Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 03229
Name : Dr. A. ANBURANI
Designation : PROFESSOR & HEAD
Qualification : M.Sc.(Ag.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Nutrient Management in Horticulture crops,Vegetable Science and Post harvest management
Date of Birth : 18-04-1968
Date of Joining : 17-01-1994
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
272, Sri Iyappan Salai,
Muthaiah Nagar,
Chidambaram - 608 002.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 27-
Ph.D. 30

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 393242
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 115,40,000
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
30 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
4 43 4 - 2 -

List of Publications - National
A.ANBURANI, "Influence of Organic Nutrients on Growth and Yield Parameters in Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum). .", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 25, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 513-517. 2012.
1. A.Anburani and A. Vijay Ananth. , "Effect of growth retardants on growth and flowering in Neerium (Neerium oleander).", Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, Volume 13, Number 1, Mar 2010, pp. 2240-2242. 2010.
R.Kavitha and A.Anburani., "Genetic diversity in African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) genotypes. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture .", Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, Volume 12, Number 3, Oct 2010, pp. 198-201. 2010.
C.Muruganandam, M.Kader Mohideen and A.Anburani, , "Response of yield parameters of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.) to various storage temperatures and Duration of Storage.", South Indian Horticulture ., Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2010, pp. 136-138. 2010.
List of Publications - International
4. S. Bhuvaneshwari *, A. Anburani and B. Pavan Kumar Naik. , ". Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Organic Nutrients on Physiological and Plant Analysis Characters of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.) .", International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. , Volume 12, Number 2, Dec 2023, pp. 104-110. 2023.
3. S. Bhuvaneshwari* and A. Anburani , "Effect of soil and foliar application of organic nutrients on growth and yield of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.) .", Annals of Plant and Soil Research , Volume 25, Number 1, Jun 2023, pp. 127-132. 2023.
2. A. Anburani* and S. Fowmina Sulaiha. , "Effect of Organic Nutrients on Nutrient Uptake and Post Harvest Soil Nutrient Status in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) .", Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. , Volume 74, Number 16, Oct 2022, pp. 976-997. 2022.
1. B Pavan Kumar Naik, Priyadharshini, Anburani, D Saritha and Venkatraj , "Effect of growth and physiological aspects of knol khol (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) cv. early white.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 11, Number 6, Jun 2022, pp. 124-127. 2022.
S. Fowmina Sulaiha and A. Anburani , "Effect of Organic Manures And Biofortification Of Selenium On Physiological And Flowering Parameters Of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) .", Plant Archives, Volume 21, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 174-178. 2021.
S. Fowmina Sulaiha and A. Anburani , "Influence of organic manures and biofortification of selenium on growth, yieldand selenium content of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) .", Annals of Plant and Soil Research , Volume 23, Number 1, 2021, pp. 88-92. 2021.
G. Sajiv, A. Anburani, K. Sekar and K. Muthumanickam , "Optimizing the varied levels of nitrogen and potassium on yield of soil-less culture of brinjal (solanum melongena l.) using different media .", Plant Archives, Volume 20, Number 2, Dec 2020, pp. 1863-1865. 2020.
A. Anburani, P. Kannan and K. Muthumanickam , "Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for yield and yield components in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus THUMB.).", World News of Natural Sciences, Volume 25, Number 1, Mar 2019, pp. 22-30. 2019.
4. A. Anburani , B. Babitha and K. Muthumanickam 2019, "Effect of different levels of water soluble fertilizers on yield and quality parameters in brinjal hybrids (Solanum melongena L.).", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 2561-2564. 2019.
K.Muthumanickam and A.Anburani 2019. , "Soil solarization an effective management practice on weed management and yield of palak (Beta vulgaris var.bengalensis). .", World Scientific News , Volume 129, Number 1, May 2019, pp. 211-221. 2019.
A.ANBURANI, "Studies on genetic variability and genetic advance for yield parameters in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thumb.). .", The Asian journal of Horticulture, Volume 13, Number 2, Jun 2018, pp. 39-44. 2018.
A.ANBURANI and K.MUTHUMANICKAM, "Yield and yield parameters as influence by various sources of water soluble fertilizers 0n chilli hybrid (Capsicum annuum)..", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume vol.12 , Number Issue 1, Jun 2017, pp. 51-54. June 2017.
A.ANBURANI and K.MUTHUMANICKAM, "Effect of combined application of inorganic and water soluble fertilizers on growth parameters of chilli hybrid .", Asian Journal of Horticulture , Volume vol.12 , Number Issue 1, Jun 2017, pp. 117-120. 2017.
R.Suchindra and A.Anburani, "“Influence of Off-season Land Management on Weeds, Microbial population and Rhizome rot disease management in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 27, Number 1, Jan 2014, pp. 105-109. 2014.
R.Suchindra and A.Anburani, "Effect of Soil Solarization and Integrated Nutrient Management in Turmeric (curcuma longa L.)”. .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 27, Number 1, Jan 2014, pp. 44-47. 2014.
A.Anburani and T.Baby shalini, "Path coefficient analysis in dolichos bean (Dolichos lablab (Roxb.) L.var. typicus)” .", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 8, Number 2, Jun 2013, pp. 440-442. 2013.
M.Gayathiri and A.Anburani, "Influence of integrated nutrient management on yield parameters of glory lily(Gloriosa superba L.) Advances in Plant Sciences.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 22, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 505-508. 2012.
A.ANBURANI, "Growth and Yield Parameters of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) as Influenced by Various Organic Nutrients and Biostimulants.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 25, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 493-496. june 2012.
A.Subramani, A.Anburani and M. Gayathiri , "Effect of organic nutrients and biostimulants on nutrient uptake and post harvest soil available nutrients in radish cv. Pusa Chetki.", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 5, Jun 2011, pp. 464-466. June 2011.
15. M. Gayathiri and A.Anburani, "Influence of integrated nutrient management on growth parameters of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.).", The Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2011, pp. 358-360. june 2011.
M. Gayathiri and and A.Anburani, "Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth parameters of glory lily(Gloriosa superba L.). .", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2011, pp. 481-483. June 2011.
H.Vidhyapriyadharshani and A.Anburani, "Response of yield parameters and profitability of mullai to intercropping system (Jasminum auriculatum).", The Asian Journal of Horticulture , Volume 1, Number 6, Jan 2011, pp. 26-29. Jan 2011.
A.Subramani, A. Anburani and M.Gayathiri, "Response of growth parameters of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) to various organic nutrients and biostimulants.Asian Journal of Soil Science .", Asian journal of soil science, Volume 1, Number 6, Jan 2011, pp. 32-34. Jan 2011.
A.Anburani and M. Gayathiri, "Influence of soil and foliar application of nutrients on growth attributes in gherkin (Cucumis sativus L.) cv. Ajax Hybrid.", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 4, Jun 2010, pp. 383-385. June 2010.
R.Kavitha and A.Anburani , "Screening of genotypes through Correlation and Path co- efficient Analysis in African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) .", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 5, Number 2, Jun 2010, pp. 458-460. June 2010.
R.Kavitha and A.Anburani, , "Genetic variability in African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), The Asian Journal of Horticulture.", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 5, Number 2, Jun 2010, pp. 344-346. Jan 2010.
A.Anburani , M.Gayathiri and R. Arulananth, "Effect of organic manures as soil and foliar application on yield attributes in gherkin (Cucumis sativas L.) cv. Ajax Hybrid. Advances in Plant Sciences.", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 1, Number 23, Jan 2010, pp. 197-199. Jan 2010.
R.Suchindra and A.Anburani, "Efficient soil solarization and nutrient management technique for increasing growth in turmeric (Curcuma longa) L. .", Advances in Plant Sciences, Volume 1, Number 23, Jan 2010, pp. 107-110. Jan 2010.
C.Muruganandam and A.Anburani, "Growth parameters as influenced by graded levels of nitrogen and Azospirillum in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thumb.). .", The Asian journal of Horticulture, Volume 2, Number 4, Jun 2010, pp. 519-521. June 2010.
C. Muruganandam and A.Anburani ,M. Gayathiri, "Influence of graded levels of nitrogen and Azospirillum on yield parameters in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus thumb.)..", The Asian journal of Horticulture, Volume 2, Number 4, Jun 2010, pp. 498-500. June 2010.
A.Anburani and M. Gayathiri, "Response of soil and foliar application of organic nutrients on growth in onion (Allium cepa var.Aggrigatum) cv. Gnanamedu local.", Asian Journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 4, Jun 2010, pp. 467-469. June 2010.
A.Anburani and M.Gayathiri , "Influence of integrated nutrient management on major nutrients in mullai (Jasminum auriculatum)..", Asian Journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 3, Jun 2009, pp. 323-326. Jan 2010.
A.Anburani ,Arumugam shakila , and M.Gayathiri, "Effect of organic manures in combination with fertilizers on yield in gundumalli (Jasminum sambac Ait.) .", Asian Journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 3, Jun 2009, pp. 419-421. June 2009.
R.Suchindra and A.Anburani, "Influence of graded levels of N and K and biostimulants on yield parameters in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) .", Plant Archives, Volume 2, Number 8, Jun 2009, pp. 923-926. June 2009.
Arumugam shakila and A.Anburani, "Effect of certain organics and pressmud on growth and yield characters of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill..", Asian journal of Horticulture , Volume 2, Number 3, Jun 2009, pp. 273-276. June 2009.
H.Vidhyapriyadharshani and A.Anburani , "Effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and vermiwash on growth and yield of mullai((Jasminum auriculatum). .", Plant Archives, Volume 1, Number 8, Jan 2008, pp. 119-123. Jan 2008.
H.Vidhyapriyadharshani and A.Anburani , ".Effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and vermiwash on growth and yield of mullai((Jasminum auriculatum). .", Plant Archives, Volume 2, Number 1, Jun 2008, pp. 119-123. June 2008.
Arumugam Shakila, K.Manivannan and A. Anburani , ". Influence of split application of fertilizers on the leaf nutrient content of in- vitro propagated banana cv. Robasta.", Plant Archives, Volume 1, Number 8, Jan 2004, pp. 403-405. Jan 2004.
Anburani, A.,K. Manivannan and Arumugam Shakila , "Integrated nutrient and weed management on quality parameters in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Annamalai.", Plant Archives, Volume 2, Number 3, Jun 2003, pp. 279-281. June 2003.
Anburani, A., K. Manivannan and Arumugam Shakila, "Integrated nutrient management on quality parameters in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Annamalai.", Plant Archives, Volume 2, Number 3, Jun 2003, pp. 279-281. June 2003.
List of Conferences - National
A.ANBURANI and P.KANNAN, Evaluation of genotypes for yield and yield components in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thumb), UGC- SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging trends in crop improvement, Feb 9-10, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Annamalai University, pp. 1-2. Annamalai University, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
A.ANBURANI and P.KANNAN, Correlation and path analysis in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.), UGC- SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging trends in crop improvement, Feb 9-10, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Annamalai University , pp. 2-3. Annamalai University, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
A.ANBURANI and K.MUTHUMANICKAM, Effect of various sources of water soluble fertilizers on enhancing yield and yield parameters in of chilli hybrid (Capsicum annuum), UGC- SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging trends in crop improvement, Feb 9-10, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Annamalai University, pp. 87-88. Annamalai University, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
A.ANBURANI and K.MUTHUMANICKAM, Effect of foliar application of water soluble fertilizers on growth parameters of chillihybrid(Capsicum annuum), UGC- SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging trends in crop improvement, Feb 9-10, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Annamalai University, pp. 87-88. Annamalai University, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
List of Book Published
Dr.M.Kader Mohideen Dr.Arumugam Shakila and Dr.A.Anburani, Text Book on Production technology of Medicinal and Aromatic crops, Chopasani Rd, Behind Nasrani Cinema, Sardarpura, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342003: Agrobios, ISBN(13):978-81-7754-411-4, pp. 1-293. Jan 2011,
Dr.Arumugam Shakila and Dr.A.Anburani, Production technology of Spices, Chopasani Rd, Behind Nasrani Cinema, Sardarpura, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342003: Agrobios, ISBN(13) 978-81-7754-500-5, pp. 1-263. Jan 2013,
List of Awards
Best oral presentation - 4TH international conference on Agriculture and Animal Husbandry - 2019