Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05462
Name : Dr. S. RAVICHANDRAN (Deputed)
Department : ZOOLOGY
Qualification : M.Sc(Zoo),M.Phil(MB),Ph.D(MB),B.Ed.,
Specialization : Parasitology & Carcinology
Date of Birth : 07-05-1971
Date of Joining : 08-10-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
CHIDAMBARAM - 608 001,
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 6266
Ph.D. 132

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 5722-526
Conducted 3-343

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 7-1.7 crore
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
7 23 - - - -

List of Publications - National
7. Ganapathy Rameshkumar , Samuthirapandian Ravichandran and Kanagasabapathy Sivasubramanian, "Secondary microbial infection in carangid fishes due to cymothoid isopod parasites.", National Acadeic Science Letters, Volume 36, Number 6, Mar 2013, pp. 591-593. 2013.
Rameshkumar, G. and S. Ravichandran, "Histopathological changes in the skins and gills of some marine fishes due to parasitic isopod infestation.", Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, Volume 1 74-80, Number (1), Sep 2013, pp. 74-80. 2013.
Rameshkumar, G., S. Ravichandran, K.Sivasubramanian and J.P.Trilles , ". New occurrence of parasitic isopods from Indian fishes.", Journal of Parasitc Disseases, Volume 37, Number 1, Apr 2013, pp. 42-46. 2013.
29. Rameshkumar, G., S. Ravichandran., and J.P.Trilles , "Observation on an isopod parasitizing the edible fish Parastromateus niger in the Parangipettai coast of India.", Journal of Environmental Biology, Volume 33, Number 193, 2012, pp. 191-193. 2012.
42. Ravichandran.S., G. Rameshkumar, and J.P.Trilles, "New records of two parasitic cymothoids from Indian fishes.", Journal of Parasitic Diseases, Volume 35, Number 2, Apr 2011, pp. 232-234. 2011.
Ravichandran. S., G.Rameshkumar and T.Balsubramanian., "Infestation of isopod parasites in commercial marine fishes.", Journal of Parasitic Diseases, Volume 34, Number 2, May 2010, pp. 97-98. 2010.
112. Ravichandran, S., A.J.A. Ranjith Singh and N. Veerappan,, "Parasite induced vibriosis in Chirocentrus dorab off Parangipettai coastal waters..", Current sceince, Volume 80, Number 5, Apr 2001, pp. 101-102. 2001.
List of Publications - International
Karthick Rajan. D; K. Saravanan Kannan Mohan; cSamuthirapandian Ravichandran . , "Purification, characterization and biological functions of metalloprotein isolated from haemolymph of mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775). .", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 164, Number 1, Oct 2020, pp. 3901-3908. 2020.
S. Ravichandran, P. Vigneshwaran & G. Rameshkumar, "A taxonomic review of the fish parasitic isopod family Cymothoidae Leach, 1818 (Crustacea: Isopoda Cymothooidea) of India.", Zootaxa, Volume 4622, Number 1, Jun 2019, pp. 1-99. 2019.
18. Rameshkumar, G. S. Ravichandran and Sartaj Ahmad Allayie , "Study of the functional morphology of mouthparts of parasitic isopods of marine fishes.", Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases., Volume 3, Number 2, Apr 2013, pp. 127-132. 2013.
21. Sharmila Joseph F.R, S. Ravichandran and K. Kumaravel, "Shell disease of Neoepisesarma mederi crabs and its associated secondary infections.", African Journal of Microbiology Research, Volume 7 , Number 15, May 2013, pp. 1389-1396. 2013.
2. Trilles J.P., G. Rameshkumar and S. Ravichandran , "Nerocila species (Crustacea,Isopoda, Cymothoidae) from Indian marine fishes.", Parasitol Research. , Volume 112, Number (3), Feb 2013, pp. 1273-1286. 2013.
Rameshkumar, G. and S. Ravichandran, "Effect of the parasitic isopod, Catoessa boscii (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a buccal cavity parasite of the marine fish, Carangoides malabaricus.", Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, Volume 3118-122, Number 2, Apr 2013, pp. 118-122. 2013.
27. Jean-Paul Trilles, S. Ravichandran and Ganapthy Ramesh Kumar., ". Catoessa boscii (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) parasitc on Carangoides malabaricus (Pisces, Carangidae) from India. Taxonomy and host-parasite relationships. .", Acta Parasitologica, Volume 57 , Number (2), Apr 2012, pp. 179-189. 2012.
33. Sylvester Fredrick, W., S. Ravichandran, "Hemolymph proteins in Marine crustaceans. .", Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Volume 3, Number 1, Mar 2012, pp. 496-502. 2012.
31. Ravichandran, S., R. Kanagalakshmi, F. R. Sharmila Joseph and M.S. Ramya, "Variation in nutritive composition of two commercially important marine fin fishes.", International Journal of Zoological Research, Volume 8, Number 1, Dec 2012, pp. 43-51. 2013,10.3923/ijzr.2012.43.51 DOI:10.393/ijzr.2012. .
30. Kumaravel.L , S. Ravichandran , T. Balasubramanian and Leonard Sonneschein, "Seahorses– A source of traditional medicine.", Natural Product Letters, Volume 26, , Number (24) , Mar 2012, pp. 2330-2334. 2012.
38. Thangaraj Vinuchakkaravarthy, Kaliya Perumal Kumaravel, Samuthirapandian Ravichandran,Devadasan Velmurugan, ". Active compound from the leaves of vitex negundo L. shows anti-inflammatory activity with evidence of inhibition for secretory phospholipase A2 through molecular docking.", Bioinformation , Volume 7, Number (4), Mar 2011, pp. 199-206. 2011.
39. Trilles J.P., S. Ravichandran G. Rameshkumar, "A checklist of the Cymothoidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) recorded from Indian fishes.", . Acta Parasitologica,, Volume 56, Number (4), 2011, pp. 446-459. 2011.
Kanagasabapathy Sivasubramanian, Samuthirapandian Ravichandran, Ganapathy Rameshkumar and Sartaj Ahmed Allayie, "Infestation of Exocoetus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758), a new host of Nerocila exocoeti (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae). .", Scientia Parasitologica. , Volume 12, Number 2, Dec 2011, pp. 99-101. 2011.
4Kumaravel.K, S. Ravichandran and D.Manikodi, "In vitro antimicrobial effect of puffer fish Arothron maculatus against clinical pathogens.", . Chinese journal of natural medicines , Volume 9, Number 6, Apr 2011, pp. 446-449. 2011.
44. Sivasubramanian, K., S. Ravichandran and M. Kumaresan, 2011, ". Preliminary studies for a new antibiotic from the marine mollusk Melo melo (Lightfoot, 1786). .", Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine,, Volume 4, Number (4), May 2011, pp. 310-314. 2011.
47. Ravichandran, S. S. Wahidullah, L. D’Souza and RM. Anbuchezhian, "Antimicrobial activity of marine sponge Clathria indica (Dendy, 1889)..", Russian Journal of Biological Chemistry, , Volume 37 , Number (4), Mar 2011, pp. 428-435. 2011.
49. Sivasubramanian.K, S.Ravichandran and M.Vijayapriya., "Antagonistic activity of marine bacteria Pseudoalteromonas tunicata against microbial pathogens.", African Journal of Microbiology Research., Volume 5 , Number 5, Dec 2011, pp. 562-567. 2011.
50. Rameshkumar, G., S. Ravichandran and J.P.Trilles., "Cymothoidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Indian fishes.", Acta Parasitologica,, Volume 56, Number (1), May 2011, pp. 78-91. 2011.
51. Sylvester Fredrick, W., S. Ravichandran and T. Balasubramanian, "Toxicity of Brachuryan crabs in India.", Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry,, Volume 93 , Number (2), Dec 2011, pp. 406-411. 2011.
Rameshkumar, G. and S. Ravichandran, , "Cymothoa indica (Isopoda; Cymothoidae) and Alitropus typus (Isopoda; Aegidae) on freshwater fish Tilapia mossambica (Cichlidae) in Vellar estuary, Southeast coast of India.", Biotemas,, Volume 23 (3), Number 3, May 2010, pp. 67-70. 2010.
58. Ravichandran. S., Solimabi Wahidulla, Lisette D’Souza and G.Rameshkumar, "Antimicrobial lipids from the hemolymph of brachyuran crabs.", Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. , Volume 162, Number (4)., Sep 2010, pp. 1039-1051. 2010.
76. Ravichandran.S, K.Kumaravel., Kaliyavarthan.G, Rameshkumar.G. , "First record of Eurypanopeus orientalis crab from Indian Coast.", Revista Biotemas, Volume 22 , Number 4, Oct 2009, pp. 247-249. 2009.
Rameshkumar, G., S. Ravichandran, N. Chandrasekar and T.T. Ajithkumar,, "Gut microbiota of crabs in the Vellar estuary, Southeast coast of India.", Microbial ecology in health and disease. , Volume 21, Number (3-4), Dec 2009, pp. 178-182. 2009.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Indian Society of Parasitology - 567