Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04273
Name : Dr. V.I. PAUL
Designation : PROFESSOR
Department : ZOOLOGY
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,B.Ed.,
Specialization : Environmental Toxicology,Biodiversity & Phytochemistry, Fisheries and Histopathology
Date of Birth : 31-05-1966
Date of Joining : 13-07-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
No.1, Tobacco Garden
Annamalainagar - 608002
Tamil Nadu
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 8-
Ph.D. 40

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 181118411
Conducted 11--2

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
8 33 10 4 9 -

List of Publications - National
Umar Muzaffer, V. I. Paul and N. Rajendra Prasad, "Preliminary phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of male flower of Juglans regia L.", Life Science. Archives , Volume 2, Number 5, Oct 2016, pp. 733-740. 2016.
V.I. Paul , "Shifting cultivation and habitual hunting in Nagaland and their impact on biodiversity..", In; Biodiversity: Issues, impacts, Remediation and significance., Volume 1ed., Number 1, Nov 2012, pp. 117-184. 2012.
S. Vimala and V.I. Paul , "Utilization of crustacean fishery waste as a source of carotenoids.", Journal of Experimental Zoology India, Volume 12, Number 2, May 2009, pp. 377-380. 2009.
A. Thimmappa and V.I. Paul , "Sublethal mercuric chloride induced stress related alterations in epithelial mucogenic activity of the freshwater mussel Lamelidens marginalis (Lamarck).", Journal of Modern Science, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2009, pp. 60-69. 2009.
. V.I. Paul , "Shifting cultivation: a means of subsistence among the Naga tribes of India and the associated environmental impacts.", Journal of Experimental Zoology India, Volume 11, Number 2, Mar 2008, pp. 325-330. 2008.
. P. Jayakumar and V.I. Paul , "Sub lethal cadmium chloride toxicity induced stress related alterations in the protein profile of the fresh water cat fish Mystus vitattus (Bloch)..", Bulletin of Environmental Science, Volume 23, Number 1, Oct 2005, pp. 9-18. 2005.
M.V. Radhakrishnan, S. Hemalatha and V.I. Paul , " Effect of cadmium chloride on the melanophores of Channa striatus (Bloch).", Indian Journal of Fisheries, Volume 47, Number 2, Jun 2000, pp. 135-141. 2000.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee , "Ammonium sulphate induced stress related alterations in the skin epidermis of the livefish Heteropneustes fossilis. .", Journal of Freshwater Biology, , Volume 10, Number 3-4, Oct 1998, pp. 115-121. 1998.
List of Publications - International
Umar muzaffer,V.I Paul,Balupillai Agilan and N. Rajendra Prasad, "Protective effect of Juglans regia L., against ultraviolet-B induced photoaging in human epidermal keratinocytes.", Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 111, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 724-732. 2019.
Umer Qadir Dar and V.I. Paul, "Impact of ethanol extract of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) seeds on tissue damage biomarkers of the predatory catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.).", Journal of Taibah University for Science, Volume 12, Number 4, Jun 2018, pp. 357-370. 2018.
Umar muzaffer and V.I Paul , "Phytochemical analysis, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of male flower of Juglans regia L.", International Journal of Food Properties. , Volume 21, Number 1, Apr 2018, pp. 345-356. 2018.
Umar Muzaffer, V.I. Paul, Nagarajan Rajendra Prasad, Ramasamy Karthikeyan, Balupillai Agilan, "Protective effect of Juglans regia L. against ultraviolet B radiation induced inflammatory responses in human epidermal keratinocytes.", Phytomedicine, Volume 42 , Number 1, Mar 2018, pp. 100-111. 2018
Umar Muzaffer, V.I. Paul, Nagarajan Rajendra Prasad and Ramasamy Karthikeyan, "Juglans regia L. protects against UVB induced apoptosis in human epidermal keratinocytes.", Biochemistry and Biophysics reports, Volume 13, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 109-115. 2018.
Umar Muzaffer, V. I. Paul and N. Rajendra Prasad , "Molecular Docking of Selected Phytoconstituents With Signaling Molecules of Ultraviolet-B Induced Oxidative Damage .", In Silico Pharmacology, Volume 5, Number 1, Dec 2017, pp. 1-9. 2017 10.1007/s40203-017-0035-z.
Umar Muzaffer, V. I. Paul and N. Rajendra Prasad, "Molecular docking of Juglans regia L. derived selected dietary flavonoids with apoptotic signalling molecule .", International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Research, Volume 3, Number 12, Dec 2016, pp. 139-151. 2016.
T. Radhiga, B. Agilan B, U. Muzaffer, R. Karthikeyan, G. Kanimozhi, V. I Paul, and N. R. Prasad , "Phytochemicals as modulators of ultraviolet-B radiation induced cellular and molecular events: A review. .", Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research, Volume 7, Number 1, Mar 2016, pp. 1-12. 2016 DOI: 10.4103/0973-0168. 184607.
U. Qadir, V.I. Paul, P. Ganesh, "Preliminary phytochemical screening and in vitro antibacterial activity of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) seeds.", Journal of King Saud University-Science, Volume 27, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 97-104. 2015
N.Jothivel and V.I.Paul , "Comparative physico-chemical analysis of Uppanar estuary and Killai backwater from Tamilnadu coast with special reference to their nutrient status.", Internat Journal of Current Research, Volume 6, Number 12, Dec 2014, pp. 11218-11225. 2014.
N.Jothivel and V.I.Paul, "Comparative physic-chemical profiling of two coastal water bodies from south east coast of India with special reference to their pollution status.", International Journal of Modern Research and Reviews., Volume 2, Number 12, Dec 2014, pp. 544-553. 2014.
Umer Qadir and Paul V.I., "Evaluation of acute toxicity of the aqueous extract of seeds of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) as a biopesticide against the yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) of paddy.", Continental Journal of Biological Science, Volume 7, Number 1, Mar 2014, pp. 30-39. 2014.
Umer Qadir and Paul V.I. , "In vitro Nematicidal (Anthelmintic) Property of the Seed Extracts of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) Against Pheretima posthuma (L. Vaill.). .", Ethiopian Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Volume 4, Number 1, Dec 2013, pp. 65-75. 2013.
V.I. Paul and P. Jayakumar , "A comparative analytical study of the cadmium and humic acids contents of two lentic water bodies in Tamilnadu, India.", Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering,, Volume 7, Number 2, Mar 2010, pp. 137-144. 2010.
V.I. Paul ,P. Jayakumar, N. Jothivel, and N. Susithra , "A mesocosm analytical study on the ecological interactions of certain benthos in response to the biodeposition and bioturbation activities of the freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck). .", Tropical Freshwater Biology, Volume 18, Number 2, Jan 2009, pp. 67-77. 2009.
S. Vimala and V.I. Paul , "An analytical study of some environmental isolates for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus.", The Bioscan, Volume 4, Number 4, Nov 2009, pp. 671-673. 2009.
P. Jayakumar, N. Jothivel, A. Thimmappa and V.I. Paul , "Physicochemical characterization of a lentic water body from Tamil Nadu with special reference to its pollution status .", The Ecoscan, Volume 3, Number 1&2, Apr 2009, pp. 59-64. 2009.
P. Jayakumar, N. Jothivel and V.I. Paul , "Heavy metals induced alterations in the acid phosphatase activity in the edible freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck). .", The Internet Journal of Toxicology, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 2008, pp. 1-8. 2008 http://www. xml File Path = journals/ijto/vol 5n2/mussel.xml. .
N. Jothivel and V.I. Paul , "Exploitation of Acute Toxicity of the Seeds of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) as a Potential Aquaculture Management Tool to Eradicate Unwanted Fish Fauna.", Asian Fisheries Science, Volume 21, Number 4, Dec 2008, pp. 457-467. 2008.
P. Jayakumar, N. Jothivel, A. Thimmappa and V.I. Paul , "A mesocosm analytical study on the impact of freshwater mussel (Lamellidens marginalis Lamarck) mediated bioturbation and biodeposition on some ecological factors of a freshwater lake.", Continental J. Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Volume 2, Number 1, Aug 2008, pp. 6-12. 2008.
N. Jothivel and V.I. Paul , "Evaluation of the acute toxicity of the seeds of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) and its piscicidal effect on three species of freshwater fish.", The Internet Journal of Toxicology, Volume 5, Number 1, May 2007, pp. 1-9. 2007.
A. Thimmappa, N. Jothivel and V.I. Paul , "Sublethal mercuric chloride toxicity induced stress related alterations in the epithelial lining of foot of the freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck)..", Continental Journal Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2007, pp. 21-29. 2007.
S. Susithra, N. Jothivel, P. Jayakumar and V.I. Paul , "Toxicopathological impact of the heavy metal salt cadmium chloride on the accessory respiratory organ of the air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.). .", Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2007, pp. 1-8. 2007.
P. Jayakumar and V.I. Paul , "Patterns of cadmium accumulation in selected tissues of the cat fish Clarias batrachus (Bloch) exposed to sub lethal concentration of cadmium chloride. .", Veterinarski Arhiv, Volume 76, Number 2, Mar 2006, pp. 167-177. 2006.
V.I. Paul, M.V. Radhakrishnan and S. Hemalatha , "Turritella attenuata (Kasinathan): As biological indicator of marine pollution – A trace metal analytical study.", Indian Journal of Experimental Biology,, Volume 37, Number 1, Nov 1999, pp. 1151-1153. 1999.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee , "Histopathological changes induced by ambient ammonia (ammonium sulphate) on the opercular linings of the live fish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)..", Disease of Aquatic Organisms, Volume 28, Number 1, Feb 1997, pp. 151-161. 1997.
V.I. Paul and T.K Banerjee, "Analysis of ammonium sulphate toxicity in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis using mucocyte indexing.", Polish Archives of Hydrobiology, , Volume 43, Number 1, Aug 1996, pp. 111-125. 1996.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee , "Ammonium sulphate induced stress related alterations in the opercular epidermis of the live fish Heteropneustes (=Saccobranchus) fossilis(Bloch.). .", Current Science, , Volume 70, Number 11, Jun 1996, pp. 1025-1029. 1996.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee , "Ammoinium sulphate induced stress related alterations in the respiratory epithelium of the air breathing organ of the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)..", Journal of Bioscience, Volume 21, Number 4, Jun 1996, pp. 519-526. 1996.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee , "Ammonium sulphate induced changes in the epidermis of the live fish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.). .", Journal of Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Volume 23, Number 1, Mar 1996, pp. 31-41. 1996.
V.I. Paul and T.K. Banerjee, "Acute toxicity of ammonium sulphate to the air-breathing organ of the live fish Heteropneustes (Saccobranchus) fossilis (Bloch.)..", Current Science,, Volume 68, Number 8, Apr 1995, pp. 845-848. 1995.
B. Mallik and V.I. Paul , "A New Dolichotetranychus (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) species infesting coconut from Kerala, India.", Journal of Acarology, Volume 13, Number 1&2, Sep 1995, pp. 9-14. 1995.
T.K. Banerjee and V.I. Paul , "). Estimation of acute toxicity of ammonium sulphate to the fresh water catfish Heteropneustes fossilis II. A histopathological analysis of the epidermis. .", Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 1993, pp. 45-48. 1993.
List of Conferences - National
V.I. Paul, N. Indra, G. Jagadeesan, and R. Gopal , An over view of testing research hypotheses, A manual for bio-statistical ananlysis, Jan 4-6, 2013, Annamalai University, pp. 17-23. Chidambaram Tamilnadu, Sri Veera publishers.
V.I. Paul, G. Jagadeesan, N. Indra and R. Gopal , Importance of sample size determination in research: A review, A manual for bio-statistical ananlysis, Jan 4-6, 2013, Annamalai University, pp. 10-16. Chidambaram,Tamilnadu, Sri Veera publishers.
V.I. Paul, N. Indra, G. Jagadeesan, and R. Gopal , An over view of testing research hypotheses, A manual for bio-statistical ananlysis, Jan 4-6, 2013, Annamalai University, pp. 17-23. Chidambaram Tamilnadu, Sri Veera publishers.
G. Jagadeesan, V.I. Paul, N. Indra and R. Gopal, Application of statistics in biological experiments : A review, A manual for bio-statistical ananlysis., Jan 4-6, 2013, Annamalai University, pp. 4-9. Chidambaram Tamilnadu, Sri Veera publishers.
V.I. Paul , Forest biodiversity: Significances, issues and impacts , Proceedings of National Seminar on Forest-a Biodiversity Rich Biome : Current status & Future Implications. , Mar 1-2, 2012, St.Joseph's College, Irinjalakudua Kerala, pp. 16-18. Irinjalakuda, Kerala, Department of Zoology,St.Joseph's College, Irinjalakudua Kerala.
V.M. Rincy, V.I. Paul and N. Panchanatham , An exploratory study on the development of an environmental perception measurement instrument, Advances in Environmental Research:An Interdisciplinary Approach., Mar 11-12, 2011, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 204-211. New Delhi, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
V.I. Paul, N. Jothivel, P. Jayakumar and K. Santhi , A comparative analytical study on the humic acids and cadmium contents of four water bodies in Tamil Nadu, Advances in Environmental Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Mar 11-12, 2011, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 67-72. New Delhi, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
V.I. Paul , Shifting cultivation in Nagaland and the associated environmental impacts, Proceedings of 19th Kerala Science CongressSection B, Article No. 3, Jan 29-31, 2007, Kannur, Kerala,, pp. 1-5. Kannur, Kerala,, Kerala Science Congress.
N. Jothivel and V.I. Paul, Demonstration of the piscicidal action of the Indian berry Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) using the freshwater catfish Clarias batrachus (Linn.). , Proceedings of 19th Kerala Science Congress, Jan 29-31, 2007, Kannur, Kerala,, pp. 1-5. Kannur, Kerala,, Kerala Science Congress.
V.I. Paul and N. Ramani , Acarine fauna associated with the plantation crops of Kerala, , Proceedings of 3rd Kerala Science Congress, Feb 28-3, 1991, kozhikode, kerala, pp. 130-131. kozhikode, kerala, Kerala Science Congress.
List of Conferences - International
Umar Muzaffer and V.I. Paul, Harmful Effects of Solar UVB Radiations and Human Skin., Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. II , Feb 20-22, 2019, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 1-9. Guwahati, Empyreal Publishing House,Guwahati.
Umar Muzaffer, Sofi Imtiyaz Ali and V.I. Paul, A short review on heavy metal toxicity in the environment., Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. IV, Feb 20-22, 2019, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 40-50. Delhi, ABS books, Delhi.
V.I. Paul and P. Jayakumar, A short review on role of benthic molluscs in biomonitoring of fresh water ecosystems with special reference to Lamellidens marginalis , Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. IV, Feb 20-22, 2019, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 56-67. Delhi, ABS books, Delhi.
Umar Muzaffer and V.I. Paul, Protective effect of Viburnum grandiflorum against ultraviolet B radiation induced damages in human epidermal keratinocytes. , Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol.I , Feb 20-22, 2019, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, pp. 40-50. Bangalore. , Archers and elevators publishing house,Bangalore. .
List of Book Published
Paul, V.I., Subramaniyan, A. and Elanchezhiyan,C, Advances in Environmental Research; An Interdisciplinary approach, New Delhi, India: Excel Publishers, New Delhi, India, 978-93-81361-27-6, pp. 1-308. Mar 2011,
2. Paul,V.I. , Methods and practices in fisheries and aquaculture , Bangalore, India: Archers &Elevators publishing house, 978-93-86501-93-6, pp. 1-143. Oct 2012,
V.I.Paul, Biodiversity: Issues, impacts, remediation and significance, New delhi, India.: VLMS Publishers, 978-93-80820-17-0, pp. 1-419. Mar 2013,
lndra,N.,Jagadeesan,G.,Paul,V.I.,Gopal,R.,Prakash,M.and Pradhap,M, A manual for bio-statistical ananlysis., Chidambaram,Tamilnadu: Sri Veera Publishers, , 978-9380174-09-9, pp. 1-92. Jan 2013,
V.I. Paul, Introductory Histology and Histochemistry, Bangalore, India: Archers & Elevators publishing house, 978-93-86501-92-9, pp. 1-140. Jan 2013,
V.I. Paul, M. Muthulingam, A. Elangovan and J. Nelson Samuel Jebastin, ). Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. IV., New Delhi, India: ABS books, , 978-93-87229-09-9, pp. 1-231. Apr 2019,
V.I. Paul, M. Muthulingam, A. Elangovan and J. Nelson Samuel Jebastin , Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol.I , Bangalore, India: Archers and elevators publishing house,, 978-93-88805-33-9, pp. 1-268. Mar 2019,
V.I. Paul, M. Muthulingam, A. Elangovan and J. Nelson Samuel Jebastin, Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. III, Bangalore, India: Archers and elevators publishing house,, 978-93-88805-44-5, pp. 1-180. Mar 2019,
V.I. Paul, M. Muthulingam, A. Elangovan and J. Nelson Samuel Jebastin, Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research Vol. II, Guwahati,India: Empyreal Publishing House, 978-81-939070-9-2, pp. 1-246. Mar 2019,
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
The National Science Congress Association - L 12021
National Environmental Science Academy - 834
List of Awards
Best Educationist Award - Achievers Publishing House - 2018
Leading Educationist of India Award - DK International Research Foundation - 2018
Leading Scientists of the World Award - International Biographical Institute Britain - 2012
Bharat Excellence Award - Friendship forum of India - 2012
Inspiring Pillar of India Award - Friendship forum of India - 2012