Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 02698
Designation : PROFESSOR
Qualification : M.Sc(Hort.),Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 15-12-1965
Date of Joining : 08-10-1992
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Dept. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture
Annamalai University,
Annamalainagar – 608 002 , Tamilnadu
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 471
Ph.D. 03

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 656083
Conducted ---1-

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 4730.25 lakhs
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
32 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
22 63 11 3 7 -

List of Publications - National
Arumugam Shakila and M. Sankar, "Influence of growth regulators on seed germination in Basil (Ocimum sanctum)..", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 58, Number 1-6, 2011, pp. 228-230. 2011.
S. Venkatesan and Arumugam Shakila , "Effect of organic inputs on the growth and yield of medicinal solanum.", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 23, Number 1, 2008, pp. 305-311. 2008.
Illavarasi, K., S. Anuja, Arumugam Shakila and A. Angayarkanni, "Yield performance of vegetable covpea cv. TUX.944 with varying levels of phosphorus and potassium under coastal ecosystem .", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 22, Number 1, 2007, pp. 61-64. 2007.
Sam Ruban, J. and Arumugam Shakila, "Evaluation of yield and its attributing characters of Banana cultivars in coastal ecosystem.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 54, Number 1-6, 2007, pp. 219-222. 2007.
Ramesh,M., A. Anburani, Arumugam Shakila and R. Suchindra., "Yield responses of tuberose ( Polianthes tuberosa ) cv.Single to certain storage temperatures and bulbsize.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 53, Number 1-6, 2006, pp. 359-363. 2006.
Ramesh,M., A. Anburani, Arumugam Shakila and R. Suchindra, "Influence of bulb size and storage temperatures on sprouting and growth of tuberose ( Polianthes tuberosa ) cv.Single.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 53, Number 1-6, 2006, pp. 364-368. 2006.
Sivakumar,V., Arumugam Shakila and R. Rajeswari, "Response of Bhendi to combined application of NPK with organic manures and zinc on growth and yield.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 53, Number 1-6, 2006, pp. 316-319. 2006.
Venkatesan,S., Arumugam Shakila and M. Kader Mohideen, "Effect of growth retardants on the performance of Triploid Crossandra( Crossandra undulaefolia). .", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 52, Number 1-6, 2005, pp. 216-221. 2005.
Naga Madhu Sudhan, P and Arumugam Shakila , "Effect of zinc on growth, flowering and yield of cucumber..", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 51, Number 1-6, 2004, pp. 195-198. 2004.
Anuja, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of plant growth regulators on fruit quality and post harvest life of tomato cv. CO-3 and PKM-1 .", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 21, Number (Platinum Jubilee Special issue), 2004, pp. 175-178. 2004.
Arumugam Shakila and K. Manivannan , "Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and potassium on qualitative characters of tissue cultured banana .", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 21, Number (Platinum Jubilee Special Issue), 2004, pp. 179-182. 2004.
Jayaprabha,P. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of Celosia (Celosia plumosa). .", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 50, Number 4-6, 2003, pp. 649-652. 2003.
Arumugam Shakila and K. Manivannan., "Influence of split application of fertilizers on the leaf nutrient content of in-vitro propagated banana cv. Robusta. .", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 50, Number 4-6, 2003, pp. 317-322. 2003.
Arumugam Shakila and K. Manivannan, "Response of in-vitro raised banana cv. Robusta to different levels of N and K application.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 49, Number 1-2, 2002, pp. 362-364. 2002.
Nandakumar, N., R. Senthilkumar, Arumugam Shakila and M.V. Sriramachandrasekaran, "Effect of salinity on growth and yield of two cultivars of rose (Rosa spp.) .", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 20, Number 1, 2002, pp. 61-66. 2002.
Jeevarani, N., Arumugam Shakila and R. Senthilkumar, "Screening of seeds of vegetable crops for flooding tolerance .", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 20, Number 1, 2002, pp. 67-70. 2002.
Jeevarani, N., Arumugam Shakila and R. Senthilkumar, "Effect of root anaerobiosis on ethylene production, epinasty and stem hypertrophy of brinjal plants.", Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual, Volume 20, Number 1, 2002, pp. 71-76. 2002.
Kandasamy, R., T. R. Barathkumar and Arumugam Shakila, "Gene action in Bittergourd (Momordica chinensis).", Journal of Rnvironmental Research, Volume 11, Number 1, 2001, pp. 39-41. 2001.
Jeevarani, N., Arumugam Shakila and Baskarrajan, G., "Effect of flooding on epinasty, stem hypertrophy and nutrient content of different brinjal accessions.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 46, Number 1-2, 1998, pp. 39-42. 1998.
Baskarrajan,G., N. Jeevarani and Arumugam Shakila , "Mass propagation of Pogoestemon patchouli, Hook through tissue culture..", Madras Agricultural Journal, Volume 85, Number 10-12, 1998, pp. 665-666. 1998.
Baskarrajan, G. and Arumugam Shakila, ".Mass propagation of Pogoestemon patchouli, Hook through somatic organogenesis.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 45 , Number (1 & 2), 1997, pp. 45-49. 1997.
Baskarrajan, G., Arumugam Shakila and L.R.Rajasekaran, "In-vitro regeneration of scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) through indirect organogenesis.", South Indian Horticulture, Volume 45 , Number (4-6), 1997, pp. 209-210. 1997.
List of Publications - International
Arthi,L.R., S. Kumar, Arumugam Shakila and V. Prabudoss, "Standardization of integrated nutrient management for enhancing the yield of Manila tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce0 cv. local.", Crop Research, Volume 58, Number 5&6, 2023, pp. 248-250. 2023.
Arthi,L.R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of banana (Musa spp.) cv. red Banana.", International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, Volume 35, Number 11, 2023, pp. 143-146. 2023.
Arthi, V., M.V. Sriramachandrasekaran, R. Manivannan and Arumugam Shakila, "Enhancement of agronomic traits and yield of rice var. ADT43 grown in typic ustifluvent soil through silicon fertilization .", Journal of Applied and Natural Science , Volume 13, Number 3, 2021, pp. 1052-1058. 2021.
Rajeswari, R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of storage and seed treatments on the germination and seedlings vigour of Ambrette( Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.).", Internation Journal of Advance and Innovative Research , Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 154-157. 2019.
Venkatesan, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of organic inputs on the yield,dry matter production,solasodine content and nutrient uptake of medicinal solanum (Solanum viarum Dunal.).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Number 6, 2018, pp. 868-876. 2018.
Jayalakshmi,C. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of bioregulators on yield of guava cv.Arka Mridula and Arka Amulya.", International Journal of Chemical Studies, Volume 6, Number 5, 2018, pp. 718-722. 2018.
Jayalakshmi, C. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of bioregulators on quality of guava (Psidium guajava) cvs. Arka Mridula and Arka Amulya.", International Journal of Chemical Studies, Volume 6, Number 1, 2018, pp. 45-47. 2018.
Venkatesan, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of growth regulators on the yield, physiological and biochemical parameters of medicinal solanum (Solanum viarum Dunal).", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 4, Number 6, 2017, pp. 311-318. 2017.
Venkatesan, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of integrated nutrient management on the growth and physiological parameters of medicinal solanum (Solanum viarum Dunal).", International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, Volume 6, Number 11, 2017, pp. 703-707. 2017.
Kichenaradjou,M.and Arumugam Shakila, "Genetic divergence, heritability and yield traits of different ashgourd accessions..", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Research, Volume 7, Number 6, 2017, pp. 453-458. 2017.
Aswathy Suresh and Arumugam Shakila. , "Influence of time and intensity of pruning on quality of guava (Psidium guajava) cv. Lucknow 49.", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 12, Number 2, 2017, pp. 189-192. 2017.
Aswathy Suresh and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of pruning intensities on yield of guava (Psidium guajava) cv. Lucknow 49.", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 12, Number 2, 2017, pp. 202-205. 2017.
Esakkimuthu,D and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of media on growth parameters of banana cv. Poovan..", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 12, Number 1, 2017, pp. 133-135. 2017.
Esakkimuthu,D. and Arumugam Shakila, "Studies on the effect of media on sucker production of banana cv. Poovan..", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 12, Number 1, 2017, pp. 85-88. 2017.
Rajeswari, R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of season and spacing on growth performance of ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.). .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 10, Number 1, 2015, pp. 71-75. 2015.
Rajeswari, R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of season and spacing on flowering and yield performance of ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.). .", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 11, Number 2, 2015, pp. 277-281. 2015.
Rajeswari,R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on yield characters of ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.)..", Plant Archives, Volume 15, Number 1, 2015, pp. 537-540. 2015.
Gunasekaran, P. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of fertigation on tuber yield of medicinal coleus (Coleus forskohlii Briq.).", Plant Archives, Volume 13, Number 2, 2013, pp. 1061-1063. 2013.
Gunasekaran, P. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of mulching on weed control and tuber yield of medicinal coleus (Coleus forskohlii Briq.). .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 9, Number 1, 2013, pp. 124-127. 2013.
Gunasekaran, P. and Arumugam Shakila, "Response of medicinal coleus (Coleus forskohlii Briq.) to mulching in respect of weed control and tuber yield.", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 9, Number 3-4, 2013, pp. 123-127. 2013.
Prabu, M. and Arumugam Shakila, "Studies on organic nutrition in growth and yield of Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis L.) .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 8, Number 1, 2013, pp. 126-128. 2013.
Rajamanickam, V., S. Venkatesan and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of organic manures, consortium of biofertilizers and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of mint (Mentha arvensis L.).", Plant Archives, Volume 11, Number 2, 2011, pp. 745-747. 2011.
Rajamanickam, V., S. Venkatesan and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of organic manures, consortium of biofertilizers and inorganic fertilizers on yield, nutrient uptake and profitability of mint (Mentha arvensis L.)..", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 6, Number 1, 2011, pp. 191-194. 2011.
Sundharaiya,K. and Arumugam Shakila, "Line X Tester analysis in Bittergourd.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 24, Number 1, 2011, pp. 637-641. 2011.
Balavidya, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of plant growth regulators and medium composition on shoot and root regeneration in rose.", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 5, Number 2, 2010, pp. 510-513. 2010.
Balavidya, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of closure of test tubes on the survival of rose explants..", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 5, Number 2, 2010, pp. 467-468. 2010.
Shakila, A. and A.Anburani, "Effect of storage temperatures on the quality and shelf life of papaya..", Acta Horticulture, Volume 851, Number 1, 2010, pp. 535-539. 2010.
Anburani, A. and A.Shakila, "Influence of seed treatment on the enhancement of germination and seedling vigour of papaya.", Acta Horticulture, Volume 851, Number 1, 2010, pp. 295-298. 2010.
Rajeswari,R. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of organic manures on nutrient uptake of palak (Beta vulgaris L. var. bengalensis). .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010, pp. 405-407. 2010.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari, "Influence of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of Ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medic). .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010, pp. 340-342. 2010.
Venkatesan, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Response of Medicinal Solanum to graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus..", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 3, Number 2, 2008, pp. 327-329. 2008.
Anburani, A., Arumugam Shakila and M. Gayathri, "Effect of organic manures in combination with fertilizers on yield in Gundumalli ( Jasminum sambac Ait.). .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 3, Number 2, 2008, pp. 419-421. 2008.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari., "Effect of various botanicals and organic soaks on the germination and seedling vigour of Ambrette.", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 4, Number 2, 2008, pp. 678-680. 2008.
Arumugam Shakila and A. Anburani, "Effect of certain organics and pressmud on growth and yield characters of Tomato. .", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 3, Number 2, Dec 2008, pp. 273-276. 2008.
Venkatesan, S. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of plant growth regulators and chemicals on the seed germination of medicinal solanum.", Plant Archives, Volume 8, Number 1, Jan 2008, pp. 143-146. 2008.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari, "Effect of various botanicals and organic soaks on the germination and seedling vigour of Ambrette.", Acta Horticulture, Volume 782, Number 1, 2008, pp. 235-239. 2008.
Ponni, C. and Arumugam Shakila, "Influence of seed treatment on germination and seedling vigour of Phyllanthus niruri.", Acta Horticulture, Volume 782, Number 1, 2008, pp. 155-161. 2008.
Ilavarasi, K, S. Anuja, Arumugam Shakila and A. Angayarkanni, "Effect of phosphorus and potassium application on soil NPK availability, their uptake and pod yield of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata,L.).", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 1, Jan 2007, pp. 205-206. 2007.
Arumugam Shakila, R.Rajeswari and M. Sankar, "Effect of pre sowing soaking seed treatment with GA3, NAA and Thiourea on seed germination and seedling growth of basil (Ocimum sanctum). .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, Dec 2007, pp. 465-467. 2007.
Arumugam Shakila, R.Rajeswari and M. Sankar, "Effect of type of cuttings and auxins on rooting of cuttings in basil (Ocimum sanctum). .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, Dec 2007, pp. 445-449. 2007.
Arumugam Shakila and M. V. Sriramachandrasekaran., "Relative response of radish to different sources of sulfur..", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, Dec 2007, pp. 657-658. 2007.
Arumugam Shakila and M. Prabu, "Response of mint (Mentha arvensis) to organic nutrients.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2 Suppl, Dec 2007, pp. 13-15. 2007.
Arumugam Shakila and A. Kurinchinathan, "Influence of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorous on growth and yield of galangal.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2 Suppl, Dec 2007, pp. 9-11. 2007.
Ponni, C. and Arumugam Shakila, ".Effect of certain organic manures and biostimulants on growth and yield of Phyllanthus niruri.", The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Volume 2, Number 2, Dec 2007, pp. 148-150. 2007.
Sriramachandrasekaran, M. V. and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of Sulfur on radish yield, S uptake and sulfur use efficiency..", Plant Archives, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 393-394. 2006.
Anuja, S and Arumugam Shakila, "Effect of bio regulators on yield and quality of tomato.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 19, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 53-56. 2006.
Tanuja Priya, B. and Arumugam Shakila , "Effect of plant bio regulators on in- vitro proliferation of shoot tips of banana cv. Poovan.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 16, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 83-87. 2006.
11. Sundharaiya, K and Arumugam Shakila , "Gene action studies in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.).", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 19, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 249-252. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari, "Effect of FYM and industrial wastes on productivity of Phyllanthus niruri.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 19, Number 2, Dec 2006, pp. 525-529. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari, "Effect of GA3, certain chemicals and media on germination, growth and yield of Phyllanthus niruri. .", Plant Archives, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 121-125. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila and R.Rajeswari, "Studies on in- vitro screening of teak for salt tolerance.", Plant Archives, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 205-208. 2006.
Anuja, S, K. Ilavarasi, Arumugam Shakila and A. Angayarkanni, "Effect of different levels of phosphorus and potassium on the yield and quality of vegetable Cowpea..", Plant Archives, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 297-299. 2006.
Ilavarasi, K, S. Anuja, Arumugam Shakila and A. Angayarkanni., "Effect of different levels of phosphorus and potassium on the growth attributes of vegetable Cowpea.", Plant Archives, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2006, pp. 365-366. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila and M. V. Sriramachandrasekaran, "Effect of Sulfur rates and carriers on yield and quality of radish..", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 2, Number 2, Dec 2006, pp. 403-404. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila and M. V. Sriramachandrasekaran, "Effect of Sulfur carriers on yield and nutrient uptake by radish..", International Journal of Tropical Agriculture., Volume 24, Number 1-2, Jan 2006, pp. 95-97. 2006.
Arumugam Shakila, S. Venkatesan and D. Babu, "Influence of osmo-priming agents on seedling performance in chilli .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 18, Number 1, Jan 2005, pp. 147-155. 2005.
Thilahar.N. and Arumugam Shakila , "Studies on in-vitro screening of casuarina clones for salt tolerance.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 17, Number 1, Jan 2004, pp. 17-22. 2004.
Arumugam Shakila, K. Manivannan and A. Anburani, "Influence of split application of fertilizers on the leaf nutrient content of in-vitro propagated banana cv. Robusta.", Plant Archives, Volume 4, Number 2, Dec 2004, pp. 403-405. 2004.
Tanuja Priya, B. and Arumugam Shakila , "Synthetic seed production in banana.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 16, Number 1, Jan 2003, pp. 219-222. 2003.
Thilahar.N. and Arumugam Shakila , "Effect of sodium chloride on direct organogenesis in casuarina.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 16, Number 2, Jan 2003, pp. 367-370. 2003.
Anburani, A., K. Manivannan and Arumugam Shakila , "Integrated nutrient management on quality parameters in brinjal cv. Annamalai..", Plant Archives, Volume 3, Number 2, Dec 2003, pp. 279-281. 2003.
Tanuja Priya, B. and Arumugam Shakila , "Germination and storage potential of synthetic seeds of banana cv. Poovan. .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 16, Number 1, Jan 2003, pp. 205-207. 2003.
Anburani, A., K. Manivannan and Arumugam Shakila , "Integrated nutrient and weed management on yield and yield parameters in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Annamalai..", Plant Archives, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2003, pp. 85-88. 2003.
List of Conferences - National
Rajeswari, R., Arumugam Shakila and K.Kalaimani, Response of Annual moringa cv. PKM-1 to different organic inputs, Proceedings of National Seminar on �Recent advances in Soil Health and Crop Management for Sustainable Agriculture�, Feb 26-27, 2009, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,, pp. 285-289. Chidambaram, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,Annamalai University.
Arumugam Shakila, R.Rajeswari and D.Santhanalakshmi., Effect of organic manures on growth and yield of palak (Beta vulgaris L. var Bengalensis)., Proceedings of National Seminar on �Recent advances in Soil Health and Crop Management for Sustainable Agriculture�, Feb 26-27, 2009, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,, pp. 71-74. Chidambaram, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,Annamalai University.
Rajeswari, R., Arumugam Shakila, A. Sundari and S.M.Sureshkumar, In-Vitro response of teak to salt stress, National Seminar on “Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture”, Mar 17-18, 2005, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University., pp. 220-221. Chidambaram, Department of Agronomy.
Rajeswari, R., Arumugam Shakila, A. Sundari and S.M.Sureshkumar, Organogenesis in teak as influenced by salt., Proceedings of National Seminar on Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture (RMSA), Mar 17-18, 2005, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University., pp. 222-224. Chidambaram, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University.
Arumugam Shakila, S. Venkatesan and D. Babu., Influence of osmopriming agents on seedling performance in chilli., National Seminar on “Physiological Intervention for Improved Crop Productivity and Quality – Opportunities and Constraints”, Dec 12-14, 2003, S.V Agrl. College, Tirupati., pp. 179-187. Tirupati, S.V Agrl. College.
Tanuja Priya, B. and Arumugam Shakila , Synthetic seed production in banana, XI National Conference on “Biotechnology and Bioinformatics in the 21st Century”, Mar 9-10, 2002, Periyar Meiyammai Engineering College for Women, Vallam, Tanjore, pp. 117-121. Tanjore, Periyar Meiyammai Engineering College for Women, Vallam.
Rajasekaran, V., K. Haripriya and Arumugam Shakila, In-vitro propagation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberose L.)., “Centennial Conference on Spices and Aromatic Plants”, Sep 20-23, 2000, Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut ,Kerala, pp. 86-88. Calicut, Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut ,Kerala.
Rajasekaran, V., K. Haripriya and Arumugam Shakila, Micropropagation studies in jasmine (Jasminum sambc Ait.), “Centennial Conference on Spices and Aromatic Plants”, Sep 20-23, 2000, Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut ,Kerala, pp. 47-48. Calicut, Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut ,Kerala.
Senthilkumar, R., M. D. Venkatesan and Arumugam Shakila, . In-vitro multiplication of teak from shoot tips., Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Recent advances in Plant Biotechnology”, Mar 26-27, 1997, V.H.N.S.N. College, Virudhunagar, pp. 50-54. Virudhunagar, V.H.N.S.N. College, Virudhunagar.
Venkatesan, M. D., R. Senthilkumar and Arumugam Shakila, Preliminary results of tissue culture studies in casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia). , Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Recent advances in Plant Biotechnology” , Mar 26-27, 1997, V.H.N.S.N. College, Virudhunagar, pp. 55-58. Virudhunagar, V.H.N.S.N. College, Virudhunagar.
Baskarrajan, G. and Arumugam Shakila, Propagation of Pogoestemon patchouli, Hook through somatic organogenesis., National Seminar on “Biotechnology of Spices and Aromatic Plants”, Apr 24-25, 1996, Indian Institute of Spices Research,Calicut ,Kerala, pp. 56-59. Calicut, Indian Institute of Spices Research.
List of Conferences - International
Arumugam Shakila and D. Santhanalakshmi, Response of palak to various organic inputs., Proceedings of International Conference on conventional and non- conventional organic inputs in Agriculture, Aug 16-17, 2013, GRT Grand Hotel, Pondicherry, pp. 70-73. Pondicherry, Pondicherry.
Arumugam Shakila and A. Anburani, Effect of storage temperatures on the quality and shelf life of Papaya, Second International Symposium On Papaya, Dec 9-12, 2008, Madurai, pp. 537-539. Coimbatore, TNAU Coimbatore.
Anburani, A. and Arumugam Shakila, Influence of seed treatment In the enhancement of germination and seedling vigour of Papaya, Second International Symposium on Papaya, Dec 9-12, 2008, Madurai, pp. 295-298. Coimbatore, TNAU Coimbatore.
List of Book Published
Mohideen MK , Shakila A , Anburani A, Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, Agrobios (India) Behind Nasrani Cinema,Chopasani Road,Jodhpur: Agrobios (India), ISBN : 9788177544114, pp. 1-304. Jun 2011.
Shakila A , Anburani A, Production Technology Of Spices , Agrobios (India) Behind Nasrani Cinema,Chopasani Road,Jodhpur: Agrobios (India), ISBN : 9788177545135, pp. 1-284. Jun 2013.
R.Rajeswari and Arumugam Shakila, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Vol.1., Lulu Publishers, ISBN: 035958134X 9780359581344, pp. 95-97. Jul 2018.
Kandasamy,R.,Arumugam Shakila and K. Manivannan, Gene action and effects in crop plants, Agrobios (India) Behind Nasrani Cinema,Chopasani Road,Jodhpur: Agrobios (India), ISBN (13):978-81-934673-4-3, pp. 215-238. Jun 2018.
Rameshkumar, S., K. Manivannan, CT. Sathappan, Arumugam Shakila and D. Dhanasekaran, Horticulture in the Vanguard of Climate Change , Jammu : Garden Glory Human Empowerment Cooperative Limited , ISBN: 9789354072284, pp. Feb 2020.
Rajeswari, R. and Arumugam Shakila, Standardization of integrated nutrient management practices on growth and yield of Ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.), Jammu : Garden Glory Human Empowerment Cooperative Limited , ISBN: 9789354072284, pp. Feb 2020.
Rajeswari, R., G. Indhuja, Arumugam Shakila, S. Kamalakannan and C. Muruganandam, Recent Trends in Agriculture towards food security and rural livelihood, Karnataka- India: Archers and Elevators Publishing House, ISBN: 9788194706526, pp. 186-189. Jan 2020.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Hind Agri-Horticultural Society of India - TAJH/L/12
Academy of Plant Sciences, India - 7499
South Indian Horticultural Association - 2938
Horticultural Society of India - 6012
Society for Promotion of Horticulture - 0343
List of Awards
Third prize for poster presentation - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 2017
Fellow - Hind Agri Horticultural Society - 2008
First prize for poster presentation - ISHS and TNAU - 2008
Smt. Rama Devi APSI Award - Academy of Plant Sciences (India) - 2007
Second Prize for best oral presentation - Avinashilingam Deemed University - 2004
Best Poster Award - Annamalai University - 2003
Best Research Article - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 2001
CSIR Fellowship - CSIR - 1997-2000
Ford Foundation Fellowship - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 1987-1989
TNAU Merit Scholarship - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 1983-1987
Thiru Gopalakrishnan Nayar Gold Medal - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 1987
Dr.C.R. Muthukrishnan Gold Medal - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 1987
Premier Irrigation Gold Medal - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - 1987