Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04284
Qualification : B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.
Specialization : Wireless Ad hoc networks
Date of Birth : 13-12-1976
Date of Joining : 22-07-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1618
Ph.D. 00

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 4-2-4
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
- 42 - - - -

List of Publications - International
Sibi Amaran,Dr.R.Madhan Mohan,Dr.R.jebakumar, "Mitigating Energy Hole based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.", Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Number 2, Jun 2021, pp. 569-579. 2021.
Sibi Amaran, Dr.R. Madhan Mohan,Dr.R.Jebakumar , "An Enhanced Energy-Aware Dynamic Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.", in Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology , Volume 25, Number 3, Apr 2021, pp. 614-625. 2021.
Vivek Kulkarnia , Dr. R. Madhan Mohan , Dr. H. Venkateswara Reddy, "Regression test optimization and automation in Agile framework: A Review.", Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education , Volume 12, Number 12, May 2021, pp. 2852-2856. 2021.
R. Veeramani, Dr.R.MadhanMohan , Dr.C.Mahesh, "An Integrated And Cohesive Methodology For Smart Manufacturing Application Based On Cloud, Edge And Fog Computing.", International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 289-294. 2021.
A Emmanuel Peo Mariadas, R Madhanmohan, "Hybrid PSO-DE algorithm-based trust and congestion aware cluster routing algorithm for MANET.", International Journal of Cloud Computing, Volume 9, Number 2, Aug 2020, pp. 330-334. 2020.
Isabella Amali, R. Arunkumar, R. Madhanmohan, "Multiclassified Reduced instance and stochastic gradient descent with Logistic Regression model for customer churn prediction.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 9, Number 4, Feb 2020, pp. 2375-2382. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 7, Number 4, Jul 2019, pp. 465-467. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Vector Trust model routing in MANETs.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 2, May 2019, pp. 811-817. 2019.
R. Veeramani and R. Madhanmohan, ", Minimized Routing delay and Energy consumption oriented routing in MANETs.", International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Volume 4, Number 7, Jul 2019, pp. 48-52. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "A Study on Network Security attacks on ad hoc wireless networks.", International journal of innovative research in technology, Volume 6, Number 1, Jun 2019, pp. 415-419. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Multicasting with quality of service guarantees in Wireless ad hoc networks.", International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation, Volume 4, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 83-87. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "A Study on Ad-Hoc on-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Protocol.", International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume 3, Number 4, May 2019, pp. 1019-1021. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) Protocol.", International Journal of Research, Volume 8, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 1276-1280. 2019.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Finding Mobility on routing in Mobile Ad hoc networks.", International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume 9, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 2061-2065. 2019.
. R.P. Jaia Priyankka, Dr.S. Arivalagan and Dr.R. Madhan Mohan, "An Optimal Histogram based Recommendation System for Fashion Retail E-commerce.", JARDCS, Volume 11, Number 6, Aug 2019, pp. 249-259. 2019.
R. Madhanmohan, A. Emmanuel Peo Mariadas, "A Novel Approach of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) For Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in MANET.", International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, Volume 7, Number 3, Jul 2019, pp. 310-318. 2019.
Sibi Amaran, Dr.R.Madhanmohan, Dr.S.Mohan, "Cooperative receptive sensor network routing protocol for VANETs.", International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 6, Number 7, Jul 2019, pp. 61-67. 2019.
Amaran, Dr.R.Madhanmohan, Dr.R.Arunkumar, "Imperativeness Detection in Remote Sensor Systems.", International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 6, Number 7, Jul 2019, pp. 138-142. 2019.
Sibi Amaran, R. Madhanmohan, P.Sudhakar, "Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Data Aggregation protocols- A Survey.", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume 11, Number 04, May 2019, pp. 900-904. 2019.
A. Emmanuel Peo Mariadas, Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "An Enhanced Proactive Source Routing in Multicasting MANETS.", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development|, Volume 7, Number 8, Oct 2019, pp. 470-475. 2019.
Sibi Amaran, Dr.R. Madhanmohan, R. Veeramani, "Accommodating RECEPTIVE SENSOR NETWORK ROUTING Convention FOR VANETs.", International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 6, Number 11, Nov 2019, pp. 38-44. 2019.
R. Veeramani, Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "Power controlled Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (PC-AODV) Protocol.", International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, Volume 7, Number 3, Jul 2019, pp. 18-22. 2019.
A . Emmanuel Peo Mariadas , Dr. R . Madhanmohan , "The Efficient Power Value Optimization For Node Transmission in MANET.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2019, pp. 89-95. 2019.
A. Emmanuel Peo Mariadoss, Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "The Efficiency of Signals and Residual Power based Optimal Transmission Power Routing for MANET.", International Journal of Scientific Development and Research, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2019, pp. 300-306. 2019.
H. Anwer Basha, Dr. S. Arivalagan, Dr. R. Madhan Mohan, "A State Art Approaches on Data Compression Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks.", Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume 5, Number 11, Nov 2018, pp. 314-326. 2018.
K. Narmada, G.Prabakaran, R.MadhanMohan, "A Study on Lung Nodule Segmentation and Classification using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques.", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume 6, Number 12, Dec 2018, pp. 407-413. 2018.
R. Madhanmohan, Sowmya, "Reduced signal fading and link correlation based routing protocol in VANETs.", International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Volume 3, Number 3, Mar 2017, pp. 890-897. 2017.
A. Emanuel Peo MAariadas, Dr. R. Madhanmohan, "A novel method for determining Link Correlation and Canditate Key in VANETs.", International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2017, pp. 20392-20396. 2017.
R. Madhanmohan, K. Selvakumar, "Energy aware routing in MANETs.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2016, pp. 273-278. 2016.
R Madhanmohan, "AN EFFICIENT POWER CONTROLLED ROUTING IN MANETs.", IJARIIE, Volume 1, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 1083-1088. 2015.
V .Venkatramani, R .Madhanmohan , "Rate Adaptive Video Multicast in Multirate Wireless Networks .", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 249-252. 2014.
R. Madhanmohan, G.Manju, "Assessing the Quality of Tone Mapped Images Based On Structural Similarity.", Computer Science International Journal of Computer Science International Journal of Computer Science International Journal of Computer Sciences ss s and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering , Volume 2, Number 4, Apr 2014, pp. 32-37. 2014.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, K.Manikandan, "Dection of Routing Misbehaviour in MANET.", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY , Volume 3, Number 4, Apr 2014, pp. 4019-4023. 2014.
Dr. R. Madhanmohan, K.Manikandan, "Dection of Routing Misbehaviour in MANET.", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, Mar 2014, pp. 720-724. 2014.
P. Sudharsan, R. Madhanmohan, "Dynamic Beaconing Strategy for Geographic Routing in MANET .", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 244-248. 2014.
R Madhanmohan, K. Parkavi, "Efficient Local Broadcasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Dynamic Approach .", International Journal of Information & Network Security , Volume 2, Number 4, Aug 2013, pp. 285-291. 2013.
R Madhanmohan, K. Parkavi, "A Hybrid Local Broadcast Algorithm in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks using Dynamic Approach.", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, Volume 2, Number 4, Apr 2013, pp. 1467-1471. 2013.
R Madhanmohan, K. Parkavi, "Efficient Local Broadcast Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks using Static and Dynamic Approaches.", International journal of Computer Applications, Volume 62, Number 21, Jan 2013, pp. 19-23. 2013.
R Madhanmohan,Dr.K.Selvakumar, "Power controlled Routing in Wireless ad hoc networks using cross layer approach.", Egyptian Informatics Journal, Elsevier Publications, Volume 1, Number 13, Jun 2012, pp. 95-101. 2012.
R Madhanmohan,Dr.K.Selvakumar, ", An adaptive Power aware routing in MANETs.", Journal of Computing, Volume 4, Number 8, Aug 2012, pp. 121-126. 2012.
R Madhanmohan,Dr.K.Selvakumar, "An adaptive QOS aware routing in MANETs.", International Journal of Advanced research in Computer Science, Volume 3, Number 3, May 2012, pp. 445-449. 2012.
R Madhanmohan,Dr.K.Selvakumar, ", An Energy efficient routing in MANETs using Aggregate interface queue length and node remaining energy.", International journal of Computer Applications, Volume 42, Number 19, Mar 2012, pp. 8-12. 2012.