Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04456
Name : Dr. R. NATARAJAN (Deputed)
Qualification : MLIS.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 15-04-1971
Date of Joining : 11-07-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 88
Ph.D. 44

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 426112125
Conducted 3----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
20 23 39 7 9 -

List of Publications - National
R.Natarajan, "Indian Research in Cardiovascular System ââ,¬â€œ Scientometric Approach.", Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Jul 2018, pp. 55-69. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Indian Research in Cardiovascular System ââ,¬â€œ Scientometric Approach.", Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Jul 2018, pp. 55-69. 2018.
Dr.R.NATARAJAN, "Indian Research in Cardiovascular System – Scientometric Approach .", Professional Jopurnal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Dec 2018, pp. 70-84. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Standardisation in Rendering of Author Names Leading to Accuracy in Ranking of Authors – A proof through Scientometric Analusis of Chagas Disease Research Literature.", Int.journal of Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 3, Dec 2018, pp. 39-50. 2018.
K.Nazeer Badhusa & R.Natarajan, "Use of electronic resources in engineering college libraries in Ramanadhapuram District, Anna University – Case Study.", Journal of Library management, Volume 4, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 43-60. 2015.
R.Natarajan & M.Umamaheswari, "Application of Statistical Models to the Collaborative Publications in Corona Virus.", Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science(JALIS), Volume 4, Number 2, Feb 2015, pp. 172-176. 2015.
K.Nazeer Badhusa & R.Natarajan, "Use of electronic resources in engineering college libraries in Ramanadhapuram District, Anna University ââ,¬â€œ Case Study.", Journal of Library management, Volume 4, Number 1-2, Jan 2015, pp. 43-60. 2015.
R.Natarajan & M.Umamaheswari, "Application of Statistical Models to the Collaborative Publications in Corona Virus.", Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science(JALIS), Volume 4, Number 2, Feb 2015, pp. 172-176. 2015.
R.Natarajan & R. Revathi, "Use of Electronic Information Resources : A case study of SASTRA University.", Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 61-65. 2012.
R.Natarajan & M.Nagarajan & D.Sankaranarayanan, "Need of Digitalization In University Library : A specific Reference to DDE Libraries.", Annamalai University Humanities Journal, Volume 48, Number 0, Dec 2012, pp. 179-185. 2012.
R.Natarajan & M.Nagarajan, "Information Seek Pattern Among The Students of Education and Agricultural Faculties in Annamalai University :A Study.", Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 1-10. 2012.
R.Natarajan, "Information Access Pattern among the students of Engineering and Medicine Faculties in Annamalai University : A study.", JALIS, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 19-25. 2012.
R NATARAJAN, "Information Access Pattern among the students of Engineering and Medicine Faculties in Annamalai University : A study.", JALIS (Online), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 19-25. 2012.
R.Natarajan & M.Nagarajan, "Information Seek Pattern Among The Students of Education and Agricultural Faculties in Annamalai University :A Study.", Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 1-10. 2012.
K.Maheswaran, M.Aravindan & R.Natarajan, "Use of E-Resources by the Members of Faculty in Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu: A Survey.", Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2010, pp. 10-13. 2010.
K.Maheswaran, M.Aravindan & R.Natarajan, "Use of E-Resources by the Members of Faculty in Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu: A Survey.", Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2010, pp. 10-13. 2010.
R.Natarajan, P.Ravichandran & M.Aravindan, "Information use pattern among the students of Arts and Science Faculties in Annamalai University: A Study.", SALIS, Volume 1, Number 2, Jul 2010, pp. 65-76. 2010.
R.Natarajan & M.Aravindan, "Study on the Awareness of Digital Library users in Government Arts College, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu: A Study.", Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2009, pp. 56-60. 2009.
R.Natarajan & M.Aravindan, "Information access pattern among the study of professional of Non professional courses in Annamalai University : A study, .", , Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 3, Number 1, Jul 2009, pp. 68-73. 2009.
R.Natarajan & M.Aravindan, "Information access pattern among the study of professional of Non professional courses in Annamalai University : A study.", Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 3, Number 1, Jul 2009, pp. 63-73. 2009.
List of Publications - International
Dr.R.NATARAJAN, "Standardisation in Rendering of Author Names Leading to Accuracy in Ranking of Authors – A proof through Scientometric Analusis of Chagas Disease Research Literature.", Int.journal of Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 3, Dec 2018, pp. 39-50. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Standardisation in Rendering of Author Names Leading to Accuracy in Ranking of Authors ââ,¬â€œ A proof through Scientometric Analusis of Chagas Disease Research Literature.", International Journal of Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 3, Dec 2018, pp. 39-50. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Implementation of Green Library Techniques at C.S.J.M. University Library: A Viability Study .", International Journal of Research in Engg, IT, and Social Sciences, Volume 8, Number 6, Jun 2018, pp. 46-50. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Indian Research in Cardiovascular System – Scientometric Approach.", Professional Jopurnal of Library and Information Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Jul 2018, pp. 55-69. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Implementation of Green Library Techniques at C.S.J.M. University Library: A Viability Study.", Int, Journal of Research in Engg, IT, and Social Sciences, Volume 8, Number 6, Jun 2018, pp. 46-50. 2018.
Dr.R.NATARAJAN, "Implementation of Green Library Techniques at C.S.J.M University Library: A viability study.", Int.journal of Research in Engg., IT, and Social Sciences, Volume 8, Number 6, Jun 2018, pp. 46-50. 2018.
R.Natarajan, "Use of mobile information resource for the teaching and learning by the faculty in selected corporate colleges in Banglore city : A Study.", , Int, Journal of Academic Research,, Volume 4, Number 2, Aug 2017, pp. 321-324. 2017.
R.Natarajan, "Use of mobile information resource for the teaching and learning by the faculty in selected corporate colleges in Bangalore city : A Study.", International Journal of Academic Research, Volume 4, Number 2 (5), Aug 2017, pp. 321-324. 2017.
M.Umamaheswari & R.Natarajan, "Scientometric Analysis of Corona virus research in India: A study.", International Journal of Research and Development in Technology and Management Studies, Volume 22, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 1-14. 2015.
M.Umamaheswari & R.Natarajan, "Scientometric study on corona virus – A perspective.", International multi Disciplinary Research Journal, Volume 4, Number 12, Jun 2015, pp. 0-0. 2015.
M.Umamaheswari & R.Natarajan, "Scientometric Analysis of Corona virus research in India: A study.", International Journal of Research and Development in Technology and Management Studies, Volume 22, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 1-14. 2015.
K.Nazeer Badhusa & R.Natarajan, "Construction of E-Resources Library in Engineering College at Ramanathapuram District Challenges and Opportunities.", Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal), Volume 2, Number 2, Jul 2014, pp. 0-0. 2014.
Dr.R.Natarajan, "Manupulation E-Pulishing in E-Resources – A Librarians Views.", , International Journal of Information Retrieval and Management Journal, Volume 2, Number 4, Jul 2014, pp. 38-41. 2014.
K.Nazeer Badhusha & R.Natarajan, "Use and Impact of E-Resources Management in Selected Engineering Colleges in Ramanathapuram District.", International Recognition E-Library Science Research Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, Sep 2014, pp. 1-10. 2014.
K.Nazeer Badhusha & R.Natarajan, "Use and Impact of E-Resources Management in Selected Engineering Colleges in Ramanathapuram District.", International Recognition E-Library Science Research Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, Sep 2014, pp. 1-10. 2014.
Dr.R.Natarajan, "Manupulation E-Pulishing in E-Resources ââ,¬â€œ A Librarians Views.", International Journal of Information Retrieval and Management Journal, Volume 2, Number 4, Jul 2014, pp. 38-41. 2014.
Mr.K.Nazeer Badhusha, M.Nagarajan R.Natarajan & S.Thanushkodi, "Recent Trents in Electronic Resources Management System .", (Peer – Reviewed Referred Journal), International Journal of Professional Development, Volume 1, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 1-7. 2012.
Mr.K.Nazeer Badhusha, M.Nagarajan R.Natarajan & S.Thanushkodi, "Recent Trents in Electronic Resources Management System (Peer ââ,¬â€œ Reviewed Referred Journal).", International Journal of Professional Development, Volume 1, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 1-7. 2012.
P.Ravichandran, T.Prabhakaran & R.Natarajan, "A Study on the Function and Activities of Villages Knowledge Center in Puducherry.", IJITMS, Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2011, pp. 91-96. 2011.
P.Ravichandran, T.Prabhakaran & R.Natarajan, "A Study on the Function and Activities of Villages Knowledge Center in Puducherry.", , IJITMS, Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2011, pp. 91-96. 2011.
R.Natarajan, P.Ravichandran & M.Aravindan, "Information use pattern among the students of Arts and Science Faculties in Annamalai University: A Study.", SALIS, Volume 1, Number 2, Jul 2010, pp. 65-76. 2010.
R.Natarajan & M.Aravindan, "Information use Pattern Among The Students of Arts and Science Faculties in Annamalai University: A Study.", Library Progress (International), Volume 30, Number 1, Jan 2010, pp. 0-0. 2010.
R.Natarajan & M.Aravindan, "Study on the Awareness of Digital Library users in Government Arts College, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu: A Study.", Indian Journal of Information Science and Services (IJISS), Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2009, pp. 56-60. 2009.
List of Conferences - National
Dr.R.Natarajan, Highly – Cited papers in Library and Information science (LIS), Authors, Institutions and network structures, Two day International conference on changing scenario of publishing Industries and the Role of Librarians, Jan 23-24, 2019, Tirunelveli, pp. 23-24. M.S. Univeristy, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Ovarian cancer Research in India: A Scientometric Analysis of Oublications output during two decades(1996-2015) in scopous, National conference on Role of Libraries in creating a knowledge society, Sep 7-8, 2018, Karaikudi, pp. 527-530. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, A Bibliometric Analusis of LIS Jouirnals available in DOAJ database from the year 2004-2014, A Bibliometric Analusis of LIS Jouirnals available in DOAJ database from the year 2004-2014, Sep 7-8, 2018, Karaikudi, pp. 531-538. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, A Moderate Introduction to Meta Data, A Moderate Introduction to Meta Data, Sep 2-3, 2018, Karaikudi, pp. 381-383. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Best practices in degree college libraries with special reference to LIS professionals, National Semeinar on Role of Academic Libraries for Quality in Research and Education , Jun 29-29, 2018, Thirupathi, pp. 77-87. S.V. University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Library automation – why?. , National Semeinar on Role of Academic Libraries for Quality in Research and Education, Jun 29-29, 2018, Thirupathi, pp. 345-350. S.V. University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Impact on mobile information resources, services: A study on faculty and students hasanath degree college, banglore, Impact on mobile information resources, services: A study on faculty and students hasanath degree college, banglore, Mar 26-27, 2018, Thiruvarur, pp. 178-182. National Semeinar on Innovative Librarianship: Challenges and Opportunities , DLIS, CUTN.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Digital Library development: foremost issues and challenges, Digital Library development: foremost issues and challenges, Mar 26-27, 2018, Thiruvarur, pp. 137-144. National Semeinar on Innovative Librarianship: Challenges and Opportunities , DLIS, CUTN .
Dr.R.Natarajan, Symposium for LIS Inhouse Research scholars: A scientometric study on coronavirus: An overview, Symposium for LIS Inhouse Research scholars: A scientometric study on coronavirus: An overview, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 0-0. Annamalai University , DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, A scientometric study on coronavirus: An overview , A scientometric study on coronavirus: An overview , Mar 22-23, 2018, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 0-0. Annamalai University , DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Utilisation of Online Journals in Annamalai University Library : A Study, Utilisation of Online Journals in Annamalai University Library : A Study, Sep 23-23, 2017, Thiruvennainallur, pp. 193-198. Thiruvelluvar University Collage of Arts and Science, Dept. of Library.
Dr.R.Natarajan, The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indian Academic Libraries : A Pilot Study, The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indian Academic Libraries : A Pilot Study, May 8-8, 2017, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 63-63. Annamalai University , Annamalai University .
Dr.R.Natarajan, Role of academic Libraries in Enabling Students Centered Learning , Role of academic Libraries in Enabling Students Centered Learning , May 8-8, 2017, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 42-42. Annamalai University , annamalai university.
Dr.R.Natarajan, On The Way To Digitisation : Troubles and Visions for The Libraries., On The Way To Digitisation : Troubles and Visions for The Libraries., Sep 2-3, 2016, Karaikudi, pp. 28-29. Alagappa University, Held at DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Information Ethics in Library and Information Science Publication and Services, Information Ethics in Library and Information Science Publication and Services, Mar 11-12, 2016, Karaikudi, pp. 227-231. Alagappa University, Held at DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Information Ethics in Library and Information Science Publication and Services, Information Ethics in Library and Information Science Publication and Services, Mar 11-12, 2016, Karaikudi, pp. 0-0. Algappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Sexual Category of Typecasts Male Librarians Face Today, Sexual Category of Typecasts Male Librarians Face Today, Mar 11-12, 2016, Karaikudi, pp. 27-28. Algappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Empowerment of Women in India: A Burning Issue, Empowerment of Women in India: A Burning Issue, Jan 29-30, 2016, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 0-0. DDE,AU , Held at political science & public adm. Wing.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Title Usage and Impact of E-Resources in Selected Engineering Colleges, In madurai District, Title Usage and Impact of E-Resources in Selected Engineering Colleges, In madurai District, Nov 20-21, 2015, The gandhigram rural institute – Deemed University, pp. 513-516. The gandhigram rural institute – Deemed University, The gandhigram rural institute – Deemed University.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Right of entry in Electronic Resources flows and grit in institutional libraries, , Right of entry in Electronic Resources flows and grit in institutional libraries, , Aug 27-27, 2015, New Delhi, pp. 39-43. Web Conference IJRDTM, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Title: Web 2.0: An Innovation in the field of library and information centre, Title: Web 2.0: An Innovation in the field of library and information centre, Mar 19-20, 2015, Algappa University, pp. 53-53. Karaikudi, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Knowledge Management and the Role of Libraries , Knowledge Management and the Role of Libraries , Mar 28-29, 2014, Annamalai University , pp. 0-0. Annamalai Nagar, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Content Management System , Content Management System , Mar 28-29, 2014, Annamalai University , pp. 0-0. Annamalai Nagar, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Implementation of Knowledge Management System for Libraries, Implementation of Knowledge Management System for Libraries, Mar 21-22, 2014, Alagappa University, pp. 166-169. Karaikudi, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Impact of ICT in Electronic Publishing in Academic Libraries, Impact of ICT in Electronic Publishing in Academic Libraries, Mar 17-18, 2014, Salem, pp. 449-449. Periyar University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Creation of Content or Web Management for Ordinary People, Creation of Content or Web Management for Ordinary People, Feb 8-8, 2013, Karaikudi, pp. 285-287. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Design and Construction of and E-Portfolio Management System , Design and Construction of and E-Portfolio Management System , Feb 8-8, 2013, Karaikudi, pp. 32-36. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Indian Journal of Agronomy Articles: A Bibliometrics Study, Indian Journal of Agronomy Articles: A Bibliometrics Study, Mar 9-10, 2012, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 185-187. Annamalai University , DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, How Economic Literature as Reflected through Indian Journals: A Bibliometrics Analysis, How Economic Literature as Reflected through Indian Journals: A Bibliometrics Analysis, Mar 9-10, 2012, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 151-153. Annamalai University , DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Application of Cloud Computing in Academic Library, Application of Cloud Computing in Academic Library, Jan 19-21, 2012, Pollachi, pp. 431-436. Pollachi, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Technology.
Dr.R.Natarajan, A Study of user’s Attitudes Towards E-Resources with Reference to Engg. College Libraries in Puducherry, A Study of user’s Attitudes Towards E-Resources with Reference to Engg. College Libraries in Puducherry, Jan 19-21, 2012, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 33-39. Pollachi,, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Technology.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Utilization of E-Resource among the Faculty Members of Constituent College of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Utilization of E-Resource among the Faculty Members of Constituent College of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Jan 19-21, 2012, Pollachi, pp. 260-269. Pollachi, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Technology.
Dr.R.Natarajan, E-Book publication and copy right privacy – problems and solutions, E-Book publication and copy right privacy – problems and solutions, Aug 19-20, 2011, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 295-300. Annamalai University, FEAT.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Popular Library Software Packages in India: An overview, Popular Library Software Packages in India: An overview, Aug 19-20, 2011, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 190-195. Annamalai University , FEAT.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Impact of Web 2.0 in Digital Libraries: General Perspectives, Impact of Web 2.0 in Digital Libraries: General Perspectives, Mar 11-12, 2011, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 310-313. Annamalai University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Marketing Mix in Library and Information Centres , Marketing Mix in Library and Information Centres , Mar 11-12, 2011, Annamalai University , pp. 43-44. Annmalai Nagar, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Marketing Mix in Library and Information Centres , Marketing Mix in Library and Information Centres , Mar 11-12, 2011, Annamalai University , pp. 43-44. Annmalai Nagar, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Digital Library Initiatives in Tamil Nadu: A proposal for Distance Learning, Digital Library Initiatives in Tamil Nadu: A proposal for Distance Learning, Mar 26-27, 2009, Annamalai University , pp. 195-199. Annamalai University , DLIS, Annamalai University .
Dr.R.Natarajan, The Professional Role of Librarian in the Digital Library System , The Professional Role of Librarian in the Digital Library System , Mar 26-27, 2009, Annamalai University , pp. 591-594. Annamalai Nagar, DLIS.
List of Conferences - International
Dr.R.Natarajan, Impact of Internet and digital library in modern Era , Two day International conference on Enhancement of Technology and innovations in contemporary libraries ()ICETICL, Apr 24-25, 2019, Karaikudi, pp. 86-86. Alagappa Univeristy, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Improving learning outcomes mobile information by providing good services through the students, Two day International conference on Enhancement of Technology and innovations in contemporary libraries ()ICETICL, Apr 24-25, 2019, Karaikudi, pp. 22-22. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, The human library: An emerging concept , Two day International conference on Enhancement of Technology and innovations in contemporary libraries ()ICETICL, Apr 24-25, 2019, Karaikudi, pp. 95-95. Alagappa University, DLIS.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Knowledge management in new era academic libraries, Knowledge management in new era academic libraries, Mar 9-10, 2018, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 107-122. DLIS, Annamalai University, Int.Conf. on Rejuvenating Libraries for Information Access in the Digital Era.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Digitisation methodology for learning resources centres wealth-an outline, , Digitisation methodology for learning resources centres wealth-an outline, , Mar 9-10, 2018, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 435-447. DLIS, Annamalai University, Int.Conf. on Rejuvenating Libraries for Information Access in the Digital Era.
Dr.R.Natarajan, Utilisation of E-Resources In Some Selected Arts Colleges at Ramanathapuram District, Utilisation of E-Resources In Some Selected Arts Colleges at Ramanathapuram District, Feb 5-6, 2016, Annamalai University , pp. 523-526. Held at LIS Wing, Annamalai University , Held at LIS Wing, Annamalai University .
Dr.R.Natarajan, Use of E-Resources in Academic Institution Libraries- a General study, Use of E-Resources in Academic Institution Libraries- a General study, Feb 5-6, 2016, Annmalai Nagar, pp. 527-534. Wing, Annamalai University , Held at LIS .
List of Book Published
R.Natarajan, International Book publications Hand book of research on inventive digital tools for collection management and development in modern libraries, Chapter: 18: E Learning: Practices in Distance Education, August, ALIS, Book series Information science reference, USA (An imprint of IGI Global) (ALIS): ALIS, Book series Information science reference, 2326 - 4136, pp. 311-326. Aug 2014.
R.Natarajan, International Book publications Hand book of research on inventive digital tools for collection management and development in modern libraries, Chapter: 19: Afar Print: Future reading in digital medias, ALIS, Book series Information science reference, USA (An imprint of IGI Global) (ALIS): ALIS,, 2326 - 4136, pp. 327-339. Aug 2014.
R.Natarajan, Dynamics of E-Resources and Digital Libraries, Chapter 9, Digitalization of Library Resource and The Formation of Digital Libraries: A Practical Approach, Avon Publication New Delhi: Avon Publication , 978-93-8183-938-6, pp. 159-174. Apr 2014.
R.Natarajan, Dynamics of E-Resources and Digital Libraries, Chapter 10, Evaluating Electronic Resource Management System : A Study, Avon Publication New Delhi: Avon Publication , 978-93-8183-938-6, pp. 175-190. Apr 2014.
R.Natarajan, Festschrift in Honour of prof. M. Nagarajan, Role of academic Libraries in Enabling Students Centered Learning , Annamalai University: Annamalai University, 978-81-908333-6-2, pp. 42-46. May 2017.
R.Natarajan, Festschrift in Honour of prof. M. Nagarajan, The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indian Academic Libraries : A Pilot Study, Annamalai University: Annamalai University, 978-81-908333-6-2, pp. 63-75. May 2017.
R.Natarajan, Research in Library and Information Science Studera press New Delhi., Chapter: 8 Research in Library and Information Science: An overview, Studera Press, New Delhi: Studera Press, 978-93-85883—24-8, pp. 87-92. Mar 2017.
R.Natarajan, Research in Library and Information Science Studera press, New Delhi, Chapter: 14, Critical Theory and genuine of library and Information, Studera Press, New Delhi: Studera Press, 978-93-85883—24-8, pp. 155-170. Mar 2017.
R.Natarajan, Digitizing the Modern Library and the Transition From Print to Electronic, Chapter:10 Changing Scenario |From Information Management to Knowledge Management, IGI Global USA: IGI Global , 1522521194, pp. 224-254. Mar 2017.
List of Awards
First online PhD viva in India level - Annamalai University - 9.6.2020
ALA Best teacher award - ALA - 2023
MALA Best teacher award - MALA - 2023
DR.A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM NATIONAL AWARD - Bahujana Sahitya Academy held at New Delhi - 30.12.2018
BEST TEACHER NATIONAL AWARD-2018 - Human care Human Rights Protection held at Courtallam - 27.10.2018