Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08244
Name : Dr. S. FLORENCE
Department : ENGLISH
Qualification : M.A.,M.Sc(Chem),B.Ed.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : American Literature
Date of Birth : 31-07-1967
Date of Joining : 06-09-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
2 Sivapuri Quarters
Aathinarayannan Salai
Annamalai Nagar - 608 002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 451
Ph.D. 105

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 573858-4
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 74 - - - -

List of Publications - National
V. Sathya and Dr. S. Florence, "Disintegration of Values and Disharmony in Life in Philip Roth's Letting Go.", Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Number 11, Nov 2019, pp. 218-228. Nov 2019.
S.FLORENCE , "Exploration of Human Psyche in Henrik Ibsen's The Wild Duck .", Languages in India , Volume XVIII, Number III, Mar 2018, pp. 34-43. March 2018.
S.FLORENCE, "Experience of Expatriation : A Study Of Manju Kapoor's THE IMMIGRANT.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 3, Sep 2018, pp. 193-204. Sept,2018.
S.FLORENCE and BRIDGITH JUSBEL, "Silenced Space in Female Experience: A Reading of Shashi Deshpande's That Long Silence .", Literary innovations , Volume 5, Number 1, Apr 2017, pp. 83-92. April,2017.
S.FLORENCE, "Unvoiced Struggles Of Women: An Analysis Of Anita Rau Badmini's Can you hear the Night Bird call.", Literary Innovations, Volume IV, Number 2, Apr 2016, pp. 22-26. April,2016.
List of Publications - International
Dr. S. Florence , "Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar as a Social Reformer.", RESEARCH JOURNEY, Volume 7, Number 318(A), Apr 2023, pp. 147-149. 2023.
R. Sivahamasundari & Dr. S. Florence , "Theme of Alienation in Thomas Wolfeâ,"s Look Homeward, Angel. .", YMER. , Volume 22, Number 01 , Jan 2023, pp. 234-240. 2023.
R. Sivahamasundari & Dr. S. Florence , "Symbolic Patterns in Thomas Wolfe\'s You Canâ,"t Go Home Again: An Analysis..", NEUROQUANTOLOGY, Volume 21, Number 5, Mar 2023, pp. 762-768. 2023.
M. Ratchagar & Dr. S. Florence , "Depression and Dislocation in Anuradha Royâ,"s An Atlas of Lmpossible Longing. .", International Journal of Health Sciences. , Volume 6, Number 5, Jul 2022, pp. 8023-8029. 2022.
Benita Samuel & Dr. S.Florence , "The Grapes of Wrath and the Pragmatism of Suffering, An Inter -textual Study of the Book of Job .", Journal of the Oriental Institute., Volume 71, Number 01, Jan 2022, pp. 181-186. 2022.
C. Abilashini & Dr. S. Florence, "Managing Domestic Life and Dream Career in Kavitha Daswaniâ,"s The Village Bride of Beverly Hills.", International Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 6, Number 4, 2022, pp. 7067-7074. 2022.
Benita Samuel & Dr. S.Florence , "â,œEmphasizing Innocent Suffering: An Inter textual Study of The Book of Job in Elie Wieselâ,"s Nightâ,.", Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal, Volume XCV, Number 14, 2022, pp. 43-46. 2022.
Subha Balamurugan & Dr. S. Florence , "Death as a Recurrent Theme in Emily Dickinsonâ,"s Select Poems. .", SPECIALUSIS UGDYMAS/ SPECIAL EDUCATION , Volume 1, Number 43, 2022, pp. 7252-7260. 2022.
Subha Balamurugan & Dr. S. Florence , "An Analysis of Pictorial Art in Emily Dickinsonâ,"s Select Poems.", YMER, Volume 21, Number 10, Oct 2022, pp. 827-836. 2022.
M. Ratchagar & Dr. S. Florence , "Impact of Sectarian Violence on the Life of the Virtuous People in Anuradha Royâ,"s The Earthspinner.", SPECIAL EDUCATION , Volume 1, Number 43, 2022, pp. 9154-9162. 2022.
A. Sivaranjani & Dr. S. Florence , "Real Vs Reel in Don DeLillo\'s Falling Man .", GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL , Volume 8, Number 11, Nov 2021, pp. 1096-1107. 2021.
A. Sivaranjani & Dr. S. Florence , "â,œ Disastrous Consequences of Technology: An Analysis of Don DeLilloâ,"s White Noiseâ,. .", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal analysis , Volume XIII, Number X, Oct 2021, pp. 1308-1313. 2021.
H. Annshini and Dr. S. Florence , "Exploration of the Psychological Uncertainity in Ibsen's Rosmersholm.", Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , Volume 9, Number 3, Mar 2019, pp. 193-203. Mar 2019.
V. Sathya and Dr. S. Florence, "Clash between Self and Wolrds in Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint.", Infokara Research, Volume 8, Number 11, Aug 2019, pp. 1376-1385. Aug 2019.
S.FLORENCE, "William Wordsworth's Concept of Poetry: An Analysis of Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.", Bodhi International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Science, Volume 2, Number 23, Apr 2018, pp. 22-24. April, 2018.
S.FLORENCE, "Exploring American Dream: An Analysis of Lorraine Hansberry's A RAISIN IN THE SUN .", Bodhi International Journal journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and science , Volume 2, Number 22, Apr 2018, pp. 36-38. April,2018.
H. Annshini and Dr. S. Florence, "Exploration of Human Psyche in Ibsen's The Wild Duck .", Language in India, Volume 2, Number Special issue, Mar 2018, pp. 34-43. March 2018.
S.FLORENCE, "Refugee for a Refugee: an Analysis of Chinua Achebe's REFUGEE MOTHER AND CHILD .", Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Volume 2, Number 10, Apr 2018, pp. 90-91. April,2018.
Sujitha and Dr. S. Florence, " \"Experiences of Expatriation the alienated Land: A Study of Manju Kapur\'s The Immigrant.\".", IJRAR, Volume 5, Number 3, Jul 2018, pp. 689-691. 2018.
S. Sujitha and Dr. S. Florence , "An Analysis of Female Characters in Manju Kapur's Difficult Daughters.", International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies , Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2017, pp. 179-181. Jan 2017.
H. Annshini and Dr. S. Florence, "An Analysis of Individual Psychology and Responsibility in Ibsen's The Lady from the Sea .", Notions, Volume 8, Number 3, Sep 2017, pp. 46-53. Sep 2017.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Silenced Space in Female Experience: A Reading of Shashi Deshpande\'s That Long Silence and The Binding Wine\"..", Literary Innovations, Volume V, Number 1, Apr 2017, pp. 83-92. 2017.
H. Annshini and Dr. S. Florence, "Psychological Journey Towards Destruction: An Analysis of Henrik IBSEN''S Hedda Gabler.", Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches , Volume 7, Number 3, Jan 2017, pp. 72-76. Jan 2017.
S.FLORENCE, "Multiculturalism: A Boon or Ban?.", International Journal of English Language, Literature, Volume 5, Number 9, Sep 2017, pp. 2-7. Sept, 2017.
Dr. S. Florence , "Homeless in Their Home: An Analysis of Sri Aurobindo\'s \"The Tiger and The Deer\" and Edwin Markham\'s \"A Man with The Hoe\".", Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume 1, Number 1, 2017, pp. 167-168. 2017.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Unvoiced Struggles of Women: An Analysis of Anita Rau Badami\'s Can You Hear the Night Bird Call?\". .", Literary Innovations, Volume IV, Number II, Apr 2016, pp. 22-26. 2016.
Dr.S.Florence, ""An Analysis of Alienation in Arun Joshi's Strange case of Billy Biswas".", Roots International Journal of Multidisplinary Researches, Volume 2, Number 3, Feb 2016, pp. 182-184. 2016.
Bridgith Jusbell & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Sufferings as a Tool of Self-Realization in Shashi Deshpande\'s A Matter of Time\".", Notions , Volume VII, Number 4, Dec 2016, pp. 41-46. 2016.
K. Indhumathi & Dr. S. Florence143, "A Study of Women & Nature in the Works of Silko .", Literary Innovations, Volume IV, Number II, Apr 2016, pp. 143-152. 2016.
Dr. S. Florence , "A Quest for Identity of a Girl Child: An Analysis of Shashi Deshpande\'s that Long Silence .", \"Budding Generatiopn and Bridging Freedom - Girl Child\", Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2016, pp. 541-543. 2016.
Dr. S. Florence , "A Quest for Identity: An Analysis of UpAmanya Chatterjee\'s English August: An Indian Story.", Jamal Academic Research Journal An Interdisciplinary, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2016, pp. 39-41. 2016.
K. Indhumathi & Dr. S. Florence, "\"Recollection of History in Leslie Marmon Silko\'s Almanacof the Dead.\".", Literary Explorations , Volume 2, Number 4, Sep 2016, pp. 159-163. 2016.
S FLORENCE, "Feminist and environmental concerns in Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres..", Voice International, Volume XI, Number Issue 2, 2016, pp. 26-31. 2016.
Dr.Fahim & Dr. S. Florence, "\" Mugging-up is not Worth- while in Technical Study: A Critical Study of Chetan Bhagat\'s Five Point Someone.\".", International Journal of World Research, Volume 1, Number 26, Feb 2016, pp. 20-22. 2016.
S. Bridgith Jusbell and Dr. S. Florence, "Suffering as A Tool of Self Realisation in Shashi Deshpande's A Matter of Time.", Notions , Volume 7, Number 4, Aug 2016, pp. 41-46. Aug 2016.
S.FLORENCE, "Quest for Identity: An Analysis Of My Father .", Roots International journal of multidisciplinary research, Volume 3, Number 9, Oct 2016, pp. 69-70. Oct,2016.
N. Asharudeen and S.FLORENCE, ", "A Portrayal Of Classical Love against Impercation In Kalidasa's Shakunthala.",.", Contemproary Discourse,, Volume 7, , Number 1, Jun 2016, pp. 37-39. June 2016.
Dr.Fahim and Dr. S. Florence, "A Critical Study of Chetan Bhagat's What Young India Wants?.", International journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, Volume 1, Number 9, Nov 2015, pp. 90-91. 2015.
Fahim .k and Dr. S. Florence, "Quality Education as the Back of Emerging India: A Critical Study of Chetan Bhagat's What Young India Wants.", Research Paper, Volume 1, Number 9, Nov 2015, pp. 90-91. Nov 2015.
K. Indhumathi & Dr. S. Florence, "An Analysis of the Role of Native Americans in American Society in Silko\'s Ceremony.", Proceedings of International Conference on Perspectives of Language, literature & Theory , Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2015, pp. 35-39. 2015.
S. Padmavathy & Dr. S. Florence , "Manipulation of the Marginalized: An Evaluation of Arundathi Roy\'s God of Small Things and Chinua Achebe\'s Things Fall Apart.\".", Voice International , Volume X, Number 10, Dec 2015, pp. 112-114. 2015.
K. Indhumathi & Dr. S. Florence, "An Eternal Quest for Meaning of Life in Heningway\'s A Farewell to Arms .", Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume 1, Number 1, 2015, pp. 114-115. 2015.
Fahim. K.K. & Dr. S. Florence , "Amalgamation of Emotions and Relations in The Novels of Chetan Bhagat .", Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume 1, Number 1, 2015, pp. 120-121. 2015.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Adrienne Rich\'s Poems: A Re-appraisal\".", American Literary MovemenIIts: A Reappraisal, Volume III, Number 1, 2014, pp. 171-174. 2014.
Seetha Lakshmi & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Unwinding the Tangled Web of Homosexual Dilemma in James Baldwin\'s Giovanni\'s Room\".", Voice International , Volume x, Number 10, Apr 2013, pp. 112-119. 2013.
Dr. S. Florence , "A Quest for Identity in Bharati Mukherjee\'s The Tiger\'s Daughter: An Analysis .", Multidicipilanery Perspectives on American Studies, Volume 1, Number 3, 2012, pp. 358-360. 2012.
Sowmiya Jose & Dr. S. Florence , "Insanity & Identity in August Wilson\'s Two Trains Running & Seven Guitors.", Literary Innovations, Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2012, pp. 103-112. 2012.
Sowmiya Jose & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Artefact and Preservation of African Culture: August Wilson\'s Radio Golf\".", Teresian Journal of English Studeis, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2012, pp. 54-57. 2012.
Asharudeen. N & Dr. S. Florence , "\"An Analysis of Domestic Violence in Sam Shepard\'s A Lie of the Mind and True West\" .", Contemporary Vibes, Volume 7, Number 28, Jul 2012, pp. 32-33. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Discovering the Self: An Analysis of Bharati Mukherjee\'s Jasmine\" .", Literary Innovations, Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2012, pp. 34-37. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "\" A Quest for Identity in Arun Joshi\'s The Foreigner\".", Literary Findings. Biannual peer received International Journal., Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 23-27. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "Poem entitled \'\"Elegy\" .", Contemporary Poets, Volume 1, Number 1, 2012, pp. 16-16. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"An Analysis of Brotherhood in William Blakes\'\" \" A Poison Tree\" .", Kafla Inter Contiental Tri annual - International , Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 73-76. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "Poem entitled, \'\' Inida\'\'.", Contemporary VIBES , Volume 7, Number 26, Jan 2012, pp. 26-26. 2012.
Asha & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Power, Resistance, and Acceptance in Two Parsi Novels\".", Literary Innovations, Volume II, Number 1, 2012, pp. 34-37. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"An Analysis of Illusion and Violence in Sam Shepard\'s A Lie of the Mind\".", Literary Insight , Volume III, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 120-123. 2012.
S. Bhuvaneswari & Dr. S.Florence, "\"The Role of Fact and Fantasy in Bharati.", Notions, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 1-8. 2012.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"The Role of Fact and Fantasy in Bharati Mukherjee\'s Wife \".", Notions , Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 1-8. 2012.
Krishnaveni & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Female Bonding Shown in Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakarani\".", Literary Findings , Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 89-95. 2012.
Bridgith Jusbell & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Feminist Perspectives: An Analysis of Shashi Deshpande\'s Roots and Shadows\"..", Voice International , Volume VII, Number 7, Oct 2011, pp. 27-32. 2011.
Dr. S. Florence , "Poem entitled \"Divine Inspiration\" .", Contemporary Poets, Volume 1, Number 1, Aug 2011, pp. 12-12. 2011.
Sowmiya Jose & Dr. S. Florence , "\"Detangling the Intricacies of Filial and Maternal Relationships: A Study of Marsha Norman\'s Getting Out\".", Journal of the Annamalai University - Part A Humanities, Volume 47, Number 1, 2011, pp. 281-288. 2011.
Sowmiya Jose & Dr. S. Florence , "Fightback and Assertion of Identity: A Critique of August Wilson\'s Two Trains Running .", Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume I, Number 1, Sep 2011, pp. 4-8. 2011.
Dr. S. Florence , "Remedial Teaching for Learning English as a Second Language Among Rural Students .", Key Concerns and Issues in Remedial Teaching , Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2011, pp. 436-438. 2011.
Sowmiya Jose & Dr. S. Florence , "Ethnic Identity Crisis: Images of Indian Diaspora in K. S. Maniam\'s The Return .", VOICE , Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2011, pp. 9-13. 2011.
G. Krishnakumari & Dr. S. Florence , "An Analysis of the Human Relationship in Girish Karnad\'s Nagamandala .", VOICE , Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2011, pp. 119-124. 2011.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"An Analysis of the Human Relationship in Girish Karnad\'s Hayavadana .", Voice International , Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2011, pp. 119-124. 2011.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"An Analysis of the Human Relationship in Girish Karnad\'s Hayavadana\'\'.", Voice International , Volume Special Volume I, New English Literature , Number 1, Oct 2011, pp. 119-124. 2011.
Dr. S. Florence , "Poem entitled \"My Mother\" .", Contemporary Poets, Volume 1, Number 1, 2009, pp. 21-21. 2009.
Dr. S. Florence , "Adrienne Rich & Kamala Das: A Comparison.", Comparitive Literature: Problems and Prospects , Volume 1, Number 1, 2006, pp. 91-94. 2006.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Man can be Defeated but not Destroyed: A Critical Analysis of Ernest Hemingway\'s The Old Man and the sea \"..", Journal of the Annamalai University - Part A- Humanities,, Volume XL, Number III, 2005, pp. 21-28. 2005.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Indianness in Nissim Ezekiel\'s \" Night of the Scorpion\"\".", Journal of the Annamalai University - Part A Humanities, Volume XL, Number II, 2004, pp. 27-30. 2004.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Rabindranath Tagore\'s The Post Office as a Tragedy of Introspection\".", Journal of the Annamalai University - Part I Humanities, Volume XL, Number 1, 2003, pp. 7-12. 2003.
Dr. S. Florence , "\"Treatment of Feminism in Adrienne Rich\'s \"Snapshots of a Daughter -in-law \"..", Poetcrit, Volume XII, Number 1, Jan 2000, pp. 32-38. 2000.