S.Kavitha, Nirmala P. Ratchagar, "New mathematical approach for economic power dispatch problem with quadratic objective function.", IOSR Journal of ENgineering, Volume 09, Number 06, Jun 2019, pp. 25-30. 2019. | |
S.Kavitha and Nirmala P.Ratchagar, "A simplified lagrangian multiplier approach for fixed head short-term hydrothermal scheduling .", International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations, Volume 4, Number 3, Oct 2014, pp. 213-222. 2014. | |
S. Kavitha and Nirmala P. Ratchagar, "A deterministic dynamic programming approach for optimization problem with quadratic objective function and linear constraints.", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 7, Number 3, Sep 2013, pp. 780-784. 2013. | |
S. Kavitha and Nirmala P. Ratchagar, "A new analytical approach for the solution of optimization problem with cubic objective function.", World Journal of Engineering, Volume 10, Number 5, Oct 2013, pp. 471-484. 2013. | |
S.Kavitha and Nirmala P.Ratchagar, "Discrete and continuous state dynamic programming approach for piecewise quadratic optimization problem.", International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Volume 5, Number 6, Dec 2012, pp. 2636-2646. 2012. | |
S.Kavitha and Nirmala P.Ratchagar, "A hybrid differential evolution - iterative greedy search algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problem.", International Journal of Computing and Mathematical Applications, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 1-19. 2012. | |