Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08158
Qualification : M.Sc(Hort.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Floriculture & ornamental gardening
Date of Birth : 19-12-1974
Date of Joining : 01-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
42, Om Sakthi elite, 7th Cross Street
Kanagasabai Nagar, Chidambaram – 608 001
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 910
Ph.D. 01

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 4103237
Conducted -2--1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing 1-10,000,000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years2 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
- 57 - 6 - -

List of Publications - International
Mohana.M 1., R.Sureshkumar1*,R. Sendhilnathan1, M .Rajkumar1, T.R. Barathkumar1 and P. K. Karthikeyan2., "Effect of foliar application of organic and micronutrients on certain growth and physiological character of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) Cv. Benz Tall. .", Plant Archives, Volume Vol. 21, Number Supplement 1, 2021, pp. 2034-2037. 2021.
Mohana,M., R. Sureshkumar*, R. Sendhilnathan, M. Rajkumar,T.R. Barathkumar and S. Sivasankar, "Effect of foliar application of organic and micro nutrients on certain growth and flower yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) CV. Benz Tall.", Plant Archives, Volume Vol. 21, Number Supplement 1, 2021, pp. 2038-2040. 2021.
Sendhilnathan.R*., E. Balaraman, M. Rajkumar , R. Sureshkumar and T.R. Barathkumar, "Influence of organic nutrients and bio regulators on certain growth and flower quality attributes of Celosia (Celosia cristata L.) .", Plant Archives, Volume Vol. 21, Number Supplement 1, 2021, pp. 2220-2223. 2021.
Sivasankar S. Sivasankar, K. Manivannan, R. Sureshkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and M. Rajkumar , "INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC NUTRIENTS WITH SPRAYING OF FOLIAR ORGANICS ON YIELD PARAMETERS OF SINDIL KODI (TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA) .", Plant archives , Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 1560-1562. 2020.
Sendhilnathan, R. , J. Rakshana, M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar and S. Sivasankar, "Effect of growing media and gibberellic acid on growth and yield of Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus L.)Cv.White liberty..", Plant Archives, Volume Volume 20 , Number No. 2, 2020, pp. 9525-9529. 2020.
54. Rakshana, J. , R. Sendhilnathan*, M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar and S. Sivasankar., "Effect of growing media and gibberellic acid on flowering and quality of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus l.) cv. White liberty. .", Plant Archives, Volume Volume 20 , Number No. 2, 2020, pp. 6428-6432. 2020.
Nandhinidevi, P. , M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and T. Uma Maheswari , "Influence of plant growth regulators and organic substances on rooting of guava cutting cv. lucknow-49..", Plant Archives, Volume Volume 20 , Number No. 2, 2020, pp. 6856-6858. 2020.
52. Nandhinidevi, P., M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and T. Uma Maheswari, "Effect of plant growth regulators and organic substances on survival percentage of guava cutting cv. lucknow-49.", Plant Archives, Volume Volume 20 , Number No. 2, 2020, pp. 7282-7284. 2020.
S. Sivasankar, P. Ilakkiya, M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar and R. Sendhilnathan, "Effect of Vam and Azotobacter on growth and yield characters of African marigold (Tagetes erecta linn.) cv. Poornimayellow.", Plant archives , Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 1133-1136. 2020.
G. Sahana Priya, R. Sureshkumar*, M. Rajkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and T.R. Barathkumar , "Studies on the effect of organic manures, biostimulants and micronutrients on certain growth and physiological characters of tuberose (polianthes tuberosal.) cv. prajwal.", Plant archives , Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 941-944. 2020.
G. Sahana Priya, R. Sureshkumar*, M. Rajkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and T.R. Barathkumar , "studies on the effect of organic manures, biostimulants and micronutrients on certain growth and yield parameters of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) cv. Prajwal. .", Plant archives , Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 843-846. 2020.
Barathkumar, T.R. Pradeepkumar, G. Sendhilnathan, R., Sureshkumar, R., Rajkumar, M., Muruganandan, C. and Mullaimaran, S. , "Influence of nutrient management through bio-organic manures on Fruit yield and its Attributes of Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia swingle). .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,, Volume 6, Number 3, Mar 2019, pp. 246-252. 2019.
30. R.Sendhilnathan, R. Bharani vijay, R. Sureshkumar and M. Rajkumar, "Effect of Pinching and foliar application of bio regulators on growth and flower yield of Gomphrena (Gomphrena globosa L.) .", Plant archives , Volume 19 , Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 1002-1005. 2019.
.R.Sendhilnathan, E. Balaraman, M.Rajkumar and R. Sureshkumar, "Effect of organic nutrients and bio regulators on flowering and yield attributes of Celosia (Celosia cristata L.) .", Plant archives , Volume 19 , Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 938-940. 2019.
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Manimaran, M.Rajkumar, R.Sureshkumar and T.R.Barathkumar, "Influence of bulb size and Gibberelic acid on sprouting and growth of Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa L) cv. Single.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume Vol-6, ,, Number Issue-2, Feb 2019, pp. 585-588. 2019.
35. M.Rajkumar, K.P.Iswarya, R.Sureshkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Effect of organic inputs on yield and quality of Grapes cv. Muscut .", Plant archives , Volume 19 , Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 802-804. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, P.Prasanthkumar, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R.Barathkumar, "Influence of bioregulators on certain growth and flowering characters of African marigold ( Tagetes erecta L.) .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume Vol-6, Number Issue-5, May 2019, pp. 47-50. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, S.Deepa, M.Rajkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Effect of organic nutrients on certain growth and yield characters of Bitter gourd (Momoridica charantia L.) .", Plant archives , Volume vol . No.19 pp.1013-1016,, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 1013-1016. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, S.Ayappan, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan, "Studies on influence bio-regulators on yield and quality of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) .", Plant archives , Volume 19 , Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 956-959. 2019.
Sureshkumar, R. Deepa, S., Rajkumar, M. and Sendhilnathan, R. and Barathkumar. T.R, "Influence of organic nutrients on physiological and flowering characters of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia.L) ecotype mithipagal.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,, Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2019, pp. 177-181. 2019.
S.Ayyappan,R.Sureshkumar,M.Rajkumar,R.SendhilnathanandT.R.Barathkumar, "Influence of bioregulators on certain growth, flowering and yield characters of Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus l. Moench). .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 856-860. 2019.
Sendhilnathan, R., Manivannan, K., Rajkumar, M. and Sureshkumar, R. , "Studies on influence of different graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and flower attributes of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 6, 2019, pp. 890-892. 2019.
Suresh, V., Sendhilnathan, R., Jansirani, P., Sundharaiya, K., Palanisamy, A. and Subramani, P., "Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of Thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum L.). .", Acta Hortic, Volume 1241, Number 1, 2019, pp. 343-348. 2019.
T.R. Barath Kumar*, G. Pradeep Kumar, R. Sendhil Nathan, R. Suresh Kumar, M. Raj Kumar, C. Muruga Nandan and S. Mullaimaran, "Influence of nutrient management through bioorganic manures on bio-chemical attributes of Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia swingle) .", Plant archives , Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 3763-3766. 2019.
M. Rajkumar1 , P. Karuppaiah1 , R. Sureshkumar1 , R. Sendhilnathan1 and N. Senthil Kumar2, "Graphical analysis of fruit yield and its component characters in Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) .", Plant archives , Volume 19, Number 2019, 2019, pp. 2925-2928. 2019.
R.Sendhilnathan, M.Rethinakumar, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar., "Effect of pinching and foliar application of organics on vegetative, floral attributes and quality of African marigold ( Tagetes erecta L.) .", Annals of plant and soil Research , Volume 21 , Number (2), May 2019, pp. 189-192. 2019.
M.Rajkumar, Yearly Base Heart Najiar, R.Sureshkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Effects of Post harvest treatments of Calcium Chloride and Gibberellic acid on storage behavior and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L. cv Lucknow-49. .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume Volume-6,P.No-464-473., Number Issue-2, Feb 2019, pp. 464-473. 2019.
R. Sendhilnathan, V. Madhubala, M. Rajkumar and R. Sureshkumar, "Effect of organic manures and micronutrients on growth and flowering attributes of Rose cv. Andhra red (Rosa centifolia).", Plant archives , Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 3633-3637. 2019.
V.Madhubala and R.Sendhilnathan , "Effect of plant growth regulators on rooting of stem cuttings in Rose cv .Edward rose .", Corm, The Journal of Floriculture , Volume 7, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 32-34. 2019.
R.SENDHILNATHAN AND K.MANIVANNAN, "Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on yield and quality of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.).", Annals of Plant and Soil Research, Volume 21, Number 3, Sep 2019, pp. 261-264. 2019.
R. Sureshkumar, P. Prasanthkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and M. Rajkumar, "INFLUENCE OF BIO-REGULATORS ON CERTAIN GROWTH AND FLOWERING CHARACTERS OF AFRICAN MARIGOLD (TAGETES ERECTA L.).", International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research , Volume 6, Number 2 ( XXVIII ), Apr 2019, pp. 9-12. 2019.
R. Sureshkumar, G. Sahana Priya, M. Rajkumar and R. Sendhilnathan , "STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF ORGANIC MANURES, BIOSTIMULANTS AND MICRONUTRIENTS ON CERTAIN GROWTH AND FLOWERING PARAMETERS OF TUBEROSE (Polianthes tuberosa L.) .", Plant archives , Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 2436-2440. 2019.
R. Sendhilnathan, E. Balaraman, M. Rajkumar and R. Sureshkumar, "STUDIES ON INFLUENCE OF INORGANIC NUTRIENTS AND GROWTH REGULATORS ON GROWTH AND FLOWER ATTRIBUTES OF CELOSIA (CELOSIA CRISTATA L.).", International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 2 ( XXVIII ), Apr 2019, pp. 91-94. 2019.
Manimaran.P , Rajasekar.P and.Sendhilnathan.R, "Application of growth regulators and organic products on flower quality of Gundumalli (Jasminum sambac Ait)..", Advances in floriculture and urban horticulture., Volume 9, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 148-150. 2018.
Suresh.V and R. Sendhilnathan , "Integrated Nutrient Management on growth and yield of Thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum L.) .", Journal on Medicinal Plants Studies , Volume 6, Number (3), Apr 2018, pp. 1-3. 2018.
Suresh.V and R.Sendhilnathan , "Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizers on yield and quality of Thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum L.) .", Journal on Medicinal Plants Studies, Volume 5 , Number (4), Jun 2017, pp. 123-125. 2017.
Manimaran.P and R.Sendhilnathan, "Influence of bulb size and growth regulators on the performance of English cape lily (Crinum sp.).", Res. Environ. life sci. , Volume 10 , Number (4), Apr 2017, pp. 319-321. 2017.
R.Sendhilnathan , Velmurugan . V and Manimaran , "Effect of bio regulators Along with organics on growth and yield of Gundu Malli (Jasminum sambac Ait ) .", Journals of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 6 , Number (5), Jul 2017, pp. 234-238. 2017.
R.Sureshkumar, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sendhilnathan , "Influence of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) ecotype “Mithipagal” under rice fallow of Cauvery delta region.", Int. J. of current research, , Volume 8, Number 8, 2016, pp. 36588-36592. 2016.
Sureshkumar, R., Karuppaiah, P., Rajkumar, M. and Sendhilnathan, R. , "Effect of organic and inorganic inputs on flowering and yield characters of Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) ecotype “Mithipagal” under rice fallow of Cauvery delta region. .", International journal of current research, , Volume 8, Number 8, 2016, pp. 29257-29259. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar , "Effects of Integrated weed management on growth, flowering and leaf yield of Periwinkle (catharanthus roseus. L.) in the coastal ecosystem of cauvery delta region. .", International Journal of current research., Volume Vol-8, Number (8), Aug 2016, pp. 36593-36595. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, V.Suresh, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar, "Influence of organic nutrients and humic acid on fruit yield and alkaloid content of Thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum) .", International Journal of current research., Volume 8, Number (8), Aug 2016, pp. 36596-36598. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar , "Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and yield of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) cv. Rose Purple flowered. .", International Journal of current research., Volume Vol-8, Number Issue-7, Jul 2016, pp. 35505-35506. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Manimaran, M,Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar , "Influence of organic nutrients and gibberellic acid on the growth, flowering and quality attributes of English Cape lilly (Crinum sp).", International Journal of current research., Volume Vol-8, Number Issue-7,, Jul 2016, pp. 35497-35498. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, V.Suresh, R.Sureshkumar and M.Rajkumar, "Effects of organic manures along with humic acid on growth and leaf yield of Thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum) in the coastal ecosystem of cauvery delta region. .", International Journal of current research., Volume Vol-8, Number Issue-9, Aug 2016, pp. 35502-35504. 2016.
R.Sureshkumar, R.Chandramohan, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar, "Effects of organic inputs on certain growth and flowering characters of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata L.). .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 5, 2016, pp. 31695-31697. 2016.
R.Sureshkumar, R.Chandramohan, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar, "Effects of organic inputs on certain growth and flowering characters of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata L.). .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 5, 2016, pp. 30293-30295. 2016.
R.Sureshkumar, R.Manivannan, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar, "Studies on the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on certain growth physiological and yield attributes of Baby corn (Zea mays).", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 7, 2016, pp. 35499-35501. 2016.
M.Rajkumar, Karuppaiah.P, Sureshkumar.R and Sendhilnathan.R , "Evaluation of F1 hybrids in Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina.L) genotypes .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 11, 2016, pp. 41959-41960. 2016.
M.Rajkumar, Karuppaiah.P, Sureshkumar.R and Sendhilnathan.R, "Genetic variability and character association in Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina.L)..", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 10, 2016, pp. 41959-41960. 2016.
M.Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.sureshkumar , "Characterisation and estimation of genetic diversity of Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina.L) genotypes .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 7, 2016, pp. 35494-35496. 2016.
M. Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.Sureshkumar , "Breeding potential of Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina. L) genotypes using D2 analysis. .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 8, 2016, pp. 36599-36601. 2016.
M.Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.Sureshkumar, "Performance of Snake gourd (Trichosanthes angunia L.).", Int. J. of current research, Volume 8, Number 11, 2016, pp. 41959-41960. 2016.
Karuppaiah . P and R. Sendhilnathan , "Studies on the effect of foliar application of organic nutrients on the growth, flowering and flower quality of the Dendrobium Orchid cv. Sakura Pink .", Ad. Plant sci. , Volume 24, Number 2, 2011, pp. 609-612. 2011.
R.Sendhilnathan and Karuppaiah . P , "Effect of various spacing and season of planting on the growth and yield of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L. ) G.Don.", Plant archives , Volume 2, Number 1, 2009, pp. 851-853. 2009.
R.Sendhilnathan and Karuppaiah . P , "Integrated nutrient Management for growth and yield of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.) .", Annamalai University, Agriculture Journal, Volume 23, Number 1, 2008, pp. 133-136. 2008.
Karuppaiah .P , Ramesh Kumar.S and R. Sendhilnathan , "Effect of growth regulators on Growth , physiological and yield attributes of Radish.", Ad. Plant. Sci. , Volume 20, Number 2, 2007, pp. 457-459. 2007.
List of Conferences - International
Sendhilnathan, R.,Rakshana,R., Suresh kumar, R.,Rajkumar, M and R.Arulananth, Influence of growth regulators on rooting of cuttings in Carnation â,“A Boon technology for farmers under polyhouse conditions, International Conference on â,œRecent Trends in Agriculture towards Food Security and Rural Livelihood (RATFSRL-2020), Jan 3-4, 2020, , Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, pp. 80-83. Bangalore, archers and elevators publishing house .
R. Sendhilnathan*, R. Bharanivijay, M. Rajkumar and R. Sureshkumar , Studies on influence of pinching and foliar application of bio regulators on flowering and quality parameters of Gomphrena (Gomphrena globosa L.), Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2019), Oct 20-22, 2019, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana., pp. 84-85. Meerut, RAMA PUBLISHING HOUSE, MEERUT.
Sendhilnathan, R., Karuppaiah, P., Suresh kumar, R. and Rajkumar, M, Effect Of Organic Manures And Biofertilizers On Growth, Leaf Yield AndAlkaloid Content Of Periwinkle (Catharanthus Roseus L.), International Conference on Biomass, Fuels & Chemicals, Sep 12-13, 2019, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, pp. 28-30. Coimbatore, Bonfring,.
Sendhilnathan, R., Karuppaiah, P., Suresh kumar, R. and Rajkumar, M, Effect of integrated weed management on growth, root yield and alkaloid content in Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.) in the coastal ecosystem of Cauvery delta region, International Conference on â,œRecent innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental research-2019(RIBER-2019), Feb 20-22, 2019, Department of zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, pp. 79-83. Bangalore, archers and elevators publishing house .
Sendhilnathan.R and V.Suresh, Nutrient management in Thudhuvalai(Solanum trilobatum), International conference on medicinal and drug discovery, Jul 18-20, 2018, Bangalore,Karnataka, India, pp. 112-114. Bangalore, Nikele publisher.
R. Sendhilnathan and P.Karuppaiah, Integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of Periwinkle(catharanthes roseus l), International 4th Global Summit on “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants” , Dec 1-5, 2009, Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia, pp. 161-163. Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia, century foundation,Malleshpalya,Bangalore.
List of Awards
9. Best Paper Award for presentation is given to the paper entitled â,œEffect of pinching and integrated nutrients on certain growth and flowering characters of Chrysanthemum, (Dendranthema grandiflor - Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Annamalai university, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu - 2022
BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD for presentation entitled â,œInfluence of organic and micro nutrients on flower yield and quality of Rose cv. Andhra red (Rosa centifolia)â,. - â,œ3rd International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Innovations (3rd ICFAI)â, to be held from 24 to 26th December 2021 at Holiday Home, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 2021
OUTSTANDING HORTICULTURIST AWARD in recognition of valuable contributions and achievements - â,œ3rd International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Innovations (3rd ICFAI)"24th -26th December-2021,Ranchi, Jharkhand - 2021
BEST PAPER AWARD 2020 (First place) - Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society, NewDelhi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal sciences University, TamilNadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University jointly orga - 21st -22nd ,December
Best researcher award - 6. International Conference on Environmental, Agricultural, Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICEACBS 2020) at Pondicherry, INDIA - 2020
Excellence in Research award for outstanding contribution in the field of “Floriculture and landscape gardening" - 6. International Conference on “Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied science(GRISAAS-2019) at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hy - 2019
Karnataka teachers pride award 2019 - Certificate for achievement For outstanding contribution in the field of education .Aryan Institute,Bangalore - 2019
Dr. Sir C.V. Raman best scientist state award -2019 - Bahujana sahitya academy (BSC)-Bahujana writers state conference, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu state - 2019
Awarded Best poster presentation - National seminar on prospects of organic farming and enterprises development in 21st centuary (NSPOFED) 15th and 16th, march 2019. School of agriculture and animal sciences, Gandhigram rural institute - 2019