Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 12513
Name : Dr. K. PATTABIRAMAN (Deputed)
Department : MATHEMATICS
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Date of Birth : 08-05-1982
Date of Joining : 05-09-2006
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Mathematics Section,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. --
Ph.D. 02

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 341-7
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
18 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
- 91 - - 1 -

List of Publications - International
M. Seenivasan, K. Pattabiraman, M. Indhumathi, "The Stationary Investigation on Multi-server Fluid Queueing Model with Unreliable Server, Advances in Fluid Dynamics.", Advances in Fluid Dynamics, Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 10.1007/978-981-15-4308-1-65 .
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Reciprocal degree distance of some derived graphs.", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 10, Number 1, Feb 2020, pp. 105-113. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "F-indices and its coindices of block edge transformation graphs.", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Volume 10, Number 2, Mar 2020, pp. 283-290. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Eccentricity related indices of Cartesian Product of graphs.", International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 10, Number 2, Mar 2020, pp. 263-273. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Santhakumar , "Reformulated Zagreb indices of vertex F-join graphs.", Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Volume 23, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 759-772. 2020.
A. Santhakumar, K. Pattabiraman, "On some descriptors of molecular graphs.", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal , Volume 9, Number 4, Apr 2020, pp. 2359-2364. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmed Bhat, "Bounds on RZ -invariant of Graphs.", South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 16, Number 1, Feb 2020, pp. 1-6. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, A, Santhakumar, "F-Sums of Graphs and their Reformulated-Zagreb Indices.", Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Inverse Connective Eccentricity Index and its Applications.", Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Relation with Reformulated Reciprocal Degree Distance and other Graph Parameters.", Palestine Journal of Mathematics , Volume 9, Number 1, Jan 2020, pp. 62-68. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, "Edge version of topological descriptors of certain chemical structures.", Journal of Mathematical Nanosciences , Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, "Forgotten topological indices and its coindices of graph operations.", Ars Combinatoria (in press) (Science Citation Indexed Journal), Volume 00, Number 00, Jul 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, "Reformulated reciprocal product degree distance of tensor product of graphs.", Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (in press), Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Inverse total eccentricity index and its applications.", Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics (in press), Volume 00, Number 00, Feb 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, A, Santhakumar, "Bounds on hyper Status connectivity index of graphs.", TWMS J. App. Eng. Math.(inpress), Volume 00, Number 00, Mar 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Reciprocal version of product degree distance of cactus graphs.", TWMS J. App. Eng. Math.(inpress), Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2020, pp. 0-0. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, "On Atom-Bond Connectivity Invariant of Graphs.", Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Lecture Notes in Network and Systems, Volume 119, Number 1, Jan 2020, pp. 277-284. 2020.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Topological efficiency index of some composite graphs.", International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2019, pp. 103-110. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Santhakumar, "Second status connectivity index of composite graphs.", International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics , Volume 2, Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 101-111. 2019.
P. Kandan, K. Pattabiraman, "Generalization on degree distance of some composite graphs.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2019, pp. 842-849. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, "Distance based topological descriptors of two classes of graphs.", Creative Mathematics and Informatics , Volume 28, Number 2, Feb 2019, pp. 151-162. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Upper bounds on product degree distance of F-sum of graphs.", Discrete Mathematics Algorithms and Applications , Volume 11, Number 4, Apr 2019, pp. 1950045-1950059. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Generalized degree distance of four transformation graphs.", Journal of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Volume 9, Number 1, May 2019, pp. 205-224. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Valency based descriptors of certain type of chemical trees.", AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20057-20064. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, G. Satheeshkumar, "Forgotten topological invariant of some new structures.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019) 020062 , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20062-20070. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "F-invariant of operations of graphs based on IB-product.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019), 020061 (6 pages); , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20061-20066. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Seenivasan, "Some constructed graphs and their H-Zagreb index.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019) 020062 , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20060-20069. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Santhakumar , "Computing first status connectivity index and its coindex of graphs- Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics.", Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Volume 00, Number 00, Jan 2019, pp. 479-487. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Topological efficiency of product graphs.", Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 10 (3) (2019) 269– 278., Volume 10, Number 3, Feb 2019, pp. 269-278. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "On the Generalized degree distance of graphs.", International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering, Volume 5, Number 4, Mar 2019, pp. 251-256. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, "Inverse sum indeg coindex of graphs.", Carpathian Mathematical Publications , Volume 11, Number 2, Jan 2019, pp. 399-406. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, "Four operations of graphs based on composition and their hyper Zagreb indices.", Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics , Volume 43, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 855-866. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Santhakumar, "Valency based molecular descriptors of two types of bicyclic graphs.", AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20056-20061. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, "Reciprocal degree distance of different classes of cactus.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019) 020062 , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20058-20067. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "F-index of new operations based on Indhu-bala product of graphs.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019) 020062 , Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20059-20065. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Seenivasan, "Some constructed graphs and their H-Zagreb index.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177(2019) 020060, Volume 2177, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 20061-20066. 2019.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Eccentricity based indices of some classes of fence graphs.", Journal of Mathematical Nanosciences , Volume 8, Number 2, Apr 2018, pp. 111-117. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Santhakumar, "Bounds on first reformulated Zagreb index of graph.", Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 7, Number 1, Oct 2018, pp. 25-35. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Bounds on inverse sum index of subdivision graphs.", Serdica Journal of Computing , Volume 12, Number 4, Jan 2018, pp. 281-298. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Seenivasan, "Vertex Hyper-Zagreb Index of Graphs.", International Journal of Engineering & Technology , Volume 7, Number 4/10, Mar 2018, pp. 573-576. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, V. Kaladevi, R. Murugesan, "Reformulated reciprocal product degree distance of graphs.", Utilitas Mathematica(Science Citation Indexed Journal), Volume 108, Number 1, Mar 2018, pp. 169-184. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Arivalagan, V.S.A. Subramanian, "Reciprocal product degree distance of tensor product of graphs.", Ars Combinatoria (Science Citation Indexed Journal), Volume 138, Number 1, Jun 2018, pp. 93-104. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "Edge version of some degree based topological descriptors of graphs.", Journal of Mathematical Nanosciences , Volume 8, Number 1, Mar 2018, pp. 1-12. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Product version of reciprocal degree distance of composite graphs.", Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization , Volume 3, Number 1, Apr 2018, pp. 25-35. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Four new operations related to composition and their reformulated Zagreb indices.", Indonesian Journal of Combinatorics , Volume 2, Number 1, Jun 2018, pp. 35-49. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan, "Weighted Szeged index of graphs.", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 8, Number 1, Sep 2018, pp. 11-19. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Reformulated reciprocal product degree distance of strong product of graphs.", Palestine Journal of Mathematics 7(2)(2018)667-675, Volume 7, Number 2, Nov 2018, pp. 667-675. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Third Zagreb indices and its coindices of two classes of graphs.", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 8, Number 1, Sep 2018, pp. 213-219. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "Inverse sum indeg index of graphs.", AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics(Elsevier), Volume 15, Number 1, 2018, pp. 155-167. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, "A Generalization on product degree distance of strong product of graphs.", International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics , Volume 2, Number 1, Jun 2018, pp. 67-79. 2018.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan, "Hyper Zagreb indices and its coindices of graphs .", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 7, Number 2, Jul 2017, pp. 31-41. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan,, "Hyper Zagreb indices and its coindices of graphs.", Bwl.IMVI, Volume 7, Number 0, Sep 2017, pp. 31-41. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "Topological descriptors of graphene and carbon nanocones.", Contemporary Issues in Technology & Management, Volume 01, Number 00, Jan 2017, pp. 103-118. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan, "Edge a- Zagreb indices and coindices of transformation graphs and total transformation graphs.", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,Elsevier, Volume 63, Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 251-269. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "Degree and distance based topological induces of transformation graphs.", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,Elsevier, Volume 63, Number 2, Feb 2017, pp. 145-159. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan, "Reformulated reciprocal degree distance of graph operations.", International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer, Volume 3 (2017)1469-1486.( Springer), Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 1469-1486. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "On topological indices of graph transformation.", International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer, Volume 3, Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 1171-1184. 2017.
V. Kaladevi, R. Murugesan, K. Pattabiraman, "Reverse degree distance of some graph operations.", Creative Mathematics and Informatics , Volume 26, Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 69-78. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, ", F -indices and its coindices of some classes of graphs.", Creative Mathematics and Informatics , Volume 26, Number 2, Jul 2017, pp. 201-210. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "Product version of reciprocal degree distance of graphs.", Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute , Volume 7, Number 1, Jan 2017, pp. 193-202. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "Product version of reciprocal Gutman index of composite graphs.", Creative Mathematics and Informatics , Volume 26(2) (2017) 211 - 219, Number 2, Aug 2017, pp. 211-219. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Seenivasan, "Bounds on vertex Zagreb indices of graphs.", Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: F Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Volume 17(6) (2017) 43-47, Number 6, Jun 2017, pp. 43-47. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, T. Suganya, "On topological indices of some class of networks.", Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 13, Number 5, Aug 2017, pp. 51-61. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, V. Kaladevi, P. Murugasen, "Reformulated Zagreb indices of some classes of graphs.", Carpathian Mathematical Publications , Volume 9, Number 2, Apr 2017, pp. 134-144. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, "Sanskruti Index of Bridge Graph and Some Nanocones.", Journal of Mathematical NanoSciences, Volume 7, Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 85-95. 2017.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan,, "On the Reformulated reciprocal degree distance of graphs.", Creat. Math. & informa., Volume 25, Number 3, Oct 2016, pp. 197-205. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan,, "On the Weighted PI index of graphs.", Electronic Notes in Discrete Math., Volume 53, Number 4, Sep 2016, pp. 225-238. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan,, "Reformulated reciprocal degree distance of transformation graph.", Electronic Notes in Discrete Math., Volume 53, Number 4, Oct 2016, pp. 259-270. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan,, "Weighted Szeged indices of some graph operations.", Trans.Conbina., Volume 5(1), Number 4, Oct 2016, pp. 25-35. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, "Generalization on product degree distance of tensor product of graphs.", J. Appl. Math. & Informatics, Volume 34, Number 4, Sep 2016, pp. 341-354. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Arivalagan, V.S.A. Subramanian, "Reciprocal product degree distance of strong product of graphs.", Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics , Volume 12, Number 1, May 2016, pp. 79-90. 2016.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan, "Generalized degree distance of strong product of graphs.", Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics , Volume 10, Number 2, Mar 2015, pp. 87-98. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, "Wiener index of tensor product of two cycles.", J. Prime Res. Math., Volume 10, Number 2, Oct 2015, pp. 1-18. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, S. Nagarajan, M. Chandrasekharan, "Zagreb indices of product graphs.", J. Prime Res. Math., Volume 10, Number 1, Oct 2015, pp. 80-92. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan,, "Generalization on the degree distance of tensor product of graphs .", Aust. J. Comb.,, Volume 62, Number 3, Feb 2015, pp. 211-227. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman,, "Multiplicatively weighted Harary indices of some graph operations, .", J. Appl. Math& Informatics,, Volume 33, Number 2, Apr 2015, pp. 89-100. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, S. Nagarajan, M. Chandrasekharan, "Hyper Zagreb indices of product graphs,.", Int. J. Pure & Appl. Math. Sci., Volume 8, Number 2, Jun 2015, pp. 1-14. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Paulraja,, "Harary index of product of graphs,.", Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, , Volume 35 , Number 0, May 2015, pp. 17-33. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, S. Nagarajan, M. Chandrasekharan, "Applications of generalized hierarchical product of graphs in computing Zagreb indices and coindices of chemical graphs.", International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , Volume 10, Number 1, Feb 2015, pp. 27-45. 2015.
K. Pattabiraman, S. Nagarajan, M. Chandrasekharan, "Weighted Szeged index of generalized hierarchical product of graphs.", Gen. Math. Notes, Volume 23, Number 1, 2014, pp. 85-95. 2014.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Arivalagan, V.S.A. Subramanian, "The Wiener related indices of some graph operations.", International Journal of Mathematics Research, Volume 6, Number 2, 2014, pp. 121-134. 2014.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan, "Reciprocal degree distance of product graphs.", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 10, Number 1, 2014, pp. 7-20. DOI:10.1016/j.dam.
K. Pattabiraman , P. Kandan, "Weighted PI index of corona product of graphs.", Discrete Mathematics Algorithms and Applications, Volume 6, Number 4, 2014, pp. 14500551-14500559. 2014.
K. Pattabiraman, A. Arivalagan, V.S.A. Subramanian, "Distance based graph invariants of graph operations.", Gen. Math. Notes, Volume 22, Number 1, 2014, pp. 143-153. 2014.
K. Pattabiraman, S. Nagarajan, M. Chandrasekharan, "Revised Szeged index of product graphs.", Gen. Math. Notes, Volume 23, Number 1, 2014, pp. 71-78. 2014.
K. Pattabiraman, M. Vijayaragavan, "Reciprocal degree distance of some graph operations.", Transactions on Combinatorics, Volume 2, Number 1, 2013, pp. 13-24. 2013.
K. Pattabiraman , "Exact Wiener indices of the strong product of graphs.", Journal Prime Research Mathematics, Volume 9, Number 1, 2013, pp. 18-33. 2013.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Paulraja,, "On some topological indices of the tensor product of graphs.", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 160, Number 1, 2012, pp. 267-279. 2012.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Paulraja,, "Wiener and vertex PI indices of the strong product of graphs.", Discuss. Math. Graph Thoery , Volume 32, Number 1, 2012, pp. 749-769. 2012.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Paulraja, "PI and edge PI indices of the generalized hierarchical product of graphs.", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 160, Number 1, 2012, pp. 1376-1384. 2012.
K. Pattabiraman, P. Paulraja, "Wiener index of the tensor product of a path and a cycle.", Discuss. Math. Graph Thoery , Volume 31, Number 1, 2011, pp. 737-751. 2011.
List of Book Published
P. Kandan, K. Pattabiraman, Topological indices of some graph operations and its applications, Mauritius 2019: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 978-3-659-54524-5, pp. 1-108. Jan 2019,
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Fellow of Boss Science Society - F425/BSS/2018
Life membership of Bose Science Society - M425/BSS/2018.
List of Awards
Received the award for Excellent Author for the year 2019 - MT Research & Educational Services - June 2019
Received the award for Outstanding Research Supervisor for the year 2018 - International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology, held at AIMST University, Malaysia - Sep 2018
Received the award for Srinivasa Ramanujan Best Young Scientist Award for the year 2018 - 8th National Conference on Natural Sciences, Bose Science Society, Pudukottai - Sep 2018
Received the award for Best Young Researcher and Outstanding Faculty in Mathematics for the year 2018 - International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Technology and Innovation, Baan - April 2018
Received the award for Highest paper publication in the year 2017 - Arunai International Research Foundation - December 2017
Article “Vertex and edge Padmakar-Ivan indices of the generalized hierarchical product of graphs”-Ranked 16th on the Top 25 articles for Discrete Applied Mathematics - Science Direct-Elsevier - April to June 2012
Article “On some topological indices of tensor products of graphs” -Ranked 16th on the Top 25 articles for Discrete Applied Mathematics - Science Direct-Elsevier - Jan. to March 2012
Article “On some topological indices of tensor products of graphs”-Ranked 20th on the Top 25 articles for Discrete Applied Mathematics - Science Direct-Elsevier - Oct. to Dec. 2011