Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04258
Name : Dr. R.S. KUMAR
Designation : PROFESSOR & HEAD, DIRECTOR i/c in CIR
Qualification : M.Sc.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Petrology, Geochemistry, Structural Geology, Gemmology & Optical Remote sensing
Date of Birth : 26-04-1971
Date of Joining : 19-07-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
9/5,Gandhi Nagar,
Chidambaram - 608 001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 151
Ph.D. 611

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 52554
Conducted --4-1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 1-7,00,000
Ongoing 2-48,25,000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 28 7 4 3 -

List of Publications - National
Kumar R S., Rajkumar P, Justin K Antony and Asaimani S, "Geological setting of Fe-Ti Mineralization in Kadavur Anorthosite Complex, Tamil Nadu.", Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India, Volume 4, Number 1, Mar 2017, pp. 47-47. 2017.
Rajkumar P., Justin K Antony, Kumar R S., and Sajeev. K, "Metamorphic evolution of Ultra High temperature granulites from south eastern Madurai Block Tamil Nadu India.", Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India, Volume 4, Number 1, Mar 2017, pp. 43-43. 2017.
Vasudevan S, Selvaaganapathy R, Balamurugan P, Ramkumar T and Kumar R S, "Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and water quality in Kodaikanal lake, Tamil Nadu, India.", Lakes, Rivers and Coastal Wetlands, Volume 1, Number 1, 2013, pp. 14-25. 2013.
Prabhakaran R, Arumugam M, Kumar R S and Selvaraj B, "Geological Setting and Physico-Chemical Properties of Uttatur clays, Ariyalur Area, Tamil Nadu.", Mineral Exploration Recent stratigies, Volume 1, Number 1, 2007, pp. 85-90. 2007.
Kumar R S and Aravindhan S, "Ground water Prospective zones in western Doon Valley using Remote sensing and GIS.", Mineral Exploration-Recent Strategies, Volume 1, Number 1, 2007, pp. 235-250. 2007.
List of Publications - International
KUMAR R. S., ASAIMANI S. JUSTINE ANTONY K., RAJKUMAR P. AND ARAN CASTRO A. J., "Petrological Characterization of Residual Quartzites Associated With Kadavur Anorthosite Complex, Tamil Nadu, India.", Clay Research,, Volume 38, Number 2, Jun 2020, pp. 63-74. 2020.
Asaimani S, Kumar R.S, Aran Castro A. J and Justine Antony K, "1. Preliminary Characterization of Multi-deformed Kadavur Structural Complex, Tamil Nadu, .", INFOKARA RESEARCH, Volume 9, Number 3, Mar 2020, pp. 866-875. DOI:16.10089.IR.2020.V9I3.285311.3578.
Venkat Pranesh., S. Balasubramanian., R.S. Kumar., R. Sakthivel., P. Rajkumar, S. Ravikumar,, "Kaolinite flakes and coal fines production in lignite core under ambient conditions: A case study of Neyveli Lignite Field at Cauvery Basin, Southern India..", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 64, Number 1, Feb 2019, pp. 72-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2019.01.023.
P.Rajkumar, R.S.Kumar., and Justine K. Antony., "Field Relation and Lithology of South-Eastern Madurai Block, Tamil Nadu, India,.", Earth Science, Volume 110, Number 110, Sep 2017, pp. 48577-48582. 2017.
P.Rajkumar., R.S.Kumar., and Justine K. Antony, "Petrographic study around Southeastern Madurai Block, part of Thoothukudi District, Tamil Nadu, India,.", International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Volume 3, Number 11, Nov 2017, pp. 457-468. 2017.
M.Bawanhun Mawthoh, R S Kumar, Kannadasan T and Nandhagopal N, "Field relationship and Geochemistry of microgranular enclaves in host rock granites in and around Nalgonda district, India.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 5, Jun 2015, pp. 320-327. 2015.
N. Nandhagopal, R.S.Kumar, T.Kannadasan and M.Bawanhun Mawthoh, "PATH FINDER MINERALS IN LOCATING KIMBERLITE: A CASE STUDY WEST OF MAHABUBNAGAR, TELANGANA, SOUTH INDIA.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 223-230. 2015.
P.Rajkumar., R.S.Kumar., S.Kumarvel. M.Bagyaraj. K.Rajaprian, S.Venkatesan, "A Study on Shoreline Changes in Parts of Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques,.", International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, Volume 1, Number 5, Nov 2015, pp. 330-339. 2015.
N.Nandhagopal, R.S.Kumar, T.Kannadasan and M.Bawanhun Mawthoh, "Inferences from Satellite Images for Locating Kimberlite: Mahabubnagar Area, Telangana, South India.", Elixir Earth Science, Volume 84, Number 1, Jul 2015, pp. 547-553. 2015.
M.Bawanhun Mawthoh, R.S Kumar, T Kannadasan and N.Nandhagopal, "Petrology and Geochemistry of Granites in and Around Nalgonda District, India.", Elixir Earth Science, Volume 84, Number 1, Jul 2015, pp. 539-546. 2015.
T. Jeyavel Raja Kumar, A. Balasubramanian, R. S. Kumar, C. Dushiyanthan, B. Thiruneelakandan, R. Suresh, K. Karthikeyan and D. Davidraju, "Assessment of groundwater potential based on aquifer properties of hard rock terrain in the Chittar–Uppodai watershed, Tamil Nadu, India..", Applied Water Science, Volume 6, Number 6, Jul 2014, pp. 179-186. 10.1007/s13201-014-0216-4.
K. Rajaprian, Kuldeep Singh, M. Vinoth Kumar, R. S. Kumar,, "Metamorphism and deformation of mafic and felsic rocks in Bhavani Shear Zone, Tamilnadu, India.", International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, Volume 2, Number 1, 2014, pp. 13-19. doi: 10.14419/ijag.v2i1.1666.
M Vinoth Kumar, K Rajaprian, Kuldeep Singh and R S Kumar, "Geomorphology and Drainage Pattern of Kadavur Structural Basin, Tamilnadu.", Inventi Impact - Water & Environment, Volume 4, Number 4, Sep 2013, pp. 1-4. 2013.
Kuldeep Singh, K. Rajaprian, M. Vinothkumar and R.S. Kumar, "Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Approach for Lithological Discrimination by ASTER Data – A Case Study of Thenkalmalai and Odhimalai Hills, Tamilnadu, India.", International Journal of Advanced Earth Science and Engineering, Volume 2, Number 1, Sep 2013, pp. 75-83. 2013.
M.VinothKumar, R.S.Kumar, K.Rajaprian and KuldeepSingh, "Geological and Petrological Studies of Pegmatites Rocks of in and Around Kadavur Area, Karur District, Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, Volume 2, Number 3, Jul 2013, pp. 182-191. 2013.
Vinoth Kumar M., Kumar R.S., Rajaprian K. and Singh Kuldeep, "Petrography and Major Geochemical Studies of Anorthosite, Kadavur and Adjoining Area, Tamilnadu, India.", International Research Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 1, Number 5, Oct 2013, pp. 15-22. 2013.
12. M Vinoth Kumar, Kuldeep Singh, K Rajaprian and R.S.Kumar, "Surface Geochemistry of Pichavaram Backwater and Its Envirnonment, Chidambaram Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu.", Inventi Impact - Water & Environment, Volume 2014, Number 1, Jan 2013, pp. 1-5. 2013.
Kuldeep Singh, M. Vinoth Kumar, K. Rajaprian and R. S. Kumar, "Identification of land use and land cover changes in Coastal Zone of Chidambaram Taluk, Tamilnadu with the help of Remote Sensing and GIS technology.", Elixir Remote Sensing , Volume 62, Number 62, Sep 2013, pp. 17626-17629. 2013.
Prabhakaran, Ramasamy and Vasudevan, Sivaprakasam and Ramalingam Senthil, Kumar, "Petrology and geochemistry of mafic dykes from Villupuram district Southern granulite terrain of Tamil Nadu, India.", International Journal of Current Science, Volume 2012, Number 4, Apr 2012, pp. 75-82. 2012.
Subramanian P, Prabhakaran R, Kalaimaran ARA, Kumar R S, and Selvaraj B, "Geological setting and mineralogical Characterization of tertiary clays Of Panruti area, Tamilnadu, India.", International Journal of Development Research, Volume 2, Number 6, Jun 2012, pp. 1012-1018. 2012.
Kumar R S and Kuldeep Singh, "Hyperspectral Remote Sensing approach for lithological and Mineral mapping: A Case study(Moyar Bhavani shear Zone).", Proceedings of 2nd International symposium-2012, Volume 1, Number 1, May 2012, pp. 200-203. 2012.
Subramanian,P., Prabhakaran. R., S.Kumar, R., Ganesan,R., Selvaraj, B and Babu, K, "GROUNDWATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION IN KEERAMANGALAM AREA, ALANGUDI TALUK, PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 3, Number 3, Mar 2012, pp. 137-140. 2012.
P. Subramanian1*, R. Prabhakaran2, K. Babu, S. Chidambaram, R.S. Kumar, B. Selvaraj M. Senthilkumar, K. Srinivasamoorthy, "GROUNDWATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION IN ANDIMADAM AREA, PERAMBALUR DISTRICT, TAMILNADU, INDIA.", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 4, Number 5, May 2012, pp. 168-172. 2012.
B. Selvaraj, R. Prabhakaran and R. S. Kumar, "Geological setting of the Black Granite deposits(Mafic Dykes) in the parts of Villupuram District,Southern Granulitic Terrain,Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 4, Number 5, May 2012, pp. 123-127. 2012.
Jeyavel Raja Kumar, A. Balasubramanian, R.S. Kumar T., Karthikeyan K., Dushiyanthan C. and Davidraju D., "Assessment of Groundwater Quality in a Hardrock Aquifers of Chittar-Uppodai Sub Basin of Tambaraparani River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India..", Global Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2011, pp. 101-115. 2011.
T. Jeyavel Raja Kumar, R. S. Kumar, K. Karthikeyan, C. Dusyanthan and D. Davidraju, "Evaluation of Iron, Phosphate and Nitrate Distribution in Shallow Aquifers of a Hardrock Terrain, Chittar Sub Watershed, Tambaraparani River Basin, Tirunelveli District, Southern India.", The IUP Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 5, Number 4, Oct 2011, pp. 42-53. 2011.
T.Jeyavel Raja Kumar, A.Balasubramanian1, R.S.Kumar, C.Dushiyanthan, K.Karthikeyan2, B.Thiruneelakandan, D.Davidraju3 and K.Manoharan, "Delineation and evaluation of groundwater potential zones using electrical resistivity survey and aquifer performance test in Uppodai of Chittar – Uppodai water shed, Tambaraparani River Basin, Tirunelveli-Thoothukudi Districts, Tamilnadu.", Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, Volume 15, Number 2, Apr 2011, pp. 85-94. 2011.
Arumugam M, Senthil Kumar R (Kumar R S), " Massif-type anorthosite near Ayialur, Dindigul, Anna District, Tamil Nadu, South India.", Current Science, Volume 69, Number 1, Jul 1995, pp. 21-21. 1995.
List of Conferences - National
Kumar R S, Role of Geospatial Technology in Mapping of Mineral deposits , XL Indian Social Science Congress-2016, Dec 19-23, 2016, Department of Studies in Earth Science, Centre for Advanced studies in Precambrian Geology, University of Mysore, Mysuru, pp. 1-4. University of Mysore, Mysuru, Department of Studies in Earth Science, Centre for Advanced studies in Precambrian Geology, .
Kumar R S, Geological setting of Fe-Ti oxide mineralization associated with Kadavur-Mammaniyur Anorthosite complex, Tamilnadu, National Seminar on Utilization of Natural Resources: Prospects and Challenges,, Dec 18-19, 2010, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur Rajasthan, pp. 20-22. Udaipur , Rajasthan, ML Sukhadia University.
Ramasamy V, Kumar R.S., Asaimani S., Senthilmurugan J, Prabhakaran R., and Selvaraj B., Study on Chromites and its relation to evolution of Sittampundi anorthosite complex, Namakkal District, Tamillnadu., National Conference on Recent Trends in Geoscience Research(NACGEO), Mar 5-6, 2010, Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, pp. 4-6. Annamalai Nagar Tamil Nadu, Annamalai University.
Asaimani S, Kumar R.S., Ramasamy V, Senthilmurugan J, Prabhakaran R., and Selvaraj B., Petrological Study of Anorthosite and related rocks of Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, National Conference on Recent Trends in Geoscience Research(NACGEO), Mar 5-6, 2010, Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, pp. 6-7. Annamalai Nagar , Tamil Nadu, Annamalai University.
Mineralogical studies of Tertiary clays of Panruti, Cuddalore District, Mineralogical studies of Tertiary clays of Panruti, Cuddalore District- Using IR spectra analysis, National Conference on Recent Trends in Geoscience Research(NACGEO), Mar 5-6, 2010, Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai Univeristy, pp. 10-10. Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, Annamalai University.
Kumar R S, Balachander V, Prabhakaran R, Selvaraj B, Chidambaram S, Asaimani S and Ramasamy V, Hydrogeological studies of Coastal zone from Triplicane to Tiruvanmiur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, Recent trends in Water researach : hydrogeochemical and Hydrological perspectives, Jan 10-12, 2010, Annamalai University, pp. 19-30. Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, Annamalai University.
Kumar R S, Tsunami vulnrability of Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu-a Geomorphological perspective., National seminar on Sustainable development of Tsunami affected areas., Mar 17-18, 2005, School of Architecture and planning, Anna University, pp. 71-74. Anna University Chennai, School of Architecture and planning, Anna University.
List of Conferences - International
Kumar R S and Kuldeep Singh, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing approach for lithological and mineral mapping-A case study (Moyar Bhavani shear zone), 2nd International symposium-2012, May 25-27, 2012, South Eastern University of Srilanka, pp. 200-202. South Eastern University of Srilanka, Oluvil, South Eastern University of Srilanka, University Park, Oluvil, Srilanka.
Kumar R S, Prabhakaran R, Selvaraj B and Jeyavelrajakumar T, Impact of Tsunami in Tamil nadu, International Conference on Coastal Hazards, Feb 9-11, 2005, Department of Disaster Management, SASTRA Deemed University, pp. 44-45. Tanjavur, SASTRA Deemed University.
Ramasamy Prabhakaran, M.Arumugam, C.Sivalingam and R.Senthilkumar (R S Kumar), Characterization of Upper Gondwana Clay Deposits of Ariyalur area, Tamilnadu, International Symposium on Clays in Relation to Environment and Industry (ISCREI-2000), Jan 13-15, 2000, Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, pp. 59-71. Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, Annamalai University.
Ramasamy Prabhakaran, M.Arumugam, C.Sivalingam and R.Senthilkumar(R S Kumar), Study of Physico-Chemical Properties of Upper Gondwana Clays, Ariyalur area, Tamilnadu, India, International Symposium on Clays in Relation to Environment and Industry (ISCREI-2000), Jan 13-15, 2000, Department of Earth Sciences,Annamalai University, pp. 333-337. Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, Annamalai University.
List of Book Published
Jeyavel Rajakumar T, Kumar R S and Rajendran S, Mineral Exploration: Recent Strategies, New India Publishing Agency, 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, L.S.C. Mkt., Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110088, India: New India Publishing Agency, 81-89422-71-5, pp. 173-180. Apr 2007,
Vasudevan S, Selvaganapathy R, Balamurugan P, Ramkumar T and Kumar R S, Lakes, Rivers and coastal wetlands-Recent Perspectives, New Academy Publishers, 4760-61,23, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi-110002: New Academy Publishers, 978-81-86772-57-7, pp. 14-25. Jul 2013,
Kumar R S., Rajkumar P., Justin K Antony and Asaimani S., Shear Zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India, Dept of Geology, University of Keral, Trivandrum, India: Department Geology, University of Kerala, 978-8-1923-4497-3, pp. 47-47. Mar 2017,
List of Awards
Senior Research Fellowship - UGC-GATE - 1996
Junior Research Fellowship - UGC-GATE - 1994