Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 01568
Designation : PROFESSOR & HEAD
Department : PHYSICS
Qualification : M.Sc.,Ph.D.,M.Ed.,
Specialization : Materials Science, Nanoscience
Date of Birth : 09-09-1965
Date of Joining : 29-12-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Centralised Instrumentation & Service Laboratory (CISL),
Department of Physics, Annamalai University
Annamalai Nagar - 608 002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 27-
Ph.D. 75

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 162120-11
Conducted ----5

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
6 119 17 4 1 -

List of Publications - National
M.Priya, P.Vasantharani and G.Sivakumar, .", , ""Hydrothermal Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of NiCo2O4 Nanoparticles.", Journal of Annamalai university,, Volume 52, Number 1, Mar 2019, pp. 19-24. Mar 2019, .
G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj and S. Barathan, "Effect of Fly ash and Water in Hydrated Blended-Cement Composite, .", Annamalai University Science Journal, Volume 46, Number 0, 2010, pp. 1-4. 2010.
G. Sivakumar, K .Mohanraj, S.senthilmurugan, R.Nithya, and S. Barathan,, "The influence of Chemical Composition on Flyash-Cement Composite,.", Eco-Chronicle,, Volume 3, Number 1, 2008, pp. 37-42. 2008.
D. Govindarajan G. Sivakumar, S. Barathan and R.Goplakrishnan, "Microstructure and Strength of Portland Cement Hydrated with Distilled and Sea water..", Annamalai University Science Journal , Volume 45, Number 0, 2008, pp. 85-90. 2008.
G. Sivakumar, K .Mohanraj, K.Thiruppathi, S. Barathan, Govindarajan, K. Raghu, "FTIR analysis of Flyash Admixtured Cement..", Acta Ciencia Indica,, Volume 33, Number 1, 2007, pp. 1089-1090. 2007.
K .Mohanraj, R.Ravibasker, R.Shanthi, G. Sivakumar, ", Electron Microscopic study of Solid Waste Flyash Blended Cement.", Eco-Chronicle, , Volume 2, Number 2, 2007, pp. 91-96. 2007.
List of Publications - International
P. Elayarani, T. Sumathi & G. Sivakumar , "Investigation on structural, morphological, and optical properties of copper molybdate nanorods for supercapacitor applications.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics , Volume 35, Number 3, Jan 2024, pp. 1-16. 2024.
Manjula, S., Sivakumar, G., Dhamodharan, P., Dinesh, A., Jaganathan, S. & Ayyar, M., " Hydrothermal synthesis of Cu2CoSnS4 nanoparticles: characterization and their applications of electrochemical, antibacterial and photocatalytic performances.", Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Volume 238, Number 3, Jan 2024, pp. 437-457. 2024.
S. Manjula, K.Mohanraj and G.Sivakumar, "Synthesis of Template-Free CNTS Nanostructures by Hydrothermal Method: Investigating Structural, Photocatalytic, Antibacterial and Electrochemical Properties.", Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 36, Number 2, Jan 2024, pp. 331-340. 2024.
Peer Mohamed Sanjitha Banu, Johnson Henry, G. Sivakumar, Kandasamy Prabakar, Kannusamy Mohanraj, " P-type to N-type conversion of Fe-doped Cu 2 BaSnS 4.", New Journal of Chemistry, Volume 47, Number 40, Sep 2023, pp. 18555-18566. 2023.
S Manjula, A Sarathkumar, G Sivakumar, "Hydrothermally Synthesized Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B Dye.", Journal of Nano Research, Volume 79, Number 1, Jun 2023, pp. 25-36. 2023.
J Henry, S Nagarajan, G Sivakumar, K Mohanraj, "Fabrication of Vacuum Evaporated (Cu1-xAgx)2ZnSnSe4 Thin-film Photovoltaic Devices and its Photoconversion Efficiency.", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 48, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 291-309. 2023.
V.P. Chitra, P. Vasantharani and G.Sivakumar, "Structural, Morphological and Optical properties of CuAl2O4 Nanoparticles and their applications on photocatalytic and antibacterial activity.", Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Volume 12, Number 9, Aug 2023, pp. 175-200. 2023.
J Henry, T Daniel, V Balasubramanian, K Mohanraj, G Sivakumar, "Chemically deposited p-type MoBiCuS4 thin film for photoelectrochemical cell applications.", Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, Volume 197, Number 3, Mar 2023, pp. 152-157. 2023.
R.V. Amudhini , P. Vasantharani, G. Sivakumar, "Antibacterial and Antifungal Performances of Plate –Like Mnal2o4 Nanoparticles Prepared by Hydrothermal Method.", European Chemical Bulletin, Volume 12, Number 5, May 2023, pp. 3673-3680. 2023.
V. Balasundaram, G. Sivakumar, A. Sarathkumar , J. Henry, And K. Mohanraj, "Structural, Optical, Morphological and Electrical Properties of Cu doped Calcium Stannate Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Performance.", Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 36, Number 1, Nov 2023, pp. 87-92. 2023.
Priya, M., P. Vasantharani, and G. Sivakumar, "Effect of Hydrothermal reaction times and temperature-dependent Spherical like NiCo2O4 nanoparticles for supercapacitor application.", Materials Technology , Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2022, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/10667857.2022.2058834.
Daniel T, Balasubramanian V, Joy Jeba Vijila J , Nishanthi S.T, Amudhavalli K , Sivakumar G , Senthil Siva Subramanian T , Mohanraj K, "Photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic cell performances of thermally evaporated Cu3BiS3 thin films.", Vacuum, Volume 195, Number 110707, Jan 2022, pp. 1-12.
J.Henry, , G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj, "Optical and photovoltaic properties of vacuum-evaporated CZTSe and AZTSe thin films: a comparitive study..", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 32, Number 2, 2021, pp. 20259-20272.
K.P.Ganesan, Amaliroselien, Dr.G.sivakumar, "High-performance energy storage of highly saturated ferromagnetic cobalt-doped cuprous oxide thin films.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 32, Number 2, 2021, pp. 7509-7527.
S.kannan, K. Mohanraj, Dr. G. Sivakumar, "Preparation of h-WO3/CuWO4 microsphere and single crystalline CuWO4 nanoparticles and their electrocatalytic activity.", vacuum, Volume 191, Number 110381, 2021, pp. 1-7.
5. Henry, J., T. Daniel, V. Balasubramanian, K. Mohanraj, and G. Sivakumar, "Synthesis and characterisation of Cu2Se thin films doped with divalent cation (Cd2+) by the chemical bath deposition method.", Phase Transitions , Volume 94 , Number 6-8, Mar 2021, pp. 567-576.
Balasundaram, V., V. Balasubramanian, T. Senthil Siva Subramanian, J. Henry, T. Daniel, K. Mohanraj, and G. Sivakumar, "Effect of adding Ce on the optostructural and electrical properties of cubic CaSnO3.", Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements , Volume 197, Number 3, Dec 2021, pp. 176-185.
Henry, J., T. Daniel, V. Balasubramanian, K. Mohanraj, and G. Sivakumar, "Chemically deposited p-type MoBiCuS4 thin film for photoelectrochemical cell applications.", Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements , Volume 197, Number 3, Oct 2021, pp. 152-157.
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar,, " Thermally evaporated CZTSe thin films for solar cell application: Study on the effect of annealing time,.", Particulate Science and Technology, , Volume 38, Number 1, 2020, pp. 1-6. 10.1080/02726351.2018.1455783.
Shanmugam,M ., Sivakumar, G., Arunkumar, A., Rajaraman, D., Indhira, M.,, "Fabrication and assessment of reinforced ceramic electrical insulator from bamboo leaf ash waste, .", Journal of Alloys and Compounds , Volume 824, , Number 1, 2020, pp. 1-7. 153703.
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Temperature dependent electrical and optical properties with higher photosensitivity of Cu2Se absorber thin films for photo voltaic application.", Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, Volume 51 , Number 1, 2020, pp. 38-46. 2021/10.1080/24701556.2020.1751199.
V.Balasubramaniyan, T.Daniel, G. Sivakumar, "Facile low temperature synthesis of W-rich Cu1-xZnxWO4 nanoparticles and the electrochemical performance .", Bulletin of Materials Science , Volume 43, Number 1, 2020, pp. 253-257. (2020) /
59. V.Balasubramaniyan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Role of W-Rich CuWO4 and Doped Zn-CuWO4 Ceramics and Its Improved Photoelectrochemical Cell Performances Synthesized by Solid State Reaction Method.", Chemistry Select, Volume 5, Number 29, 2020, pp. 8959-8968.
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Enhanced photosensitivity of Bi doped Cu2Se thin films prepared by chemical synthesis for solar cell application.", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science , Volume 44, Number 5, 2020, pp. 1-9. 10.1007/s40995-020-00949-6-.
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Fabrication of novel CuAgZnSnSe 4â,“Cu 2 ZnSnSe 4 thin film solar cells by the vacuum evaporation method.", , New Journal of Chemistry, , Volume 44, Number 35, 2020, pp. 15270-15280. .
V.Balasubramaniyan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Elucidate the pseudocapacitive behaviour of CuWO4 electrode synthesized by solid state reaction.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 31, Number 5, 2020, pp. 10142-10150. rg/10.1007/s10854-020-03559-5 .
T.Daniel, V.Balasubramaniyan, G. Sivakumar, "Electrochemical performances of green stabilizer and biomolecule assisted PbWO4 nanoparticles.", Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 49, Number 8, 2020, pp. 4680-4690. 10.1007/s11664-020-08175-x.
A.P. Sudha, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Synthesis and characterization of Cu2Se thin films with monovalent, divalent and trivalent cations via Chemical bath deoposition method.", Jordan Journal of Physics , Volume 11, Number 29, 2020, pp. 125-130. http://localhost/xmlui/handle/123456789/860.
V.Balasubramaniyan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Electrochemical performances of activated carbon prepared using eggshell waste.", SN Applied Sciences , Volume 2, Number 127, 2020, pp. 1-12. :
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Electrical and optical properties of Sb-doped Cu2Se thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition.", Phase Transitions , Volume 93, Number 8, 2020, pp. 793-801.
J.HenryaK.Mohanraja G.Sivakumar, "Vacuum evaporated FTO/(Cu, Ag)2ZnSnSe4 thin films and its electrochemical analysis .", Vacuum, Volume 160, Number -, 2019, pp. 347-354. 2019.
, Ganesan, K.P., Sivakumar, G., Anandhan, N., Marimuthu,T., Panneerselvam, R., Amali Roselin, ". Influence of bath temperatures on physical and electrical properties of potentiostatically deposited Cu 2 O thin films for heterojunction solar cell applications.", Optical and Quantum Electronics, , Volume 51, Number 1, 2019, pp. 1-16.
Roselin, A.A., Anandhan, N.,Gopu,G., Doss, I.J.P.,Ganesan, K.P., Selvam, R.P., Marimuthu,T.,Sivakumar, G., , "Electrochemical sensor for the detection of lead ions of B-site-doped bismuth titanate perovskite thin film, .", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing,, Volume 125, Number 9, 2019, pp. 1-16.
Priya, M., Premkumar, V.K., Vasantharani, P., Sivakumar, G., . , "Structural and electrochemical properties of ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal method, .", Vacuum,, Volume 167, Number 1, 2019, pp. 307-312.
Henry, J., Mohanraj, K., Sivakumar, G., "XRD, AFM, DRS and Photosensitivity of CZTSe Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation Method, , .", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science, , Volume 43, Number 4, 2019, pp. 1535-1544.
Daniel, T., Nishanthi, S.T., Mohanraj, K., Sivakumar, G., "Influence of film thickness variation on the photo electrochemical cell performances of Ag3SbS3 thin films, , .", Vacuum, , Volume 161,, Number 1, 2019, pp. 138-142.,.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, and G. Sivakumar,, " Influence of Substrates on the Photoelectrochemical Performances of Ag2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films, ,.", J. Phys. Chem. C, Volume 123, Number 4, 2019, pp. 2094-2104. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11239.
Selvaraj Kannan, PerumalVinitha, KannusamyMohanraj, GanesanSivakumar, "Antibacterial studies of novel Cu2WS4 ternary chalcogenide synthesized by hydrothermal process .", Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 258, Number -, Feb 2018, pp. 376-382. 2018.
T. Daniel, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Effect of annealing temperature on thermally evaporated Cu3SbS3 thin films.", Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics, Volume 29, Number 11, 2018, pp. 9251-9257. 2018.
P. Prathiba Jeya Helan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Effect of Annealing Time on Cu2SnSe3 Thin Films Prepared by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction Method.", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, Volume 42, Number 3, 2018, pp. 1677-1682. 2018.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Photoluminescence behavior of Cu2+xZn1-xSnS4 thin films by SILAR method.", Jordan Journal of Physics , Volume 11, Number -, 2018, pp. 101-105. 2018.
T. Daniel, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Synthesis and Characterization of CuMS2 (M= Bi, Sb) thin films.", Jordan Journal of Physics, Volume 11, Number -, 2018, pp. 137-138. 2018.
DuraiChellaPriya, Thanabalan Daniel, Johnson Henry, KannusamyMohanraj, GanesanSivakumar, SethuramachandranThanikaikarasan, Pathiyamattom Joseph Sebastian, "Thermally Deposited Sb2S3: Bi Thin Films for Solar Cell Absorber .", Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems , Volume 21, Number -, 2018, pp. 37-42. 2018.
J.Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Photoelectrochemical cell performances of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films deposited on various conductive substrates .", Vacuum, Volume 156, Number -, 2018, pp. 172-180. 2018.
A. P. Sudha, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, , "Effect of Na doping on structural, optical, and electrical properties of Cu2Se thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition method, ,.", Applied Physics A, Volume 124, Number 2, 2018, pp. 164-168. 10.1007/s00339-018-1598-1..
Premkumar,V.K., G. Sivakumar, , "Hydrothermally synthesized CoSn(OH)6 nanoparticles for electrochemical performances.", Jordan journal of Physics, Volume 11, Number 2, 2018, pp. 131-135. 2018.
J. Joy Jeba Vijila, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar , "Effect of copper concentration on the properties of chemically deposited MoSb2-xCuxSe4/CdS thin film absorbing layer for photovoltaic applications.", Materials Research Bulletin , Volume 85, Number -, Jan 2017, pp. 188-195. 2017.
Premkumar, V. K., & Sivakumar.G, "Hydrothermally synthesized cubic magnesium stannate (Mg2SnO4) nanoparticles and its electrochemical performances.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials inElectronics, Volume 28, Number 19, Oct 2017, pp. 14226-14233. 2017.
Henry, J, Mohanraj, K., Sivakumar, G., "Effect of annealing time on the optical properties of AZTSe thin films.", Materials Letters, Volume 201, Number -, Aug 2017, pp. 105-108. 2017.
Selvaraj Kannan, Kannusamy Mohanraj and Ganesan Sivakumar , "Preparation of Bifunctional CuWO4-Based Heterostructure Nanocomposites for Noble-Metal-Free Photocatalysts .", Chemistry Select , Volume 2, Number 16, May 2017, pp. 4484-4498. 2017.
KannusamyMohanraj, GanesanSivakumar, "Synthesis of γ-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and Copper Doped Fe3O4 Nanoparticles by Sonochemical Method.", Sains Malaysiana , Volume 46, Number 10, Oct 2017, pp. 1935-1942. 2017.
Johnson Henry, ArockiasamyAjaypraveenkumar, GanesanSivakumar, KannusamyMohanraj, "A new approach for deposition of silver film from AgCl through Successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction technique.", Journal of Central South University , Volume 24, Number -, 2017, pp. 2793-2798. 2017.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Effect of pH induced on the photosensitivity of nontoxic Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film by chemical bath deposition.", Optik, Volume 141, Number -, 2017, pp. 139-145. 2017.
J. Joy JebaVijila, J. Henry , T. Daniel , K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Photoresponse of novel mixed metal chalcogenide MoSb2-xCuxSe4/CdS thin film solar cells fabricated by CBD method using citric acid.", International Journal of Energy Research , Volume 41, Number -, 2017, pp. 1295-1309. 2017.
A.P. Sudha, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Synthesis and characterization of Cu2Se thin films with monovalent, divalent and trivalent cations via Chemical bath deoposition method,.", Jordan Journal of Physics, Volume 11, Number 2, 2017, pp. 125-130. http://localhost/xmlui/handle/123456789/860.
30. V.K Premkumar, S. Dinesh, G Sivakumar, K Mohanraj, "Facile hydrothermally synthesized mesoporous manganous stannate (Mn2SnO4) nanoparticles and its electrochemical properties.", Materials Research Express, Volume 4, Number 2, 2017, pp. 1-29. 2017/
T.Daniel, J.Henry, G. Sivakumar, "AgSbS2 and Ag3SbS3 absorber materials for photovoltaic applications.", Materials chemistry and physics , Volume 181, Number 5, 2017, pp. 415-421. 2017/ 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.06.077.
J. Joy JebaVijila, K. Mohanraj, J.Henry, G. Sivakumar, "Microwave-assisted Bi2Se3 nanoparticles using various organic solvents,.", Spectrachemica Acta Part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, Volume 153, Number -, 2016, pp. 457-464. 2016.
Abirami Muthukannan, J. Henry, G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj , "Fabrication and characterization of vacuum evaporated Al:CuSe2 thin films, .", Superlattices and Microstructures, , Volume 89, Number -, 2016, pp. 83-88. 2016.
J. Joy JebaVijila, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Influence of copper concentration on the opto-structural, morphological and electrical properties of novel MoSb2â**’xCuxSe2 thin films,.", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Volume 41, Number -, 2016, pp. 389-403. 2016.
J. Henry, G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj , ", optical, hardness and thermal aspects of TGSP single crystals.", Optik , Volume 127, Number -, 2016, pp. 3650-3654. 2016.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar,, "Influence of Cissusquadrangularis stabilized AgNPs and its structural, optical, antibacterial analysis: A comparative study, .", Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials , Volume 26, Number -, 2016, pp. 312-319. 2016.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Electrical and optical properties of CZTS thin films prepared by SILAR method,.", Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Volume 4, Number -, 2016, pp. 81-84. 2016.
J. Henry, P. Prema, D.Pathinettam Padiyan, K. Mohanraj, G.Sivakumar , "Shape dependent optoelectrical investigation of Cu2+xCd1 -xSnS4 thin films for solar cell applications, .", New Journal of Chemistry , Volume 40, Number -, 2016, pp. 2609-2618. 2016.
Paul Nesamony Prathiba Jeya Helan, Kannusamy Mohanraj, Sethuramachandran Thanikaikarasan, Thaiyan Mahalingam, Ganesan Sivakumar, P.J. Sebastian,, ". Ethylenediamine Processed Cu2SnS3 Nano Particles via Mild Solution Route, .", Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Volume 19, Number 0, 2016, pp. 1-5. 2016, .
Jebadurai Joy Jeba Vijila, Kannusamy Mohanraj, Sethuramachandran Thanikaikarasan, Ganesan Sivakumar, Thaiyan Mahalingam, Luis Ixtlilco, "Influence of copper concentration on the structural and optical properties of chemically deposited CuSbS2 thin films.", Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Volume 19, Number -, 2016, pp. 15-19. 2016.
P. Prathiba Jeya Helan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar,, "Doping of Sn transition metal in CuSe2 thin films and its effect on structural evolvement and opto-electrical properties,.", Applied Physics A , Volume 122, Number -, 2016, pp. 718-721. 2016.
M. Shanmugam, G. Sivakumar and K. Mohanraj, "Assessment of Bamboo Leaf Ash Waste in the Production of Ceramic Electrical Insulator.", International Journal of Current Research,, Volume 8, Number 6, 2016, pp. 33345-33348. 2016.
S.Dinesh, S.Barathan, V.K.Premkumar, G.Sivakumar, N.Anandhan, ""Hydrothermal synthesis of zinc stannate (Zn2SnO4) nanoparticles and its application towards photocatalytic and antibacterial activity".", Journal of Materials Science; Materials in Electronics, Volume 27, Number 9, May 2016, pp. 9668-9675. 10.1007/s10854-016-5027-y.
S.Dinesh, M.Anandhan,S.Barathan, V.K.Premkumar, G.Sivakumar, N.Anandhan, "â,œPhotocatalytic and electrochemical performance of hydrothermally synthesized cubic Cd2SnO4 nanoparticlesâ,.", Materials Science and Engineering B,, Volume 214, Number 2016, Dec 2016, pp. 37-45. 10.1016/j.mseb.2016.08.006.
V.K.Premkumar, S.Dinesh,S.Barathan,G.Sivakumar, "Facile hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt stannate (Co2SnO4) nano particles for electrochemical properties..", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,, Volume 6, Number 28, Nov 2016, pp. 4780-4747. 10.1007/s10854-016-6123-887.
23. Abirami Muthukannan, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "The effect of post deposition annealing on the structural and optoelectronic properties of copper bismuth selenide thin films by PVD.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 27, Number 9, 2016, pp. 9947-9952. 2016/
25. R. Santhana Priya, Abirami Muthukannan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, "Solvothermal-assisted synthesis of Cu3XS3 (X= Bi and Sb) chalcogenides nanoparticles.", Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, Volume 46, Number 9, 2016, pp. 1388-1394. 2016/
J.henery, K.Mohanraj, S.Kannan, S.Barathan, G.Sivakumar, "Structural and optical properties of SnS nanoparticles and Electron beam evaporated SnS thin films..", Journal of Experimental Nanoscience,, Volume 10, Number 2, 2015, pp. 78-85. 2015.
E. Esakkiraj, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, J. Henry, "On the optical properties of lead chalcogenide nanoparticles, nanoparticles. .", Optik, Volume 126, Number -, 2015, pp. 2133-2137. 2015.
S. Kannan, G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj , "Sonochemically prepared lead tungstate (PbWO4) microcrystals and their photoluminescence, .", SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 138, Number -, 2015, pp. 92-98. 2015.
J Henry, K. Mohanraj, G Sivakumar, S Umamaheswari , "Electrochemical and fluorescence properties of SnO2 thin films and its antibacterial activity, .", Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, , Volume 143, Number -, 2015, pp. 172-178. 2015.
P. Prathiba Jeya Helan, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar , "Synthesis and characterization of β-Ag2Se and β-AgCuSe nanoparticles starting from a novel inorganic Precursor 4 .", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, , Volume 25, Number 7, 2015, pp. 2241-2246. 2015.
A. Ajaypraveenkumar, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj,G. Sivakumar , S. Umamaheswari, "Characterization, luminescence and antibacterial properties of stable AgNPs synthesized from AgCl by precipitation method.", Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Volume 31, Number -, 2015, pp. 1125-1132. 2015.
G. Sivakumar, V. Ananthi, S.Ramanathan, "Fabrication and Evaluation of Synthesised Nano SiC Reinforced Titanium Alloy Composites by Powder Metallurgy Route.", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Volume 4, Number 7, 2015, pp. 1105-1108. 2015.
G.Sivakumar, M.Shanmugam, K.Mohanraj, S.Barathan, , "Production and Properties of Coffee Husk Ash Reinforced Ceramic Electrical Insulator.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research , Volume 6, Number 12, 2015, pp. 7887-7890. 2015.
P.Saritha, S.Barathan and G.Sivakumar, "Structural, optical and Thermal Properties of Urea Thouriea Lithium sulphate crystal.", Elixir Crystal Research, Volume 82, Number 2229-712x, 2015, pp. 32372-32374. 2015.
A.Arunachalam, S.Dhanapandian, C.Monoharan, G,Sivakumar, "Physical Properties of Zn doped TiO2 thin films with spray Pyrolysis technique and its effects in antibacterial activity, .", Spectrachemica Acta Part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, Volume 138, Number 1386-1425, 2015, pp. 172-178. 2015.
K.Prabu, K.Mohanraj, S.Kannan, S.Barathan, G.Sivakumar, , "Effect of pH, L-Arginine Concentration, and Aging Time on Selenium Nanostructures.", Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic metal organic and nano-metal chemistry, Volume 44, Number 3, 2014, pp. 383-388. 2014.
Hariharan V, Shanmugam M, Amutha K. and Sivakumar G, "Preparation and Characterization of Ceramic Products Using Sugarcane Bagasse ash Waste,.", Research Journal of Recent Sciences, Volume 3, Number -, 2014, pp. 67-70. 2014.
Johnson Henery, Kannusamy Mohanraj, Selvaraj Kannan, Seshathiri Brathan, Ganesan Sivakumar, , "Effect of Butanol and propylene Glycol in amorphous MnO2 nanoparticles.", Walailak Journal of science and Technology , Volume 11, Number 9, 2014, pp. 795-801. 2014.
S Kanna, K Mohanraj,, K Prabhu, S Barathan and G Sivakumar ,, "Synthesis of Selenium nanorods with assistance of biomolecule,.", Bulltein of Material Science, , Volume 37, Number 7, 2014, pp. 1631-1635. 2014.
K.Amutha, G.Sivakumar and R.Elumalai,, "Comparison Studies of Quartz And Biosilica Influence On The Porcelain Tiles,.", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,, Volume 5, Number 3, 2014, pp. 102-105. 2014.
G. Sivakumar, V. Ananthi, , "Silicon Carbide Powder from Rice Husk: Preparation and Characterization.", International Review of Mechanical Engineering , Volume 8, Number 4, 2014, pp. 816-819. 2014.
G.Sivakumar, V. Hariharan, M. Shanmugam, K., "Fabrication and Properties of Bagasse Ash Blended Ceramic Tiles .", International Journal of ChemTech Research,, Volume 6, Number 12, 2014, pp. 4991-4994. 2014.
Abirami Muthukannan G. Sivakumar & K. Mohanraj, "Influence of Equimolar Concentration on Structural and Optical Properties of Binary Selenides Nanoparticles, .", Particulate Science and Technology, Volume 32, Number 0, Apr 2014, pp. 392-398. 2014,
Kumaravel PRABHU, Selvaraj KANNAN, Johnson HENRY, Ganesan SIVAKUMAR and Kannusamy MOHANRAJ, , "Undoped and Metal Doped ZnS Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method.", Walailak J Sci & Tech , Volume 11, Number 9, Nov 2014, pp. 795-801. 2014.
Palanisamy Saritha, Seshathri Barathan, Ganesan Sivakumar, , "Growth and Analysis of Urea Thiourea Sodium Sulphate Crystal,.", IOSR, Journal of Applied Physics, , Volume 4, Number 4, 2013, pp. 38-41. 2013, 2278-4861.
K. Amutha and G. Sivakumar,, "Analytical analysis of synthesized biosilica from bioresidues.", Spectrachemica Acta Part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, Volume 584, Number -, 2013, pp. 219-222. 2013, 1386-1425.
K. Amutha and G. Sivakumar,, "Adherence of the biosilica to the bioceramic tiles, .", International Journal of Development Research. , Volume 3, Number 12, 2013, pp. 65-67. 2013, 2230-9926.
J.Henry, K.Mohanraj, S.Kannan, S.Barathan, and G.Sivakumar , "Effect of Selenium doping on structure and optical properties of SnS:Se thin films by electron beam evaporation method.", European Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, , Volume 61, Number 1, 2013, pp. 1-4. 2013.
Palanisamy Saritha, Seshathri Barathan, Ganesan Sivakumar , , "Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Urea Thiourea Sodium Sulphate Crystal, .", International Journal of Current Research, , Volume 5, Number 12, 2013, pp. 3715-3718. 2013, .
V.Hariharan and G.Sivakumar, "Studies on synthesized nanosilica obtained from Bagasse ash.", International journal of Chemtech Research, Volume 5, Number 3, 2013, pp. 1263-1266. 2013.
J.henery, K.Mohanraj, S.Kannan, S.Barathan, G.Sivakumar, , "Influence of zirconium concentration on optical characteristics of nanostructured zirconium diselenite ingorganic cation exchanger,.", Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials ,, Volume 15, Number 9-10, 2013, pp. 1047-1051. 2013, .
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, S. Kannan, S. Barathan and G. Sivakumar, , "Morphological and optostructural studies on hydrazine hydrate Assisted zr(seo3)2 nanoparticles, .", Journal Chil. Chem. Soc., Volume 58, Number 2, 2013, pp. 1759-1762. 2013,.
P. Saritha, S. Barathan and G. Sivakumar, , "The effect of silica fume on dielectric constant of ordinary Portland cement and High alumina cement paste, .", Asia pacific journal of Research, Volume 2, Number 8, 2013, pp. 170-178. 2013.
E. Esakkiraj, S.P. Sheik Abdul Kadhar, J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, S. Kannan, S. Barathan, G. Sivakumar, , "Optostructural and vibrational characteristics of Cu:CdS nanoparticles by precipitation method,.", Optik , Volume 124, Number -, 2013, pp. 5229-5231. 2013.
K. Amutha and G. Sivakumar,, "Densification behavior of bioceramic tiles from bioresidue.", IEEE, Volume -, Number -, 2013, pp. 130-132. 2013, 10.1109/ICANMEET.2013.6609257. .
G.Sivakumar, V.Hariharan and S.Barathan,, "Preparation of Bio-cement using sugarcane bagasse ash and its Hydration behavior,.", International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR),, Volume 2, Number 10, 2013, pp. 1887-1889. 2013, .
G. Sivakumar, V. Hariharan and K. Abith,, "Effect of cadmium ion source on the properties of CDS thin film grown by chemical bath deposition, .", Elixir Optical materials, vol.48, 9433-9436., Volume 48, Number 0, 2012, pp. 9433-9436. 2012.
K. Mohanraj, S. Kannan, S. Barathan and G. Sivakumar, "Preparation and characterization of nano SiO2 from corncob ash by precipitation method, .", Optoelectronics and Adavanced Materials , Volume 6, Number 3-4, 2012, pp. 394-397. 2012, 1842-6573.
E. Subramanian, R. Dhana Ramalakshmi, N. Vijayakumar and G. Sivakumar,, "Hybrid composite materials of anatase titania and conducting polyaniline: properties and chemical sensor application, .", Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Volume 19, Number -, 2012, pp. 237-244. 2012.
G. Sivakumar and K. Amutha, "Studies on Silica obtained from cow dung ash, .", Advanced Materials Research, , Volume 584, Number -, 2012, pp. 470-473. 2012, 1022-6680.
G. Sivakumar, K. Amutha and V. Hariharan, , "Structural and Morphological Studies on Nanosilica from Treated Bagasse and Rice Straw.", IEEE, Volume -, Number -, 2011, pp. 241-243. 2011, DOI: 10-1109/ICONSET.2011.6167930.
G. Anbalagan, G. Sivakumar, A.R. Prabakaran and S. Gunasekaran, "Spectroscopic characterization of natural chrysotile, .", Vibrational spectroscopy, , Volume 52, Number 0, 2010, pp. 122-127. 2010.
K. Amutha, R. Ravibaskar and G. Sivakumar,, "Extraction, Synthesis and Characterization of Nanosilica and Characterization of Nanosilica from Rice Husk Ash,.", International Journal of Nano Technology and Application, Volume 4, Number 1, 2010, pp. 61-66. 2010.
G. Sivakumar, K. Mohanraj and S. Barathan, , "Dielectric study on Flyash Blended Cement, .", E-Journal of Chemistry,, Volume 6, Number 1, 2009, pp. 231-236. 2009, 0973-4945.
G. Sivakumar and R. Ravibaskar, "Investigation on the hydration properties of the Rice Husk Ash Cement Using FTIR and SEM, .", Applied Physics Research, , Volume 1, Number 2, 2009, pp. 71-77. 2009.
K. Thirupathi, S. Barathan, N. Anandhan and G. Sivakumar, , "Effect of Fly Ash and Water in Hydrated SRPC â,“A FTIR Study.", Applied Physics Research,, Volume 1, Number 2, 2009, pp. 59-67. 2009.
R. Nithya, S. Barathan, M. Gopalakrishnan, G. Sivakumar and B. Gopbinath, , "The Hydration of Heavy Metal Salts Admixtured High Alumina Cement -A X-Ray Diffraction Study.", Applied Physics Research,, Volume 1 , Number 2, 2009, pp. 19-24. 2009.
K. Veluchamy, S. Barathan and G. Sivakumar and N. Anandhan, , "X-Ray Diffraction Analysis on the Effect of Silica fume and water in Blended Cement Paste.", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, , Volume 4, Number 11, 2009, pp. 2369-2376. 2009.
K. Mohanraj and G. Sivakumar, , "Hydration of Fly ash Blended Paste,.", Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, , Volume 28, Number 1-2, 2009, pp. 7-16. 2009.
G. Sivakumar, Md. R. Ahmed, S. Parthiban, S. P. Meenakshisundaram and S. C. Mojumdar, , "The Effect of Co2+ Doping on Tetra (Thiourea) Copper (I) Chloride Crystals .", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, , Volume 94, Number 0, 2008, pp. 53-57. 2008.
K. Palanikumar, G. Sivakumar and J. Paulo Davim, , ", Development of an empirical model for surface roughness in the machining of Al/SiC particulate composites by PCD tool, .", International journal of Materials & Product Technology, , Volume 32, Number 2/3, 2008, pp. 318-322. 2008.
List of Conferences - National
M.Priya, N.Vinnoli, P.Vasantharani and G.Sivakumar, , , Characterization of facile hydrothermally synthesized CuCo2O4 nanoparticles, National Conference on Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608 002 Tamil Nadu, India., pp. 314-316. Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Aug 30-31, 2019, Department of Chemical Engineering,, pp. 314-316. Annamalai Nagar, Annamalai University.
Praveen Raj, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, Solar Cells – Review, National confrence on energy materials, Jun 28-29, 2018, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 289-290. TIRUNELVELI, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj and G.Sivakumar, Comparison studies on opto-structural properties of vacuum evaporated (Cu, Ag)2ZnSnSe4 thin films, National confrence on energy materials, Jun 28-29, 2018, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 73-74. TIRUNELVELI, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
T. Daniel, K. Mohanraj and G. Sivakumar, Influence of film thickness on the optostructural properties of Ag3SbS3 thin films., National confrence on energy materials, Jun 28-29, 2018, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 51-52. TIRUNELVELI, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
V.Balasubramanian, S.Kannan, K. Mohanraj and G. Sivakumar, Hydrothermally synthesised Copper based metal chalcogenide nanoparticles for energy applications, Hydrothermally synthesised Copper based metal chalcogenide nanoparticles for energy applications, Jun 28-29, 2018, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 38-39. TIRUNELVELI, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
J. Henry, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, PHOTOLUMINESCENCE BEHAVIOR OF CU2+XZN1-XSNS4 THINFILMS BY SILAR METHOD, 6th National seminor on Advances in Materials science, Mar 2-3, 2017, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 48-49. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
T. Daniel, K. Mohanraj, G. Sivakumar, SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CUMS2(M=BI,SB) THINFILMS PREPARED BY CBD METHOD, 6th National seminor on Advances in Materials science, Mar 2-3, 2017, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 45-47. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
S.Kannan, K.Mohanraj and G.Sivakumar, PREPARATION OF BIFUNTIONAL Cu-RICH CuWO4 NANOCOMPOSITES FOR NOBLE-METAL-FREE PHOTOCATALYSTS, 6th National seminor on Advances in Materials science , Mar 2-3, 2017, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 25-27. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
M. Shanmugam, G. Sivakumar and K. Mohanraj, Fabrication and Technological Properties of Coffee Husk Ash Blended Ceramic Electrical Insulators, National Conference On Advanced Materials , Mar 21-22, 2016, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai-603110, pp. 21-21. Dept.of Physics, SSN College of Engineering, .
P. Prathiba Jeya Helan, K. Mohanraj,S.Barathan, G. Sivakumar, Effect of Etheylenediamine on Mohite nanostructures Via Solvothermal route, National Seminar on Advances in Material Science, Sep 29-30, 2014, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 111-114. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
J.Joy Jeba Vijila, K.Mohanraj, S. Barathan and G.Sivakumar, Cu induced structural modification of nanotubes to nanofibers in MoSb1-x CuxSe2 thin films by CBD method , National Seminar on Advances in Material Science, Sep 29-30, 2014, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , Tirunelveli, pp. 95-98. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , Tirunelveli, Department of physics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , Tirunelveli.
Abirami Muthukannan, Mohanraj K, Barathan S and Sivakumar G, Optostructural properties of thermally evaporated CuBiSe2 thin films, Fifth National Seminar on Advances in Materials Science, Sep 29-30, 2014, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 12-14. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
Amutha K and Sivakumar G, Characterization of Bioceramic Tiles using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Fifth National Seminar on Advances in Materials Science.Department of Physics, Sep 15-16, 2014, , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 15-16. , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
K. Amutha and G.Sivakumar, comparison studies on synthesized biosilica and commercial silica , proceeding of the second national seminar on new materials research and nanotechnology , Sep 25-27, 2013, Govt Arts college, Udhamandalam (ooty), pp. 362-363. Govt Arts college, Udhamandalam (ooty), Department of physics , Govt Arts college, Udhamandalam (ooty).
V. Ananthi and G. Sivakumar, Preparation of Nanosized Silicon Carbide powder by High energy Ball milling, Proceeding of the National conference on Advances in Materials Science, Mar 1-2, 2012, Depatment of physics,Annamalai University, pp. 46-50. Depatment of physics,Annamalai University, Sri Velan pathippagam, chidambaram.
M. Noorfathima, K. Mohanraj, S. Kannan, S, Barathan and G. Sivakumar, Synthesis of Zeolite-X from class F Flyash by Refluxing method and its Characterization, National Seminar on Advances in Material Science, Jan 23-24, 2012, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 183-185. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
K. Amutha G. Sivakumar and S. Barathan, FTIR and SEM-EDS studies on Pure Silica originated from Maize Stalk Ash, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Advances in Material Science, Jan 23-24, 2012, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 31-33. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Department of physics,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
List of Conferences - International
V. Balasundaram, V. Balasubramanian, R. Nandhini, J. Henry, T.Daniel, K. Mohanraj and G. Sivakumar, Zn doped CaSnO3 nanoparticles synthesis by Chemical method, International Conference on AMCI 2020, , Jan 30-31, 2020, Department of Chemistry, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, , pp. 46-49. Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, .
K.Amutha and G.Sivakumar, Densification behavior of bioceramic tiles from bioresidue, ICANMEET, Jul 24-26, 2013, SATHYABAMA UNIVERSI TY, CHENNAI, pp. 130-132. SATHYABAMA UNIVERSI TY, CHENNAI, IEEE.
R.Ravibaskar and G. Sivakumar, X-ray diffraction analysis of the reaction mechanism in RHA blended cement, International conference on emerging trends in physics, Feb 21-22, 2013, St. Joseph’s college cuddalore , pp. 221-227. St. Joseph’s college cuddalore , PG&RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS.
K. Amutha , G. Sivakumar and R.Elumalai , Effect of synthesized silica on the properties of porcelain tiles , International conference on emerging trends in physics, Feb 21-22, 2013, St. Joseph’s college cuddalore , pp. 307-309. St. Joseph’s college cuddalore , PG&RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS.
List of Book Published
K.Mohanraj & G.Sivakumar, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Flyashes Blended Cement Paste, ACADEMIC PUBLISHER, GERMANY: LAB LAMBERT, 978-3-659-48906-8, pp. 1-197. Apr 2013,
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
indian association for crystal growth (IACG) - 17/2019
Life Member, The Indian Science congress Association - L21099