Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A study problem solving confidence of student teachers in cuddalore district.", International journal of research and analytical reviews, Volume 5, Number 3, Aug 2018, pp. 868-870. 2018. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "ICT awareness of student teachers in relation to gender educational qualification and locality of the college.", International journal of science and research, Volume 7, Number 8, Aug 2015, pp. 1226-1227. 2018. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A Study on the effectiveness of minute paper as a class room assessment technique in social science.", Paripex-Indian journal of research, Volume 4, Number 9, Sep 2015, pp. 29-30. 2015. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Construction and validation of achievement test in social science test (ASST) for high school students.", Journal of contemporary Educational research and Innovation, Volume 5, Number 3, Jun 2015, pp. 147-149. 2015. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A study on students unrest and emotional maturity of higher secondary students.", Golden research Thoughts, Volume 3, Number 10, Apr 2014, pp. 1-3. 2014. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Construction and validation of higher secondary students unrest scale.", Indian Streams Research journal, Volume 4, Number 3, Apr 2014, pp. 1-5. 2014. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "An Empirical study on higher secondary students problem solving ability.", Golden research Thoughts, Volume 3, Number 2, Aug 2013, pp. 6-8. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Anxiety towards using cyber resources in teaching scale.", International journal of teacher Educational Research research, Volume 2, Number 9, Feb 2013, pp. 1-9. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development and standardization of cyber pedagogical knowledge test (CPKT) for B.Ed. Students.", Annamalai University journal of educational endeavours, Volume 2, Number 1&2, Jan 2013, pp. 49-53. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development of test to measure ICT awareness of B.Ed. students Teachers.", Golden research Thoughts, Volume 3, Number 4, Oct 2013, pp. 10-12. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development and standardization of an ICT aptitude test .", Indian Streams Research journal, Volume 3, Number 9, Oct 2013, pp. 1-2. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Effectiveness of multimedia package for higher secondary students.", Indian Streams research journal, Volume 3, Number 9, Oct 2013, pp. 8-9. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development and standardization of achievement test in Physic (ATP) for higher secondary students.", Golden research Thoughts, Volume 3, Number 4, Oct 2013, pp. 14-16. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development and standardization of emotional confidence scale (ECS).", Indian Streams Research journal, Volume 3, Number 6, Aug 2013, pp. 1-3. 2013. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "An Empirical study on scientific attiute of higher secondary standard students in Viruthunagar district.", International journal of teacher Educational Research research, Volume 1, Number 4, Dec 2012, pp. 32-37. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A Study on Mental ability of higher Secondary School students in Salem Districts.", Quest International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 2, Dec 2012, pp. 211-214. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A Study on Environmental knowledge of B.Ed., Trainees in Cuddalore district.", Indian Streams Research journal, Volume 1, Number 2, Dec 2012, pp. 211-214. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "An Empirical Study on Study habits of X standard students in Nagarkovil district.", Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research journal, Volume 2, Number 3, Sep 2012, pp. 104-107. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A Study on Environmental awareness of higher Secondary School students in Cuddalore Districts.", Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research journal, Volume 2, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 44-48. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development of a test measure the Knowledge of Natural Hazards (KNT).", Journal of Education Research & Extension, Volume 49, Number 1, Feb 2012, pp. 32-39. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "College Students Knowledge about global Warming.", International journal of Current research, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 157-159. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Predictive Variables of the Knowledge of Natural Hazards, Eco-System and Global warming.", A journal of Golden Research Thoughts, Volume 1, Number 7, Jan 2012, pp. 60-62. 2012. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Knowledge of Natural Hazards among Arts and Science College Students.", International journal of Current research, Volume 3, Number 10, Sep 2011, pp. 224-226. 2011. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Predictive Correlates of the Knowledge on Natural Hazards and Knowledge of Eco-System.", International journal of Development research, Volume 1, Number 6, Sep 2011, pp. 16-18. 2011. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "A Study on Environmental Knowledge of B.Ed., Trainees..", A journal of new Horizons in Educational Research, Volume 2, Number 1, Mar 2010, pp. 12-15. 2010. | |
Prof.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Relationship between Environmental knowledge and Experimental Ethics of B.Ed., Trainees..", A journal of current trends in Education and Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2009, pp. 6-9. 2009. | |
Prof.S.kulasekara Perumal Pillai, "Development of a test measure Environmental Knowledge of B.Ed Trainees.", A journal of education research and extension, Volume 45, Number 3, Sep 2008, pp. 57-66. 2008. | |
Dr.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, Research engineeine of unitary resources and services, international seminar, Aug 11-12, 2016, DDE dept of english, pp. 45-48. annamalai nager, dept of english. | |
Dr.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, Teaching to teach and learing to learing in the contemporary classroom, Dept of education, Sep 18-19, 2015, annamalai university, pp. 35-38. annamalai university, DDE annamalai university. | |
Dr.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, Imparting Teacher Education Through ICT, St xaviers college of education, Oct 12-13, 2013, kumbakonam, pp. 45-49. kumbakonam, St xaviers college of education. | |
Dr.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, Key challenges in Integrating ICTS IN Education, international seminar, Mar 26-27, 2011, Bharathidasan University,Thrichy, pp. 66-70. Thirchy, Bharathidasan University,Thrichy. | |
Dr.S.Kulasekara Perumal Pillai, Education for mitigation of human conflicts, International seminar on conflict management and problem solving , Apr 12-13, 2010, Department of education,Annamalai university, pp. 85-88. annamalai nagar, annamalai university. | |