Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 09152
Name : Dr. P. STALIN (Deputed)
Department : AGRONOMY
Qualification : M.Sc.(Agri.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Cropping system and Integrated nutrient management
Date of Birth : 09-05-1972
Date of Joining : 02-07-2003
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
No. 152, 4th North Cross St.,
Mariyappa Nagar,
Chidambaram - 608002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 66
Ph.D. 00

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 861062
Conducted --1--

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
21 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
4 45 5 5 - -

List of Publications - National
Stalin, P., and V.Vaiyapuri, "Integrated plant nutrient supply system for sustainability in rice for Cauvery delta region.", Bulletin of Biological Sciences, Volume 6, Number 1, Jun 2008, pp. 133-139. 2008.
stalin.P and V.Vaiyapuri, "Integrated plant nutrient supply system for sustainability in rice for cauvery delta region.", Bull.Agri Sci., Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2008, pp. 147-149. 2008.
Stalin,P., V.Vaiyapuri, G.Kuppuswamy and M.Ravichandran , "Integrated plant nutrient management system for Rice-blackgram cropping system.", In. Proc. National Seminar. Resource management for sustainable Agriculture , Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2005, pp. 45-48. 2005.
Stalin,P., V.Vaiyapuri, G.Kuppuswamy and M.Ravichandran , " Effect of integrated application of organics and inorganic sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in lowland transplanted rice Cv.Co.43.", J. Annamalai University , Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2004, pp. 31-35. 2004.
List of Publications - International
Stalin. P, K.Suseendran, G.Murugan, A. Balasubramanian, and M.Saravanaperumal, "Influence of IPNSS and Foliar Nutrition on the growth of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.).", International Journal of research and analytical reviews,, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 773-776. 2019.
Stalin.P,P.Anandan,K.Suseendran,A.Balasubramanian,S.R.Vinodkumar and R.Gobi,, "Studies on Integrated Nutrient Management Approach for Sustaining the Yield in Rice-Blackgram Cropping Sequence.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 6, Number 2, Jan 2019, pp. 444-446. 2019.
Stalin. P, M. Darthiya, P. Anandan, A. Balasubramanian, R. Gobi and K. Suseendran, , "Effect of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System on Growth and Yield of Rice.”, .", International Journal of research and analytical reviews,, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 773-775. 2019.
Stalin. P, K.Suseendran, G.Murugan, A. Balasubramanian, S.R.VinodKumar and P.Anandan, , "Influence of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System on Yield Maximisation and Quality parameters of Sugarcane.", International Journal of research and analytical reviews,, Volume 6, Number 2, May 2019, pp. 442-443. 2019.
Stalin. P, K.Suseendran, G.Murugan, A. Balasubramanian, and M.Saravanaperumal, "Growth and yield maximisation of baby corn (Zea mays L.)as influenced by integrated nutrient management practices and foliar nutrition.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number 3, May 2019, pp. 2812-2814. 2019.
Stalin.P and M.Darthiya, "Studies on Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System on Maximisation of Rice for Cauvery Delta Region.", Plant Archives, Volume 18, Number 2, Dec 2018, pp. 2466-2468. 2018.
Stalin.P, Saravanan,.V ,G.Murugan, A.Balasubramanian ,and M.Saravanaperumal, "Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on growth and yield performance of hybrid maize (Zea mays L..", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (12)Special issue Part -IV , Number 12, 2017, pp. 2496-2498. 2017.
Hari kumara.V, G.Murugan,, ,M.Saravanaperumal,K.Suseendran and P.Stalin, "Enumeration of soil microbial population as influenced by Agronomic management techniques in rice crop.", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (11)Special issue Part -IX , Number 11, 2016, pp. 6486-6488. 2016.
Sappanimuthu .K G.Murugan, M.Saravanaperumal, K.Suseendran and P.Stalin , "Effect of weed and irrigation management t practices on sugarcane yield .", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 2, Feb 2016, pp. 580-585. 2016.
Saravanaperumal,M ,G.Parimala, G.Murugan, P.Stalin , and K.Suseendran, "Optimizing the utilization of inputs in Co 43 rice on yield and benefit cost ratio.", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (11)Special issue Part -IX, Number 11, 2016, pp. 6489-6490. 2016.
Saravanaperumal,M ,G.Parimala, G.Murugan, P.Stalin and K.Suseendran , "Influence of integrated nutrient management practices on productivity of hybrid maize (Zea mays L..", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (11)Special issue Part -IX , Number 11, 2016, pp. 6491-6492. 2016.
Stalin.P, Saravanan,.V ,G.Murugan, A.Balasubramanian and M.Saravanaperumal, "Influence of integrated nutrient management practices on productivity of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.).", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (11)Special issue Part -IX , Number 11, 2016, pp. 6493-6495. 2016.
Suseendran.K, G.Murugan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod Kumar and P.Anandan, "Effect of plant densities and N fertilization on growth and yield of hybrid maize.", Progressive research Journal, Volume Vol (11)Special issue Part -IX , Number 11, 2016, pp. 6496-6499. 2016.
Stalin.P, Saravanan,.V ,G.Murugan, A.Balasubramanian ,and M.Saravanaperumal, "Influence of integrated nutrient management practices on nutrient uptake and post harvest soil available status of hybrid maize .", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 9, Sep 2016, pp. 554-557. 2016.
Saravanaperumal.M, Parimala.G, G.Murugan, Stalin.P and A.Balasubramanian , "Role of different agronomic practice on uptake of nutrients and yield of rice.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 8, Aug 2016, pp. 614-617. 2016.
Suseendran.K, C.Ramesh, P.Stalin, G.Murugan and M. Saravanaperumal , "Effect of low dose herbicides on growth and and yield of rice(oryza sativa.L).", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 7, Jul 2016, pp. 606-608. 2016.
Balasubramanian.A, P.Stalin, M.Saravanaperumal and S.R.Vinod kumar , "Residual effect of integrated nutrient management practices on growth and yield of rice fallow black gram (vigna mungo L..", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 5, May 2016, pp. 597-605. 2016.
Saravanaperumal.M, Parimala.G, G.Murugan, Stalin.P and A.Balasubramanian , "Influence of agronomic strategies on yield and economics of ADT- 43 rice crop.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 5, May 2016, pp. 594-596. 2016.
Balasubramanian.A, P.Stalin, M.Saravanaperumal and S.R.Vinod kumar , "Integrated nutrient managemen practices and its impact on growth ,yield attributes,yield and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa L.), .", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 4, Apr 2016, pp. 586-593. 2016.
Balasubramanian.A, P.Stalin, M.Saravanaperumal and S.R.Vinod kumar , "Increasing the crop growth rate and productivity enhancement by nutrient management practices in rice (Oryza sativa.L).", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2016, pp. 568-574. 2016.
Saravanaperumal.M, Parimala.G, G.Murugan, Stalin.P and A.Balasubramanian , "System of rice intensification on nutrient uptake and yield of rice crop.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 2, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 554-557. 2015.
Stalin.P, Senthilnathan.R, ,G.Murugan, A.Balasubramanian ,and M.Saravanaperumal, "An comprehensive approach of integrated plant nutrient supply sysem for sustaining growth and yield of sugarcane.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 2, Number 11, Nov 2015, pp. 563-565. 2015.
Stalin.P, Jayaraj.V ,G.Murugan, A.Balasubramanian ,and M.Saravanaperumal, "Studies on integrated nutrient management for sustaining the yield in transplanted rice crop Cv Co 43.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 2, Number 18, 2015, pp. 558-562. 2015.
Hari kumara.V, G.Murugan,, ,M.Saravanaperumal,K.Suseendran , "Production efficiency of components in wetland rice based farming system.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research(JETIR), Volume Vol 2 ,, Number 3, 2015, pp. 551-553. 2015.
Saravanaperumal,M ,K.Prabu P.Stalin ,A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Role of integrated nutrien management on yield and benefit cost ratio of rice .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue July 2013 Part- II, Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 506-508. 2013.
Balasubramanian.A, I.Manikandan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod kumar and.M.Saravanaperumal , "Effect of inorganic fertilizers with organic manure, micronutrient and bio- fertilizers on growth and yield of winter sunflower(Helianthus annus L.) .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue Part- II , Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 502-505. 2013.
Balasubramanian.A, I.Manikandan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod kumar and.M.Saravanaperumal , "Impact of agronomic practices on nutrient uptake by sunflower crop and post harvest soil nutrient status .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue Part-II, Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 498-501. 2013.
Stalin.P, Jayaaj.V ,A.Balasubramanian,S.R.VinodKumar and M.Saravanaperumal, "Studies on integrated nutrient management approach for sustaining the yield in rice based cropping sequence.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue Part-II, Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 519-522. 2013.
Stalin.P, Jayaaj.V ,A.Balasubramanian,S.R.VinodKumar and M.Saravanaperumal, "Studies on integrated nutrient management approach for sustaining the yield in rice- black gram cropping sequence.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue Part-II, Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 515-518. 2013.
Saravanaperumal,M ,K.Prabu P.Stalin ,A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Studies on yield and economics of gingelly as influenced by INM .", Progressive research Journal, Volume journal vol (8)Special issue Part -II , Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 512-514. 2013.
Saravanaperumal,M ,K.Prabu P.Stalin ,A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Impact of nutrient management on yield of rice and yield attributes of rice fallow gingelly.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (8)Special issue Part-II , Number 8, Jul 2013, pp. 509-511. 2013.
Stalin.P,S.R.Vinod kumar.M.Saravanaperumal,A.Balasubramanian and P.Anandan , "Influence of Influence of IPNSS on economic analysis and nitrogen use efficiency of lowland rice- black gram cropping sequence.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 429-433. 2012.
Balasubramanian.A,I.Manikandan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod kumar and.M.Saravanaperumal , "Influence of integrated nutrient management practices on yield and N,P,K uptake in winter sunflower (Helianthus annus L.).", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 401-403. 2012.
Balasubramanian.A ,I.Manikandan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod kumar and.M.Saravanaperumal , "Impact of nutrient management practices on nutrient uptake ,yield and nutrient use efficiencies by sunflower( Helianthus annus L.) .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 404-407. 2012.
Saravanaperumal,M ,K.Prabu P.Stalin ,A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Agronomic strategies for improving nutrient uptake and yield of rice crop.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 408-410. 2012.
Saravanaperumal,M ,K.Prabu P.Stalin ,A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Influence of agronomic practice on nutrient uptake and yield of rice crop .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 411-413. 2012.
Stalin.P, S.R.Vinod kumar.M.Saravanaperumal,A.Balasubramanian and P.Anandan , "Influence of IPNSS on growth an yield performance of lowland rice and residual effect on black gram.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 416-419. 2012.
Saravanaperumal,M, K.Prabu P.Stalin, A.Balasubramanian and S.R.Vinod kumar, "Effect of INM on yield and economics of rice .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 414-415. 2012.
Vinod Kumar.S.R,,A.Balasubramanian,P.Stalin,M.Saravanaperumal and K.P.Senthil kumar , "Efficiency of certain herbicides on the weed suppression and sustaining the yield of soy bean.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 420-422. 2012.
Vinod Kumar.S.R,,A.Balasubramanian,P.Stalin,M.Saravanaperumal and K.P.Senthil kumar , "Effect of integrated plant nutrient supply system in low land transplanted rice.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 423-425. 2012.
Vinod Kumar.S.R,,A.Balasubramanian,P.Stalin,M.Saravanaperumal and K.P.Senthil kumar , "Effect of integrated plant nutrient management practices for productivity and economic viability of transplanted rice .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 426-428. 2012.
Balasubramanian.A, I.Manikandan, P.Stalin, S.R.Vinod kumar and.M.Saravanaperumal , "Integrated nutrient management practices and its impact on growth attributes ,seed yield, oil yield and N,P,k uptake by kharif sunflower( Helianthus annus L.) .", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 495-497. 2012.
Vinod Kumar.S.R,,A.Balasubramanian,P.Stalin,M.Saravanaperumal and K.P.Senthil kumar , "Response of INM on nutrient uptake and post harvest soil nutrient availability in fodder maize.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (7)Special issue , Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 523-525. 2012.
Stalin.P,S.R.Vinodkumar.M.Saravanaperumal,A.Balasubramanian and P.Anandan , "Effect of IPNSS for sustainability in low land rice of Cauvery delta region.", Progressive research Journal, Volume vol (5)Special issue, Number 5, Dec 2010, pp. 377-380. 2010.
Stalin, P., and V.Vaiyapuri, ". Studies on integrated plant nutrient supply system on yield maximization and economic analysis in rice for cauvery delta region..", Plant Archives , Volume 9, Number 1, Apr 2009, pp. 131-133. 2009.
List of Conferences - National
stalin.P and R.Senthilnathan, Studies on Integrated Nutrient Management Approach for Sustaining Yield of sugarcane, National Conference on Dynamics of Agrarian Transformation in Rural India , Nov 3-4, 2016, Chidambaram, pp. 203-205. Chidambaram, Manibharathi Achagam.
stalin and R.Senthilnathan, Studies on Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System for sustaining yield of sugarcane, Improved technologies for sustainable sugarcane production, Aug 21-22, 2014, Vellore, pp. 81-84. Bangalore, Today's Publications.
Stalin, P., and V.Vaiyapuri, Integrated plant nutrient management system forsources of nitrogen and phosphorus in transplanted rice, Sustaining food supply,Agro bio diversity and Rural Livelihoods, Feb 18-19, 2010, Annamalai University, pp. 14-15. Annamalai University, chidambaram, Department of Agronomy.
Saravanan,P., A.V.Nanjappa, B.K.Ramachndrappa and P.Stalin. , Utilization of weed plants in conjuction with fertilizer in potato crop under eastern dry zone of Karnataka., National Seminar. Resource Management for sustainable Agriculture., Mar 17-18, 2005, Annamalai University, pp. 378-380. Annamalai University, chidambaram, Department of Agronomy.
Vaiyapuri,V., C.Kalailyarasan, M.V.Sriramachandrasekharan, K.Suseendran, S.Ramesh and P.Stalin. , . Studies on the economic analysis of sulphur application in groundnut., National Seminar. Resource Management for sustainable Agriculture., Feb 17-18, 2005, Annamalai University, pp. 256-258. Annamalai University, chidambaram, Department of Agronomy.
List of Conferences - International
Stalin. P, K.Suseendran,S.R.Vinod Kumar,P.Anandan and G.Murugan, Influence of foliar nutrition on the growth and yield performance of black gram under irrigated condition., Global Research initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture, Oct 20-22, 2019, Hyderabad, Telengana, pp. 325-326. Meerut , Uttar pradesh, RAMA PUBLISHING HOUSE, MEERUT.
stalin.P and V.Vaiyapuri, Integrated plant nutrient supply system for sustainability in rice - pulse cropping system, International conference on Agriculture and forestry- "Sustainable Agriculture and Global food security, Jun 10-12, 2015, Colombo , Sri Lanka, pp. 42-42. Colombo , Sri Lanka, The International institute of knowledge management.
Stalin, P., and V.Vaiyapuri, Integreated plant nutrient supply system for sustainability in rice for cauvery delta region , Inernational conference on tropical island ecosystem, Mar 23-26, 2011, Andaman and Nicobar island, pp. 108-109. CARI , Port Blair, Tiecon.
Sudhakar,B., P.Stalin and K.Suseendran, Role of women in ICT’s and overcoming barriers through sustainable development., . In.Proc. of International conference on women in the Digital Era: Opportunities and challenges. , Dec 10-12, 2003, Annamalai University, pp. 174-178. Annamalai University, chidambaram, Department of Library sciences.
Sudhakar,B., P.Stalin and K.Suseendran, Women information needs for sustainable development. An overview, . In.Proc. of International conference on women in the Digital Era: Opportunities and challenges. , Dec 10-12, 2003, Annamalai University, pp. 179-182. Annamalai University, chidambaram, Department of Library sciences.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Indian Society of Agronomy - TN /2012 /2504
List of Awards
Best Researcher Award - International conference on Environment ,Agricultural , Chemical and Biological Sciences - 2020
Distinguished Scientist Award - Astha Foundation - 2019