaskar, "Isolation and Characterization of Pseudomonas fluorescens from Rice Fields.", International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Science , Volume 2, Number 1, Apr 2012, pp. 113-120. 2012.
T.Meera and P.Balabaskar, "Antifungal activity of Botanicals against Sarocladium oryzae causing Rice sheath rot disease.", International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Science , Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 121-127. 2012.
D.Senthilnambi, P.balabaskar and A.Eswaran, "Impact of different spawn substrates on yield of Calocybe indica.", African Journal of Agricultural Research , Volume 6, Number 12, Jun 2011, pp. 3946-3948. 2011.
K. Sanjeevkumar, P.Balabaskar and A.Muthukumar, "Occurance of wilt of banana and variability in pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense) in cuddalore district of tamilnadu, India..", J. mycol pl pathol, Volume 40, Number 3, 2010, pp. 473-475. 2010.
P. Renganathan,A.Eswaran and P.Balabaskar., "Supplementation of various additivies to the bed substrate on the sporophore production of Pleurotus citrininopillatus..", Plant archives , Volume 8, Number 2, Oct 2008, pp. 955-956. 2008.
P.Balabaskar, D. Senthilnambi and V. Kurucheve , "Effect of Application of Graded levels of potash on the Root rot incidence and the Microbial population in the Rhizosphere of Sesame .", agriculture journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Mar 2008, pp. 239-244. 2008.
T.Sivakumar, A.Eswaran and P.Balabaskar, "Bioefficacy of antagonists against for the management of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp lycopresici and Meloidogyne incognita disease complex of tomato under field condition..", Plant archives , Volume 8, Number 1, Oct 2007, pp. 373-377. 2008.
List of Conferences - National
P.Balabaskar., Dynamics of fungicide development and usage for crop disease management, National conference on dynamics of agrarian transformation in rural India , Nov 3-4, 2016, Department of agricultural economics, faculty of agriculture, Annamalai University, pp. 45-48. Department of agricultural economics, faculty of agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, AGTRANS.
P. Balabaskar, Dynamics of fungicide development and usage for crop disease management, National conference on dynamics of agrarian transformation in rural India , Nov 3-4, 2016, Department of agricultural economics, faculty of agriculture, Annamalai University, pp. 45-48. Department of agricultural economics, faculty of agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, AGTRANS.
P.Balabaskar., Edible mushroom for a healthier life , FARM FEST, XXIX flower, vegetables and fruit show , Mar 6-8, 2015, Department of agriculture, Puducherry, pp. 86-90. Puducherry , Souvenir.
List of Conferences - International
S.Sundaramoorthy and P.Balabaskar, Induction of systemic resistance by endophytic and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in controlling early blight of tomato caused by Alternaria solani., International conference on Science and technology for clean and green environment, Jul 27-28, 2012, Department of Zoology, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambram, pp. 313-316. Annamai nagar, Chidambram, zoology wing.
V.Jaiganesh, A.Eswaran,C.Kannan and P.Balabaskar, Combined application of Pseudomonas fluorescens and panchakavya for the management of blast disease of rice, International conference on Science and technology for clean and green environment, Jul 27-28, 2012, Department of Zoology, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambram, pp. 285-287. Annamai nagar, Chidambram, zoology wing.
List of Book Published
A. Muthukumar and P. Balabaskar, Diseases of medicinal and aromatic plants, Sri velan press, 5,S.P.Kovil st, Chidambaram: Sri velan press, 93-81236-25-3, pp. Aug 2013.
A.Muthukumar and P. Balabaskar, Diseases of flower crops, Agri-Biovet Press, 2/40. First floor,Ansari road, Daryaganj, New Delhi: Agri-Biovet Press, 978-93-84502-70-6, pp. Feb 2018.