Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08166
Name : Dr. M. RAJKUMAR
Qualification : M.Sc(Agri.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Pomology, Olericulture
Date of Birth : 16-10-1976
Date of Joining : 19-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
IInd Floor, Anandham Appartment
IInd Street, Shanthi Nagar, Chidambaram – 608 001
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 66
Ph.D. 01

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 30102013
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing -52500000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
12 53 - - 6 -

List of Publications - National
M.Rajkumar, Yearly Base Heart Najiar, R.Sureshkumar and R.Sendhilnathan.2019., " Effects of Post harvest treatments of Calcium Chloride and Gibberellic acid on storage behavior and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L. cv Lucknow-49..", JETIR, Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 464-473. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, S.Deepa, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R.Barathkumar, " Influence of organic nutrients on physiological and flowering characters of bitter gourd (Momordicacharantia.L) ecotype mithipagal. .", JETIR,, Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 177-181. 2019.
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Manimaran, M.Rajkumar, R.Sureshkumar and T.R.Barathkumar ., "Influence of bulb size and Gibberelic acid on spourting and growth of tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa L) cv. Single. .", JETIR,, Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 585-588. 2019.
T.R.Barathkumar, G.Pradeepkumar, R.Sendhilnathan, R.Sureshkumar, M.Rajkumar, C.Muruganandan and S.Mullaimaran, "Influence of nutrient management through bio-organic manures on fruit yield and its attributes of acid lime (citrus aurantifolia).", JETIR, Volume 6, Number 3, 2019, pp. 246-252. 2019.
S.Ayyappan, R.Sureshkumar, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R.Barathkumar, "Influence of bio-regulators on certain growth, flowering and yield characters of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L.Moench).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Number 6, 2019, pp. 856-860. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, P.Prasanthkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar, " Influence of Bio-Regulators on certain Growth and Flowering characters of African Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 9-12. .2019..
R.Sendhilnathan, P. Karuppaiah, M, Rajkumar and R. Sureshkumar, "Influence of pinching and foliar Application of organics on growth and leaf yield of periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.) G.don cv. Rose purple flowered.", Proceedings on sustainable Agriculture and rural livelihoods, Volume 1, Number 1, 2019, pp. 257-260. 2019.
T.Uma Maheswari, M.Rajkumar and S.Joybi Singh, "Effect of Planting distance on the performance of graviodla (Annona muricata L.) .", Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 574-577. 2019.
P.Suresh and M.Rajkumar., "Effect of Potassium on Quality characters of grapes cv. Muscat...", JETIR, Volume 5, Number 9, 2018, pp. 474-481. 2018. .
M.Rajkumar , "Influence of potassium on growth parameters and yield of grapes cv. Muscat,.", .JETIR, Volume 5, Number 9, 2018, pp. 294-302. 2018..
M.Rajkumar, "Impact of climate change on off season mango production.", Proceedings on ICSSR Sponsored Nattional Seminar on Educating the Issues and Threats on climate change, Volume 01, Number 01, 2018, pp. 565-566. 2018.
Rajkumar.M , P.Karuppaiah and K.Manivannan, "Effect of calcium and gibberellic acid on post harvest behaviour of papaya cv. CO2.", Indian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 32, Number 2, 2005, pp. 327-331. 2005.
List of Publications - International
J. Rakshana, R. Sendhilnathan, M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar and S. Sivasankar , "Effect of growing media and gibberellic acid on flowering and quality of carnation (dianthus caryophyllus l.) Cv.white liberty.", Plant Archives, , Volume 20, Number 2, 2020, pp. 6428-6432. 2020.
P. Nandhinidevi, M. Rajkumar, R. Sureshkumar, R. Sendhilnathan and T. Uma Maheswari, "Influence of plant growth regulators and organic substances on rooting of guava cutting cv. lucknow-49.", Plant Archives, , Volume 20, Number 2, 2020, pp. 6856-6858. 2020.
T. Uma Maheswari and M. Rajkumar, "Influence of organic inputs in augmenting the growth and yield attributes of okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.).", Plant Archives, , Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 2968-2970. 2020.
T. Uma Maheswari and M. Rajkumar, "Effect of biosolarization on the growth attributes of cluster onion( Allium cepa L. var. Aggregatum Don).", Journal of Research ANGRAU, Volume 48, Number 1, 2020, pp. 87-91. 2020.
G.Sahana priya, R.Sureshkumar, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R. Bharathkumar, "Studies on the effect of organic manures, Bio-stimulates and micronutrients on certain growth and yield characters of Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa L) cv. Prajwal.", Plant Archives, Volume 2, Number 1, 2020, pp. 189-191. 2020.
G. Sahana Priya, R.Sureshkumar, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R. Bharathkumar, "Studies on the effect of organic manures, Bio-stimulates and micronutrients on certain growth and physiological characters of Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa L) cv. Prajwal.", Plant Archieves, Volume 2, Number 1, 2020, pp. 194-196. 2020.
S. Sivasankar, P.Ilakkiya, M.Rajkumar, R.Sendhilnathan and T.R.Bharathkumar, "Effect if VAM and Azotobactor on growth and yield characters of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L) cv. Poornima yellow.", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number 1, 2020, pp. 1133-1136. 2020.
R.sendhilnathan, E.Balaraman, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar ., " Effect of organic nutrients and bio regulators on flowering and yield attributes of celosia (celosia cristataL.).", Plant Archives., Volume 19, Number 0, 2019, pp. 938-940. 2019.
R.Sendhilnathan, R.Bharani Vijay, R.Sureshkumar and M.Rajkumar, "Effect of pinching and foliar application of bio regulators on growth and flower yield of Gomphrena (Gomphrena globose L.) .", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 0, 2019, pp. 1002-1005. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, S.Deepa, M.Rajkumarand R.Sendhilnathan , " Effect of organic nutrients certain growth and yield characters of bitter gourd (MomordicacharantiaL.) ecotype “Mithipagal”. .", Plant Archives , Volume 19, Number 0, 2019, pp. 1013-1016. 2019..
T.Uma Maheswari and M.Rajkumar, "Solarization Practise as a component of weed management in cluster onion (Allium cepa).", IJRAR, Volume 6, Number 1, 2019, pp. 536-542. 2019.
T.Uma Maheswari and M.Rajkumar., "Impact of organic cultivation Practices for Augmenting the yield attributes of cluster onion (Allium cepa. L. Var Aggregatum don..", Plant Archives , Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 1-904. 2019. .
R.Sendhilnathan, E.Balaman, M.Rajkumarand R.Sureshkumar, "Studies on influence of inorganic nutrients and growth regulators on growth and flower attributes of celosia (Celosia cristata L.).", International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research (IJAIR), Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 91-94. 2019.
M.Raj Kumar p Karuppaiah,R.Suresh Kumar R.Sendhilnathan And N.Senthil Kumar., "Graphical Analysis Of Fruit Yield And Its Component Characters In Snake Gourd (TRICHOSANTHES ANGUINAL).", Plant Archives ., Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 2925-2928. 2019 .
R.Sendhilnathan,V.Madhubala,M.RajkumarandR.Sureshkumar., "Effect Of Organic Manurs And Micronutrients On growth And Flowering attributes Of Rose Cv.Anhrared(Rosa Centifolia ) .", Plant Archives , Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 3636-3637. 2019. .
R.Sendhilnathan, M.Rethinakumar, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar, "Effect of pinching and foliar application of organics on vegetative, Floral attributes and quality of African marigold (Tagetes erecta .L).", Annals of plant and Soil Research, Volume 21, Number 2, 2019, pp. 189-192. 2019.
T.Uma Maheswari, M.Rajkumar and Vidhu valsan, "Study on the processing and preservation of Jack Fruit Bisuits.", The Journal of Research ANGRAU, Volume 47, Number 4, 2019, pp. 47-52. 47.
R.Sendhilnathan, K.Manivannan, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar, "Studies on influence of different graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and flower attributes of Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa L.).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research , Volume 6, Number 6, 2019, pp. 194-200. 2019.
M.Rajkumar, K.P.Iswarya, R.Sureshkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Studies on influence of bioregulators on yield and quality of grapes cv. muscat..", Plant Archieves, Volume 22, Number 3, 2019, pp. 802-804. 2019.
R.Sureshkumar, S.Ayyappan, M.Rajkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Effect of organic inputs on yield and quality of okra (Abelmochus esculentus).", Plant Archieves, Volume 23, Number 2, 2019, pp. 956-959. 2019.
P.Suresh and M.Rajkumar, "Influence of SOP on growth,yield and quality of characters of grapes cv.muscat..", IJRAR, Volume 5, Number 4, 2018, pp. 141-149. 2018.
M.Rajkumar., "Evaluation of physio-morphological characters of snake gourd(Trichosanthesanguina .L) genotypes..", IJRAR, Volume 5, Number 4, 2018, pp. 796-807. 2018.
Sarmista Chakraborty and Dr.M. Rajkumar, M. , "Effect of growth regulators and organic substances on rooting of Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) Cv. Muscat..", Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume .9, Number 1, 2018, pp. 8418-8421. 2018.
Dhanasekaran.D, M.Rajkumar, T.Balakrishnan, A.R. Lenin and K.Andsekar, "Screening of Marigold genotypes flowers yield and pigment content.", International journal of current research , Volume 6, Number 10, 2017, pp. 696-698. 2017.
Dhanasekaran. D, Sathappan.CT, M.Rajkumar, S.Madhavan and Lenin.A.R, "Effect of growth regulators on growth and flowering of jasmine (jasminum sambac).", International journal of current research in life sciences, Volume 6, Number 10, 2017, pp. 693-695. 2017.
M. Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.Sureshkumar . , "Breeding potential of snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina. L) genotypes using D2 analysis. .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 08, Number 08, 2016, pp. 36599-36601. 2016.
M.Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.sureshkumar., " Performance of Snake gourd (Trichosanthesangunia L.)varieties on flowering and fruiting attributes.", . Int.J.of current research, Volume 08, Number 11, 2016, pp. 41959-4190. 2016..
S. Thirumal Raj and Rajkumar. M , "Effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators and nutrients on yield and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lucknow-49..", Asian Journal of Science and Technology , Volume 04, Number 06, Mar 2016, pp. 27-30. 2016.
R.Sureshkumar, R.Chandramohan, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar., " Effects of organic inputs on certain growth and flowering characters of pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata L.).", Int. J. of current research, Volume 08, Number 05, 2016, pp. 31695-31697. 2016..
R.sureshkumar, M.Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah and R.Sendhilnathan. , "Influence of plant growth regulators on certain yield and quality attributes of Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia.L) ecotype Mithipagal in the rice fallow of cauvery delta region. .", Int. J. of current research, Volume 08, Number 05, 2016, pp. 30293-30295. 2016.
Madhavan.S, Rajkumar.M, and Sha.K, "Effect of biofertilizers on seed germination and seedling germination and seedling vigour in cashew.", International journal of current research in life sciences, Volume 5, Number 08, 2016, pp. 575-576. 2016.
M. Rajkumar, P. Karuppaiah, R.Sureshkumar and R.Sendhilnathan, "Cluster analysis in snake gourd .", International journal of current research in life sciences, Volume 11, Number 11, 2016, pp. 548-549. 2016.
Yearly Base Heart Najiar and M.Rajkumar. , "Effect of post harvest treatments of calcium chloride, calcium nitrate and Gibberellic acid on storage behavior and quality of guava.(Psidiumguajava.L.) cv. Lucknow-49. .", Intl.J. of current research., Volume 8, Number 11, 2016, pp. 41956-41958. .2016.
M.Rajkumar, P.Karuppaiah, R.Sendhilnathan and R.sureshkumar , ".Characterisation and estimation of genetic diversity of snake gourd(Trichosanthes anguina.L) genotypes . .", Int. J. of current research, , Volume 08, Number 07, 2016, pp. 35494-35496. 2016.
R.Sendhilnathan, V.Suresh, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar,, "Influence of organic nutrients and humic acid on fruit yield and alkaloid content of thuduvalai(Solanum trilobattum)..", Int.J.of current research, Volume 8,, Number 8, 2016, pp. 36596-36598. 2016. .
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sendhilkumar . ., "Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and yield of periwinkle (cathoranthus roseus) cv. Rose Purple flowered..", Int.J.of current research., Volume 8, Number 7, 2016, pp. 35505-35506. 2016. .
R.Sureshkumar, R.Manivannan, R.Sendhilnathan and M.Rajkumar. , "Studies on the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on certain growth physiological and yield attributes of Baby corn(zea mays)..", Int. J. of current research ., Volume 8, Number 7, 2016, pp. 35499-35501. 2016.
R.Sureshkumar, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sendhilnathan ., "Influence of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) ecotype “Mithipagal” under rice fallow of cauvery delta region. .", Int.J.of current research, , Volume 8 , Number 8, 2016, pp. 36588-36592. 2016..
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Manimaran, M,Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar , " Influence of organic nutrients and gibberellic acid on the growth,flowering and quality attributes of English Cape lilly (Crinum sp)..", Int.J.of current research., Volume 8, Number 7, 2016, pp. 35497-35498. 2016..
M.Rajkumar, Karuppaiah.P, Sureshkumar.R, and Sendhilnathan.R, " Genetic variability and character association in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina.L.) .", Int.J.of current research,, Volume 8, Number 10, 2016, pp. 41959-41960. .2016..
R.Sendhilnathan, P.Karuppaiah, M.Rajkumar and R.Sureshkumar , " Effect of Integrated weed management on growth flowering and lead yield of periwinkle (catharanthus roseus. L.) in the coastal ecosystem of cauvery delta region. ..", Int. J. of current research, Volume Vol-8,, Number Issue-08, 2016, pp. 36593-36595. 2016..
M.Rajkumar, , Karuppaiah.P, Sureshkumar.R, and Sendhilnathan.R, " Evaluation of F1 hybrids in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) ..", Int.J.of current research., Volume 8, Number 11, 2016, pp. 41959-41960. .2016..
R.Sendhilnathan, V.Suresh, R.Sureshkumar and M.Rajkumar., " Effects of organic manures along with humic acid on growth and leaf yield of thuduvalai (Solanum trilobatum) in the coastal ecosystem of cauvery delta region. .", Int.J.of current research. , Volume 8, Number 9, 2016, pp. 35502-35504. 2016.
RAJKUMAR.M, Karuppaiah.P, Sureshkumar.R and Sendhilnathan.R., "Genetic Variability and heritability studies in snake gourd (Trichosanthus anguina L). ..", International Journal of current Research in Life Sciences(IJCRLS), Volume 5, Number 12, 2016, pp. 600-602. 2016.
Thirumal Raj, S. and *Rajkumar,M., "Effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators and nutrients on yield and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lucknow-49. .", Asian Journal of Science and Technology , Volume 04, Number 06, 2013, pp. 27-30. 2013.
M. Rajkumar, "Studies on genetic Analysis in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.).", Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 4, Number 10, 2013, pp. 149-151. 2013.
M. Rajkumar., "Studies on Genetic Diversity in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) .", Asian Journal of science and Technology, Volume 02, Number 3, 2011, pp. 15-21. 2011.
M. Rajkumar. , "Studies on Heterosis in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) .", International Journal of current Research. , Volume 03, Number 10, 2011, pp. 182-185. 2011. .
Rajkumar.M and P.Karuppaiah, "Correlation and path coefficient analysis in snake gourd.", AUAJ, Volume 23, Number 06, 2008, pp. 147-150. 2008.
M.Rajkumar, P.karuppaiah, R.Kandasamy and E.Arivazhagan, "Effect of fruit grading on seed content and seed quality in snake gourd(Trichosanthes anguina L.) .", Agricultural Science, Volume 05, Number 01, 2007, pp. 37-39. 2007.
Rajkumar.M and P.Karuppaiah, "Variability studies in snake gourd (Trichosanthus anguina L).", Plant Archieves, Volume 7, Number 2, 2007, pp. 699-701. 2007.
Rajkumar.M, P.Karuppaiah and R.Kandasamy., "Effect of pre harvest application of calcium on storage behaviour,ripening and shelf life of papaya(carica papaya.L.)..", International.Journal.agricultural.sciences., Volume 02, Number 02, 2006, pp. 480-482. 2006.
Karuppaiah, P., S. Rameshkumar and M. Rajkumar., "Effect of different packages on the post harvest behavior and shelf life of Jasmine (Jasminum sambac). .", International.Journal.agricultural.sciences., Volume 02, Number 02, 2006, pp. 447-448. 2006.
List of Book Published
Suresh Panneer Selvam, Rajkumar and Karthikeyan, Effect of potassium on growth, yield and quality character on grapes, LAMBERT Academy: LAMBERT, 978-3-659-92239-8, pp. 20-25. Jun 2016.
Thirumal Raj Sannasi, Parthasarathy Seethapathy, Rajkumar Muthu, Studies on the role of plant growth regulators and nutrients on guava: Effect of foliar plant growth regulators and nutrients on flowering, fruit yield and quality of guava., Lambart : LAP, Lambart Academic Publishing, 3659912905, pp. 1-185. Apr 2016,
Rajkumar. M, P. Karuppaiah and N.Sendhilkumar, Gene Action and effect in snake gourd (Trichosanthus anguina) Gene Action and effects in crop plants, Agrobios, India: Agrobios, 978-81-934673-4-3, pp. 1-45. Apr 2018.
N.Senthilkumar, N.Manithan and M.Rajkumar, Components of Yield and their analyses in crop plants, India: Agrobios , ISBNN-978-81-939225-6-0, , pp. 56-59. Oct 2019.
M.Rajkumar, Quantitative Techniques in Research Data Analysis, India: Agrobios, 978-11199290186, pp. 120-123. Oct 2019.
N.Senthil kumar, K.Ramya and M.Rajkumar ., Recombination Breeding in crop plants., India: Agrobios , 978-81-9375371-8-1., pp. 67-70. Mar 2019.
List of Awards
Dr. Sir C.V. Raman Best Scientist State Award - Bahujana Sahithya Academy (BSA) - 2019
Karnataka Teachers Pride Award - Aryan Institute, Bangalore - 2019
Best Poster Presentation Award - National Seminar on Prospects of organic and Enterprises development in 21st century (NSPOFED) Organized by the school of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Gandhigram Rural Institute- Deemed to be Univ - 15th,16th March 2019
Inspirational Teacher Award - Rotary club of Batlagundu New generation and RC of Dindigul queen city. - 2017
Best Teacher Award - “Outstanding Contribution in the field of teaching” organized by Inner wheel club of Chennai Phoenix (IIW Dist. 323) - 5th September, 2015
Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Gold Medal Award - “Outstanding achievement in Horticulture-Grape Research” at Bangalore, organized by Global Economic Progress and Research Association, New Delhi, India. - 1st May 2016
YOUNG SCIENTIST - IJTA- 3rd International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Plant Sciences at New Delhi organized by IFTA and serials publications pvt. Ltd., - 2016