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Computer Science & Engineering
Extension Activities
The department has been involved in various extension activities. Computer training programme was conducted to backward class/most backward class and denotified categories of students with the association of Govt. of Tamilnadu, Computer training programme was conducted to Headmasters of Higher Secondary Schools and free computer training programme was conducted to Tamilnadu Government in-service Police personnel. Computer Training for Tamil Nadu Judicial Academy – Cuddalore district judges and judicial officers from Chidambaram division was given by the department
NSS Activities
Orientation Course for Programme Officer in MADRAS SCHOOL OF
- Blood Donation Camp; Coastal Cleanup Camp; Fire Safety
- Medical Camp; Communal Peace Day Awareness Motor Cycle Rally;
National Integration Camp; Summer Adventure Camp; State level youth
leadership camp; Tree Plantation
- “General Orientation Programme” for NSS volunteers (UNIT 23) of our department has been conducted on 07.02.2018. Dr.Soundarapandian, NSS Co-ordinator inaugurated the Orientation Programme.
- Planting of trees as per AICTE Initiative “One Student One Tree” has been organized by the NSS volunteers of the department on 14.08.2019.
- “Donation of Blood” in Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital (RMMCH) by the NSS volunteers of the department on 11.03.2020.
- “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Awareness Programme” has been organized on 16.03.2020 for the benefit of the students of the department.
Recent Activities
I. Association activities
- Inauguration of Computer Science and Engineering Association (CSEA) and Computer Society of India (CSI) Annamalainagar chapter and Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), Computer Science and Engineering Students’ Chapter was held on 14.08.2019. Mr. A.Balaji, Vice-President of IT, Unum Groups, Tennessee, USA inaugurated the association activities.
- The Computer Science and Engineering Association and Computer Society of India (CSI) conducted various students’ activities such as aptitude and reasoning, web design, technical connection, group discussion, Instruments, singing, Mimicry and Mono Acting, Brain Teaser and current affairs, coding challenge, debugging, technical quiz, debate, speech (T&E), poster design and drawing.
II. Special Lecture
- A special lecture was delivered by our department alumnus Mr. A.Balaji, Vice-President of IT, Unum Groups, Tennessee, USA on 07.08.2019 on the topic of “Current trends in IT”.
- A special lecture was delivered by our department alumnus Mr.M.Arun, Managing Director, Velozion Technologies, Bangalore on 11.11.2019 on the topic of “Recent Trends in Mobile App Development”.
III. International Conference Organised
- An International Conference on “Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ICACIT ’19)” has been organised on 24.09.2019 and 25.09.2019.
IV. Industrial Visit
- Final year and Pre-final year of B.E (CSE) students were taken to Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) Ltd, Neyveli for Industrial visit on 26.09.2019 and 30.09.2019.
V. Skill Development Programme
- The Skill Development Camp in Government Colleges under RUSA Entrepreneur Hubs scheme on topic of “Security Analyst” were conducted at Government Arts College,
C.Mutlur from August 2019 to October 2019.
- The Skill Development Camp in Government Colleges under RUSA Entrepreneur Hubs scheme on topic of “Security Analyst” was conducted at Dr. M.G.R Government Arts and Science College, Kattumannarkoil from 10.02.2020 to 04.03.2020.
VI. Technical Training Programme
- Technical Training Programme on “Blockchain Technology” has been conducted on 23.10.2019 for final year B.E (CSE) students.
- Netsports was conducted for the students on 12-03-2020 and 13-03-2020. Various sports events such as cricket, basket ball, throw ball, kho-kho, kabbadi, foot ball, valley ball, badminton etc.
VIII. IQAC Enabled Workshops / Seminars organized
A Two Day IQAC Enabled National Workshop on “Role of Teachers in Student Support System” has been organized on 15.11.2019 and 16.11.2019.
- IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Series have been organized from 02.03.2020 to 11.03.2020.
i. IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Seminar Series I on “Public Key Cryptography” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held on 2nd March 2020.
ii. IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Seminar Series II on “Computer Architecture” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held on 4th March 2020.
iii. IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Seminar Series III on “Modern Data Base Systems” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held on 6th March 2020.
iv. IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Seminar Series IV on “World Wide Web” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held on 9th March 2020.
v. IQAC Enabled Annamalai University Alumni Association Sponsored Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Seminar Series V on “Deep Neural Networks” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held on 11th March 2020.
Other Activities
- The webinar on “Machine Learning with Python” was conducted online for six days from 22.06.2020 to 27.06.2020. The sessions were handled by experienced Professors from IITs, Annamalai University and from Industry professionals.
- The webinar on “GNS3 Tool” was conducted online for four days from 18.08.2020 to 21.08.2020. The sessions were handled by experienced Professors from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, University of Hyderabad and from Industry professionals.
- AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “Speech and Image Processing using Deep Learning Techniques”was conducted on 03-03-2021 to 09-03-2021[Phase I], 17-03-2021 to 23-03-2021[Phase II], and 30-03-2021 to 05-04-2021[Phase III].
- AICTE-ISTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “IoT and its Applications”was conducted on 30-03-2021 to 05-04-2021 (Phase I), 28-04-2021 to 07-05-2021 (Phase II), and 12-05-2021 to 18-05-2021 (Phase III).
- IQAC Enabled DST PURSE II Sponsored National Workshop on “Public Financial Management System and Emphasis on EAT Module” was conducted on 23rd & 24th April, 2021.
Computer Science and Engineering Association (CSEA) and Computer Society of India (CSI)
- Inauguration of the activities of Computer Science and Engineering Association (CSEA) and Computer Society of India (CSI), Annamalai Chapter for the academic year 2021- 2022 were conducted on 11/10/2021.
- Various technical events such as Technical Quiz, Chain Coding, Web Design, Poster Design, Technical Connection, and Coding have been conducted in the month of March, 2022.
Other Activities
- DST-PURSE II Sponsored National Workshop on “Data Analytics with R Programming” was conducted from 22-09-2021 to 24-09-2021.
- IQAC Enabled DST PURSE II sponsored Two Day International Virtual Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication and Informatics (IVC- CICI’ 21) was conducted on 4th& 5th, October, 2021.
- IQAC Enabled ISTE Approved Online One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Data Science and its Applications (DSA’ 21)” was conducted from 6th December, 2021 to 10th December, 2021.
- UGC Enlightened National Seminar on “Best Practices of Cyber Security” was conducted on 29.10.2021.
Netsports - 2022
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted Netsports on 14/04/2022.Various events such as Cricket, Throw Ball, Basket Ball, Shot Put and different track events like 100mts, 200mts were conducted.
Computer Science and Engineering Association (CSEA) and Computer Society of India (CSI)
- Installation of Office Bearers was organized on 26th August 2022 for motivating students to undertake various roles and responsibilities.
- Compsem’23 was organized on 19th April 2023 at the AUMTEC’71 for motivating students to stand as technically sound profession in the society.
Special Lecture/Workshop Organized
- The Special Lecture on “Deep Learning Techniques” was conducted in Phoenix’99 Hall on 20th and 22nd September 2022.
Netsports - 2023
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted Netsports’23 on 22nd, 23rd February 2023. Various events such as Cricket, Volley ball, Badminton, Throw Ball, Football and different track events like 100mts, 200mts were conducted.
Other Activities
- The Student Development Programme 2023 (Phase – I) on Git & GitHub in Phoenix’99 Hall was conducted on 20th, 21st and 23rd March 2023.
Student Awards
- Ms. R. Madhumitha, a student of B.E. CSE (Data Science) won first prize and Ms. C. Sala, a student of B.E. (CSE) won second prize in speech competition conducted by DMK Engineering Wing at MRK Institute of Technology on 30th September, 2023.
- Ms. R. Madhumitha, a student of B.E. CSE (Data Science) won District first prize in “Speech Competition on Jawaharlal Nehru Birthday Celebration” conducted by District Tamil Development Department at Cuddalore Collector Office on 7th November, 2023.
- Ms. R. Madhumitha, a student of B.E. CSE (Data Science) won first prize in Speech competition conducted by DMK Student Wing at MRK Arts and Science College on 19th November, 2023.
- Ms. R. Madhumitha, a student of B.E. CSE (Data Science) won first prize (Department Level) in “Speech competition on National Energy Conservation Day” at Faculty of Engineering and Technology on 14th December, 2023.
- Ms. J. Amirthavarshini, a student of B.E. CSE won First Prize (Faculty Level) in “Drawing Competition on National Energy Conservation Day” at The Institution of Engineers (India) Neyveli on 14th December, 2023.
- Ms. I. Hemavathi, a student of B.E. CSE (Data Science) won First Prize (Faculty Level) in “English Elocution competition on National Energy Conservation Day” at The Institution of Engineers (India) Neyveli on 14th December, 2023.
- Mr. S. Dharma, a Pre-final year B.E. CSE (AI & ML) student, represented our university at the “Republic Day parade” in Chennai on 26th January, 2024.
- Celebration of Innovation - App Launch Event: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, FEAT, introduced two new apps: STAFF SPHERE and SMART RESERVE, developed by Mr. S. Keerthivasan, Pre-final year B.E. CSE (AI & ML) student which was launched on 23th April, 2024 at the CSE Smart Class Room.
- Newsletter Launch: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering released its new newsletters. Dr. C. Karthikeyan, the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, graced the launch event, marking the debut of the first two issues under the leads of Mr. R. Gowdham, Final year CSE student & Mr. C. Sanjay, Pre-final year B.E. CSE (AI & ML) student and honoring their editorial team on 23th April, 2024 at the CSE Smart Class Room.
Department Activities
- Webinar on “Roadmap to become AR-VR / Metaverse Developer” was conducted on 2nd August, 2023 by Mr. Harshank Parashar, Assistant Sales Director, TechXR Innovations.
- “AIIRF-EDII Entrepreneurship training program” for B.E.(CSE), B.E. CSE (DS), B.E. CSE (AI&ML) 3rd year students was conducted from 14th August, 2023 to 17th August, 2023.
- “Soft Skill Training” for B.E.(CSE), B.E. CSE (DS), B.E. CSE (AI&ML) Final year students on 18th August, 2023 by Dr. C. S. Rathnasabapathy, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University.
- “Institution’s Innovation Council sponsored expert talk on Business Model Canvas” was handled by Mr. Vignesh Thanaselvan, Field Coordinator, Academic Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Programme Hub - Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Tamilnadu (AIEDP Hub - EDII TN) Annamalai University on 29th August, 2023 at GJR Hall, FEAT for the B.E. AIML & Data Science Students.
- Tree Plantation by the Students of CSE on 5th September, 2023 (Teachers day celebration).
- The induction program titled “Availing of various Scholarship Schemes” was held on 14th September, 2023 at AUMTEC Hall for the B.E CSE (Data Science) students and was handled by Dr. T. Deivasigamani, Director of Student Support and Progression, Annamalai University
- The Induction Programme on “Training and Placement Activities of the University” held at Phoenix’99 Hall, Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 15th September, 2023 by Dr. S. Mohan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- “Engineer’s day Celebration” on 15th September, 2023 at Phoenix’99 Hall, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. V. Balasubramanian, Professor and Director, CEMAJOR, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University.
- “Centenary WoW” by Padmashri Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai on September 21th, 2023 (Weekly Online Workshop) at GJR Hall, FEAT.
- “Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program (RYLA)” on 3rd November, 2023 and 4th November, 2023 at GJR Hall, Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
- IoT Project Exhibition: The Department organized an “IoT Project Exhibition” for the school students on 5th January, 2024.
- Pongal Festival was celebrated on 11th January, 2024.
- Association Activities(CSEA, CSI & IE(I)): This year's activities featured research presentations and 23 activities, including both technical and non-technical events. It ran from 26th February to 19th March, 2024, with competitions like a Technical Quiz, Web Design and Coding.
- A Career Guidance session on “Mapping Career Trajectories Encompassing Higher Education Options, Avenues for Entrepreneurship and Job Opportunities in Various Sector” which was handled by Mr. Vignesh Chandrasekaran, Vice President, Barclays Bank, on 4th April, 2024 at PAT Hall.
Special Lectures / Workshops / Symposiums Organized
- Special lecture on “Skills for data analysis and visualization” by Dr. Rm. Chandrasekaran on 10th August, 2023 (GJR HALL).
- A lecture was given by the President of Gandhi Mandram, Chidambaram on the topic of Freedom Movements of India on 19th September, 2023 and 20th September, 2023.
- A Two Day National Level Hands-on Training Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Web Application Development” was conducted on 1st and 2nd September 2023 at Phoenix’99 Hall, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Baskar Senguttuvan Ph.D., AVP-Architecture Cognizant, Chennai delivered the special address.
- “Student Development Programme’24 Phase – I on Resonate & Rise Masterful Resume Blueprint 1.0” at Phoenix’99 Hall by Mr. Meenakshi Sundareswaran Ravichandran, a Full Stack Developer at Amazescodes Pvt. Ltd. on 22nd September 2023.
- “Python Training Workshop” by Tech Club during October - November 2023 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- Hands-on Training Workshop on Python Programming: Our Department’s TechClub and AIIRF conducted a “Hands-on training workshop on Python Programming” for beginners on 12th February, 2024.
- Hands-on Seminar on Data Visualization (Tableau): CSE Department in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers (India), Student Chapter (AMU/CS), organized a three-day seminar on “Data visualization using Tableau” from 14th - 16th February, 2024, at Phoenix'99 Hall. This Seminar was handled by Student speakers Mr. S. Aravind and Mr. R. Kailashwaran.
- Seminar on Agile Project Management on Scrum: A “Seminar on Agile Project Management” focusing specifically on Scrum, was held on 12th March, 2024 and was led by Mrs. B. Shabana.
- Gen AI Workshop: On 14th March, 2024, a lecture on “Generative AI (GenAI)” was held, providing insights into its future impact on the event industry. The lecture was organized by Dr. P. Aruna and conducted by Dr. Rm. Chandrasekaran, highlighted the exciting possibilities of GenAI.
- A technical session on “Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: Impact and Applications Across Industries” handled by Mr. Vimal Prashanth, Vice President, Regulatory Projects, Barclays Bank, on 26th March, 2024 at PAT Hall.
- TechFusion’24: An Intra-department project symposium was hosted at IoT lab by the Department on 26th March, 2024.
National Conference Organized
- A National Conference on “Revolutionizing Computer Engineering: Trends and Technologies” was organized on 22th February, 2024.
NSS Activities
- “NSS Special Camp for Registration of New Voters” by the District Election Officer at Kalaiarangam, FEAT on 8th December, 2023.
- NSS meeting was conducted to sensitize VIKSIT BHARAT@2047: VOICE OF YOUTH at Phoenix’99 Hall on 20th December, 2023.
- NSS Orientation Programme: On 31st January, 2024 the “NSS orientation programme” was held at GJR Hall. Dr. R. K. Kumar, NSS Program Coordinator delivered the Keynote Address.
- Blood Donation Camp: On 15th February, 2024, a Blood Donation Camp was organized by the National Service Scheme (NSS) at Government Cuddalore Medical College and Hospital in Chidambaram.
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Netsports’24, a two-day intra-departmental sports competition, on 8th & 9th February, 2024, at the University Pavilion. The event included various sports, including throwball, kho-kho, cricket, kabaddi, football, volleyball, badminton and athletics.
Industrial Visit
- Pre-final year of B.E (CSE), B.E. CSE(AI&ML) & B.E. CSE(DS) students were taken to Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) Ltd, Neyveli for Industrial visit on 13th March, 2024.
- Compsem’24: An Annual Symposium was held on 28th March, 2024, at AUMTEC’71 to inspire students to become technically proficient professionals in society. Mr. Ranga Venkatesan, senior vice president at Temenos, delivered the Keynote Speech.
Training and Placement Cell Activities
- Pre-final year of B.E (CSE), B.E. CSE(AI&ML) & B.E. CSE(DS) students were taken to Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) Ltd, Neyveli for Industrial visit on 13th March, 2024.
- Profile Building & Personal Branding on Linkedin: A training Programme on “Profile Building and Personal Branding on LinkedIn” handled by Dr. J. Padmanaban, Deputy Director, Directorate of Training, Placement and Entrepreneurship on 12th February, 2024 at Phoenix Hall.
- An Awareness Programme on “Emerging Technologies in Database Management Systems”, handled by Mr. Senthil Ramasamy, Director and Ms. Aruna Kiran, Human Resources Manager, Geo Platinum IT Service Limited, Bangalore, on 4th March, 2024 at Hi-Tech Hall.
- An Awareness Programme on “Guidance for Internship and Job Opportunities for Freshers” which was handled by Mrs. Anu, Human Resources Manager and Ms. Priyadharshini, Team Leader, Velozion Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore, on 24th April, 2024 at Phoenix’99 Hall.
Prize distribution to Madhumitha R, B.E. CSE (Data Science) on on 30th September, 2023 |
Prize distribution to Madhumitha R, B.E. CSE (Data Science) on 7th November, 2023 |
distribution to Madhumitha R, B.E. CSE (Data Science) on 19th November, 2023 |
Prize distribution to Madhumitha R, B.E. CSE (Data Science) on 14th December, 2023 |
Prize distribution to Amirthavarshini J, B.E. CSE on 14th December, 2023 |
Prize distribution to Hemavathi I, B.E. CSE (Data Science) on 14th December, 2023 |
Honouring RDC Dharma Celebration - 26/01/2024 |
Celebration of Innovation: App Launch Event - 23/04/2024 |
Department Newsletter Launch - 23/04/2024 |
“Roadmap to become AR-VR/ Metaverse Developer” - 02/08/2023 |
“Skills for data analysis and visualization” - 10/08/2023 |
AIIRF-EDII Entrepreneurship training program from 14/8/2023 to 17/8/2023 |
Soft skill training - 18/08/2023 |
Expert talk on Business Model Canvas - 29/08/2023 |
Inauguration of CSEA, CSI & IEI Students Chapter - 30/08/2023 |
National Level Workshop on Emerging Trends in Web Application Development was conducted on 1st and 2nd September 2023 |
Tree Plantation - 05/09/2023 (Teachers day celebration) |
The induction program titled Availing of various scholarship schemes - 14th September 2023 |
Training and Placement Activities of the University - 15/09/2023 |
Engineer’s day celebration - 15/09/2023 |
Special lecture on the topic of Freedom Movements of India - 19/09/2023 and 20/09/2023 |
Centenary WoW by Padmashri Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai - September 21, 2023 |
Student Development Programme’24 - 22nd September 2023 |
Python training by Tech Club during October - November 2023 |
Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program (RYLA) - 3/11/2023 and 4/11/2023 |
NSS Special camp for registration of new voters - 08/12/2023 |
VIKSIT BHARAT@2047: VOICE OF YOUTH - 20/12/2023 |
IoT Project Exhibition - 05/01/2024 |
Pongal Celebration - 11/01/2024 |
NSS Orientation Ceremony - 31/01/2024 |
NETSPORT’24 - 08/02/2024 & 09/02/2024 |
Profile Building & Personal Branding on Linkedin - 12/02/2024 |
Python Workshop - 12/02/2024 |
Data Visualization Workshop - 14/02/2024 - 16/02/2024 |
Blood Donation Camp - 15/02/2024 |
National Conference on “Revolutionizing Computer Engineering: Trends and Technologies” - 26/02/2024 |
Emerging Technologies in Database Management Systems - 04/03/2024 |
Seminar on Agile Project Management on Scrum - 12/03/2024 |
Industrial Visit to Neyveli - 13/03/2024 |
GenAI Workshop - 14/03/2024 |
TechFusion’24 - 26/03/2024 |
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: Impact & Applications Across Industries - 26/03/2024
COMPSEM’24 Celebration- 28/03/2024 |
Mapping Career Trajectories Encompassing Higher Education Options - 04/04/2024 |
Guidance for Internship and Job Opportunities for Freshers - 24/04/2024 |
Technical Talk [27th March 2023] |
First Year Lab Equipments Sponsored by Alumini |
The Institution of Engineers(India) |
NDRF Training program [20th February 2023 at GJR hall] |
Technical Connection Competition [9th February 2023] |
IE(I) Members Industrial Visit to NLC Neyveli |
The Institution of Engineers (India) |
Teacher’s Day Celebration [05.09.2022] |
Independence Day Celebration |
Independence Day Celebration |
Opening Ceremony of Deep Learning Lab [2nd August 2022] |
Opening Ceremony of Phoenix’99 Hall [2nd August 2022] |
Annamalai University Manifests Thoughts on Prized Erudite Themes (AUM TO PET) Series |
IQAC Enabled National Workshop on “Role of Teachers in Student Support System (RTSSS’19) |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Awareness Programme |
AICTE Initiative One Student One Tree |
Skill Development Camp at Dr. M.G.R Government Arts and Science College, Kattumannarkoil under RUSA Entrepreneur Hubs |
Special Lecture by Mr.M.Arun, Managing Director, Velozion Technologies, Bangalore |
Inauguration of Association activities (2019-20) |
Skill Development Camp in Government Colleges under RUSA Entrepreneur Hubs |
Inauguration of CSE 94 Hall |
Inauguration of IoT Laboratory |
Training on IoT by Evobi Automations Private Limited, Bangalore |
Special lecture by Mr.Ansel Zandegran, Senior Software Engineer, M/s. Core Architecture Infor, Sweden |
Inauguration of AICTE –ISTE approved STTP on “CYBER SECURITY” |
Special Lecture by Mr.N.Anand Kumar, General Manager, Wipro Technologies, USA |
Receiving Placement Orders |
Students received Placement Orders |
Special class on "Mobile Apps Development" |
Training on "Aptitude Test" |
Workshop on Research Issues on Data Mining Applications (RESI-3) |
NSS Orientation Programme |
Entrepreneur Awareness Camp |
A special lecture on “Mobile Apps Development” by Mr.Arunachalam, Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer, Emporis Pvt Ltd |
Compsem’18 |
Thendral’18 |
Pre Placement Test |
Special lecture by Mr.S.Balachandar, Visa Inc |

Special Lecture by Mr.M.Manickam, CTS |

Online Interactive Session by Mr.S.Kumaravel, M/s. Trans Crescent Water in Dubai |

TeAM (Total e-gov based Administration and Management) |

Basic Computer Training Programme for Police Personnel |

Certificate Distribution by Selvi.N.S.Nisha, ASP, Chidambaram |

PICME online Data entry |

Workshop on Python Programming with IDEs |

Inauguration of CSEA and CSI (2017-18) |
