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Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
- Creative integration of research and learning in the field of Earth Sciences.
- Predicting the behaviour of Earths system to develop the next generation geoscientists.
- Building young minds to address the critical factors for shaping the planet’s future.
- Equipping Geo- student community to explore the availability and utilisation of the various valuable Earth’s resources.
- To engage and participate directly in the excitement of exploring terra incognita.
- To study the whole Earth system, focusing on interactions between the solid earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and on the historical evolution of the Earth system throughout geologic time.
- To explore ongoing terrestrial, marine, and interior Earth processes that are taking place today,
- To aim outstanding unit of the Universal University in every aspect of its pursuit as a contributor of geological education through high quality geo-science program.
- To throw light on the past behaviour and changing properties of our planet over timescales ranging from centuries to billions of years.
- To impart student’s centered, career oriented higher education in a research environment and to set-up collaboration with esteemed institutes for the betterment of our students.
To understand the Earth System Sciences, the department of Geology was initiated in the year 1953, with the aim of propagating knowledge and developing skills for the young budding geologist. The Department was started with three year Bachelor degree programme in Geology during 1953, Master degree in 1969 and Five year Master degree programme in 2002. It is aimed to establish scientifically and an industrially well advanced state, especially in the field of Earth Sciences like geology, geography, environmental management and augment scientific man power build-up in the earth sciences for natural resource management, conservation and preservation. In the year 2000 the department was renamed as Department of Earth Sciences to offer various geosciences program.
Programmes offered
- M.Sc., Geology (5 Year)
- M.Sc., Geology (2 Year)
- Ph.D., Geology / Applied Geology / Geo Informatics
(Full -time, Part-time & External)
Ph.D., Thrust areas
- Petrology, Mineralogy
- Geochemistry
- Sedimentology
- Hydrogeology
- Geospatial Technology
Research Equipments
- Alpha Spectrometer
- Gama Spectrometer
- Magnetometer 3 Axis
- Particle size analyser
- Magnetic susceptibility meter
- Gas Chromatography
- Ion Chromatography
- Spectrophotometer (UV)
- Flame Photometer
- Resistivity meter.
- Digital/Mechanical Sieve Shaker
- High End Petrological Microscope
- High End Ore Microscope
- Palentological Binocular Microscope
- Thin Section cutting mounting and polishing unit.
Highlights of the Department
- Well Equipped Laboratories
1.Petrological Laboratory
2.Mineralogical Laboratory
3. Ore Laboratory
4.Micro Palentological Laboratory.
5. GIS and Image Processing Laboratory
6. Optical Remote Sensing
7. Museum with good collection of fossils , Minerals , ores and Rocks.
8. Core Library.
9. Gemological Laboratory
- Library facilities with 3497 (Text Books), 11 Jourals (National and International) and Complementary Books.
- Geological Maps and Toposheets
- RO Water Purifiers (2Nos.)